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  • Stivers Statement on H.R. 8 Vote
    Jan 2, 2013 - The below statement can be attributed to Congressman Steve Stivers (R-OH) regarding the vote last night on H.R. 8. “There was both good and bad in the bill, but in the end I decided to support the legislation because it provided certainty with permanent tax rates. I have made reducing spending a pri... More
  • STIVERS BLOG: December 2012
    Dec 31, 2012 - There is so much negativity today in the news and everywhere we look that it is always nice when we can pause to recognize good things that are happening in our community. I would like to take the opportunity to use this blog to highlight some of the positive events that are happening in Central Ohi... More
  • Stivers Veterans Bills Pass House
    Dec 20, 2012 - WASHINGTON D.C.– Congressman Steve Stivers today announced that two of his veterans bills, the HIRE at Home Act and the TRICARE for Kids Act, were included in the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which passed the House today. The NDAA was passed by a conference committee this week and is e... More

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