Ted Poe

Texas' 2nd District


In January 2009, Congressman Ted Poe was sworn in to serve a third term representing the Second Congressional District of Texas in the United States House of Representatives.

Congressman Poe has taken leadership roles in Washington, DC to advocate on behalf of victims and children and recognized nationally for his efforts to secure our borders and establish a plan for energy independence.

As a matter of first priority after taking office in 2005, Congressman Poe established the bipartisan Victim�s Rights Caucus to advocate on behalf of victims in our nation�s capitol. Serving as the caucus founder and co-chair, Congressman Poe has been pivotal in passing legislation to safeguard our children, such as the Child Predator Act that later became the Adam Walsh Child Safety Act, and to ensure that the needs and issues facing victims of crime are equally represented.

As the leading voice in Washington, DC on border security, Congressman Poe travels regularly to the southern border to meet directly with local law enforcement and residents. Congressman Poe has been instrumental in the fight to free convicted border agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean, as well as Texas Sheriff�s Deputy Gilmer Hernandez and many others in the law enforcement community that have been unjustly prosecuted for actions in the line of duty. As a matter of homeland security, enforcing our immigration laws remains a top priority.

Congressman Poe supports an all-of-the-above approach to ending the United States� dependency on foreign crude oil and natural gas. Congressman Poe has sponsored and co-sponsored numerous pieces of legislation that will allow us to expand domestic drilling, expand refining capacity and invest in legitimate alternative energy sources.

Before serving the 2nd Congressional District, Congressman Poe was a prosecutor and judge for 30 years in Houston, Texas. Judge Poe was known for his creative sentencing of criminals and hard-nosed approach to enforcing the law. Judge Poe garnered national media attention for his �Poetic Justice� punishments � he ordered thieves to carry signs in front of stores from which they stole; commanded sex offenders to place warning signs on their home after serving jail time; and directed murderers to securely place a photo of their victims on the wall of their prison cells reminding them of their crime.

Today, Congressman Poe brings that same no-nonsense style to Congress. As a member of the House Judiciary Committee, Congressman Poe is able to offer his unique perspective and professional experience to the committee membership. In addition, he serves on the House Committee on Foreign Affairs. As a newly elected Congressman, Poe traveled to Iraq to witness the first-ever free Iraqi elections. Congressman Poe has served as a Congressional Delegate to the United Nations and regularly visits with our troops and military leaders on the ground stationed overseas.
Contact Information
DC Office 2412 Rayburn HOB
Washington, DC 20515
Phone (202) 225-6565
Fax (202) 225-5547
Website poe.house.gov
Committee Assignments
Foreign Affairs