Dec 22, 2012

Dear Friends,

It’s hard to believe that it’s almost Christmas.  Whether you’re busy with last-minute shopping, or preparing to visit family or friends, chances are you have a lot on your mind.  I hope that this season gives you the opportunity to slow down, cherish your time with loved ones, and reflect on the many blessings we enjoy in our great nation.

Earlier this year, I visited with New Mexico National Guard troops stationed abroad in the Middle East, and a few weeks ago I was overjoyed to welcome those same troops home, just in time for the holidays.  I want to thank all of our brave men and women for their service, and wish them a merry Christmas and all the best in the New Year.  And, I ask you to remember those families who still have a loved one in foreign fields—a plate of cookies, a card, or a warm meal goes a long way.

Like so many New Mexicans, I am blessed to have the opportunity to celebrate with my family—and we have so much to be thankful for.  But many New Mexicans are facing difficulty this holiday season.  Many find themselves without jobs, or face uncertainty as to what next year might bring.  Please remember those less fortunate this year by giving what you can, volunteering, or welcoming a friend or neighbor into your own traditions. 

Christmas is always a time for me to draw my family close, celebrate old traditions, and enjoy time together.  And, most importantly, it’s a time to celebrate the birth of our Lord and savior.  I hope that for you, this holiday is filled with peace, joy, and truly special moments.

Cynthia and I wish you and your family a very merry Christmas and a blessed New Year.



Steve Pearce