
REINing in Excessive Government Regulations

In 2010, the federal government issued 3,271 new rules and regulations.  That’s roughly 9 rules each and every day.  At a time when we are trying to expand our economy, and get our neighbors back to work, we must have better accountability and transparency in Congress for the regulatory burdens the federal government places on the shoulders of small and medium businesses as they try to steer their way through these trying economic times.

Since January, the House has passed 25 pro-growth jobs bills to ensure we provide an environment for robust economic growth. And today, we take up another measure to protect small businesses and job creators from excessive federal regulations.

The House will vote on the Regulations from the Executive in Need of Scrutiny (REINS) Act. This common-sense legislation will be a check and balance on agencies and unelected bureaucrats who impose costly, excessive, and burdensome new regulations on American job creators. According to the Administration’s own count, more than 200 regulations are in the pipeline right now, each costing the economy $100 million or more. This pro-growth bill allows Congress to act like a Board of Directors that has the ability to ensure that future federal regulations are both cost-effective and necessary. 

*According to the Heritage Foundation, the cost of major new regulations skyrocketed in 2010 to an estimated $26.5 billion.

Not all regulations are negative, they protect the health and safety of our families and communities. But, by ensuring that all regulations with a significant economic impact are approved by Congress we bring forward reform, accountability, and transparency to help grow our economy.  

Watch my floor speech on the REINS Act below:

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