Explore, enjoy and protect the planet

Another Bad Idea From Tim Eyman, I-1033

 Just like another bad reality TV show about runway models, I-1033 is the latest installment from Tim Eyman is something that looks good at first, but gets worse and worse the more you watch.

I-1033, like all of Tim’s initiatives, sounds reasonable. I mean, who doesn’t want to keep government spending under control?

But I-1033 is already a proven failure. It’s modeled on the TABOR initiative that Colorado passed in the 90s, which led to deep cuts to education, the environment, and healthcare. All in all, it did so much damage that the same voters who had passed the law decided to suspend it a few years later. Washington doesn’t need to make the same mistake.

Why Vote? The 2009 Elections and You!

Election season is now in full swing and--in case you hadn’t heard--your vote will matter this fall. At the top of the list is Tim Eyman’s latest bad idea - it seems they just get worse every year I-1033. The only statewide vote this year, this initiative has already been proven a failure in Colorado - a few unhappy years after passing it the very same voters shot it down. This initiative would not only hurt our schools, our environment, and our healthcare system, but would make it much harder for us to emerge from the recession. Vote NO on I-1033. Click here to learn more about why it's important to VOTE this fall!

Let's Move Beyond Coal: Make Washington the FIRST COAL-FREE STATE

Help us to make Washington a coal free state by phasing out the TransAlta coal plant, which is responsible for 20% of our electricity.

The TransAlta coal plant is the largest source of global warming pollution in the state. It's the largest source of toxic mercury pollution, which is especially dangerous to children and future mothers, and is also responsible for haze pollution which destroys the beauty of 12 wilderness areas, including Mt. Rainier.    WE CAN DO BETTER.    We can replace coal with clean, renewable forms of energy like wind, solar and efficiency that will create jobs and reduce global warming.   Washington can be a national leader on clean energy. Over the next several months, we will be turning the heat up on Governor Gregoire, urging her to be a leader in getting us off our dirty coal habit.   We can make Washington coal free, but we can’t do it without your help. Click here to take action to make Washington a coal-free state.

Nation's First Phosphate Ban: Working

"We’re literally leading the nation here in Spokane County, which is pretty amazing if you think about it."
-- Rachael Paschal Osborn, Spokane River coordinator, Sierra Club

 The Spokesman-Review, August 16, 2009 written by Johathan Brunt 

The storyline of the near-ban on phosphorus in dish detergent in Spokane County has focused on scofflaws sneaking Cascade across the state line in a dogged attempt to keep their dishes sparkling.

Washington and Oregon Must Keep Moving Forward to a Clean Energy Future

Northwest Energy Plan Stalled - Press Statement August 13, 2009

On August 12th, the Northwest Power and Conservation Council unexpectedly reached a deadlock and failed to approve their draft Sixth Power Plan which will provide a 20-year electric energy blueprint for the Northwest.  The Sixth Plan will provide a broad baseline of information which all utilities in Washington, Oregon, Idaho and Montana will use to measure their energy plans. Specifically, the plan will provide a five-year mandate of energy conservation targets for the Bonneville Power Administration’s utility customers.  The Plan must provide for a 60-day comment period and public hearings in all four states before final approval in December of this year.

Roadless Forests Win in Court -- Decision Reinstates Most of National Rule Opposed by Bush, Timber Lobbyists

WASHINGTON  -- The Wilderness Society and 19 other environmental organizations notched a huge victory today when the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco affirmed protection for almost 40 million acres of wild national forests and grasslands from new road building, logging, and development. The decision puts an end to the Bush administration’s efforts to open these last great natural areas to development. Today’s ruling protects the majority of national forest roadless areas in the country.

No New Dams in Yakima River Basin

News Release: Wednesday, July 15th, 2009 Contact: David Ortman (Sierra Club): 206-354-2910 (mobile) deortman@msn.com

Sierra Club: No New Dams in Yakima River Basin Yakima - Today the Sierra Club issued a formal statement to state and federal officials that Sierra Club opposes new dams proposed for the Yakima River Basin as environmentally damaging and not cost effective. This was the second meeting of the Yakima River Basin Water Enhancement Project 2009 Work Group.

"Sierra Club opposes expanding the dam at Bumping Lake adjacent to the William O. Douglas Wilderness," said David Ortman representing Sierra Club and a long time environmental advocate in the Pacific Northwest. "The Bureau of Reclamation dropped the Bumping Lake Enlargement from its December 2008 Yakima Water Storage Feasibility Final Report. This report also confirmed that the proposed Black Rock Dam and Wymer Dam are huge money losers for taxpayers. In the face of climate change, the future of water for irrigators is conservation, water markets, and improved efficiencies."  Yakima River Basin's water future

Gray Wolves Returning to Washington State Need Your Help

by Mauricio Austin 

They're back and they need a leg up!  Anti-wolf forces in the Evergreen state are working to deny or limit protections for gray wolves. This is because wolves have recently begun migrating into Washington from Idaho and Canada. For the first time in 7 decades, the endangered species has been discovered to be denning in our state.

In the Methow Valley, in north central Washington, state wildlife biologists conducted a howling survey and heard both adult and pup howls in response. Two adults were identified and radio-collared, and genetic tests confirmed wild blood lines likely originating from British Columbia-Alberta populations. On July 20, 2008, remote motion-sensor camera checks revealed photographs of six pups with a collared adult.


Maybe you've already changed all your incandescent light bulbs to compact fluorescents. And this past winter you turned down the thermostat by 2 degrees. You're saving energy and money, and reducing your carbon footprint. But we all need to go the extra mile to wrangle the climate-change challenge and create a clean energy future.

The coolest thing is: We've got what we need - the technology and "can do" spirit. Click here for information that could help you kick it up a notch in your home when it comes to energy savings and reducing your carbon footprint:

About the Cascade Chapter

The Sierra Club is the nation's oldest, largest, and most influential grassroots environmental organization. The Cascade Chapter is its voice for most of Washington State. Our members are some 30,000 of your friends and neighbors. Inspired by nature, we work together to protect our communities and the planet.

For more news reports from the Cascade Chapter click here and scroll down the page.