About the MRC Action Team

the MRC Action
Help stop the lies, half-truths, and propaganda of the liberal media!

For years, the liberal media have been able to mislead and deceive us with their biased brand of news reporting. The time has come for citizens like you to rise up and demand the media be held responsible for its bias!

The Media Research Center launched the MRC Action Team to give concerned citizens a platform to help usher in a new era of responsibility and truth in reporting. In just a few years, we have grown to over 500,000 members.

Headed by media expert Brent Bozell, the Media Research Center is America’s leading media watchdog group. Every day, MRC staffers painstakingly chronicle the media’s bias. By joining the MRC Action Team you will be joining a grassroots army that is holding the media accountable.

  Current MRC Action Team Initiaves Past MRC Action Team Efforts

Demand the Media "Tell the Truth!" About Government-Run Health Care

MRCAction Team Called to Action!

Journalistic objectivity doesn't exist as the liberal media join forces with President Obama to sell the nation on government-run health care. The MRC rejects this statist push, and is rallying and mobilizing citizens to demand the media report the real truth about "ObamaCare." Please sign the petition today by clicking on the link below:

Sign our petition demanding balanced coverage.

Fight the New Threats to Silence the Right

MRCAction Team Called to Action!

A new move is underway to expand censorship to the internet and beyond. Using FCC regulations like "localism" and "media diversity" liberals are angling to decide what you can and can't listen to. The MRC rejects this latest government ploy to silence conservative talk and is urging citizens to take action by clicking below:

Sign our petition to defend free speech.


  • 83,070 petitions sent to ABC News president David Westin, demanding the media tell the truth and air opposing views about ObamaCare.
  • Week long Free Speech "Blitz of Congress" results in more than 700,000 grassroots contacts on Capitol Hill.
  • 438,886 petitions delivered to Senate commerce Committee demanding tough censorship questions be asked of FCC Chairman nominee Julius Genachowski.
  • ABC’s two-hour primetime ObamaCare infomercial draws thousands of MRC Action team calls, demanding balance.


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