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Rob Wittman - Montross, VA

Rob Wittman
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  1. Have a question on the issues, or a comment to share with Rob? He'll be on Twitter later today to listen to your thoughts and ideas, and to answer your questions in a live Q&A. Watch here for updates, or send him a tweet now:
  2. Recent Posts by Others on Rob WittmanSee All
    • The problem with the president's proposals is that they simply won't work. The science, the evidence, the facts are against him. We can talk all day about second amendment and freedoms, but why bother going down that road? First and foremost Rob should reject the president's proposals because they simply won't work. Rob, please stand up to the mob caught up in a furor. When tragedies happen folks stop thinking, but it's Congress's job to be the voice of reason.
      4 hours ago
    • Gary Donaldson
       I will refuse to answer one way or the other as to if there are firearms in our home as the POTUS is proposing. It is no one's business except mine as to the contents of our home. Case in point in NY with the publishing of this information by their local newspaper. If this means I will be denied Obamacare, then so be it.
      1 · 4 hours ago
    • Gary Donaldson
       Hmm, but it is okay for the Taliban to take our soldiers hostage, behead them, and drag their bodies through the streets. Tell me what I am missing here. 'UPDATE: Marine faces court martial for urinating on Taliban corpses...'
      5 hours ago
    • How many more kids? How many more teachers? How many more elderly? How many more innocent people must die before congress votes to support the proposed gun/ weapon reforms? I would love to know exactly where you stand in regard to this issue. Please make a public statement of your position.
      21 · 10 hours ago
    • Please make Virginians proud and vote for all of the Presidents reccommendations on gun control. I do not believe our forefathers had the guns of today in mind when the second amendment was written. Please remember all of the lives lost by these types of weapons and support should be easier.
      1 · 13 hours ago
  3. Speaking to the press after meeting with Virginia colleagues and local officials on FBI headquarters relocation to Virginia. (January 2013)
    Photo: Speaking to the press after meeting with Virginia colleagues and local officials on FBI headquarters relocation to Virginia. (January 2013)
  4. Just finished meeting with Virginia colleagues and local officials on FBI headquarters relocation to Virginia. (January 2013)
    Photo: Just finished meeting with Virginia colleagues and local officials on FBI headquarters relocation to Virginia. (January 2013)
  5. I am humbled to serve all of you as the representative of the First District of Virginia in the 113th Congress, which officially began today. There are many challenges facing our nation, and they require responsible leadership. I am fully c...ommitted to pursuing a course of rational, commonsense governing here in the House of Representatives. Thank you all for your input and ideas during 2012, and I hope that you’ll continue to keep in touch here on Facebook during 2013. Happy New Year!
    See More
  6. Rob recently participated in an event at Quantico to highlight the Virginia DMV’s new Troops to Trucks program. He is pictured here with Richard Holcomb, Commissioner Virginia DMV; Major General James A. Kessler, Commander, Marine Corps Installations Command/Assistant Deputy Commandant for Installations and Logistics; and Colonel David Maxwell, Commander, Marine Corps Base Quantico. (December 2012)
    Photo: Rob recently participated in an event at Quantico to highlight the Virginia DMV’s new Troops to Trucks program. He is pictured here with Richard Holcomb, Commissioner Virginia DMV; Major General James A. Kessler, Commander, Marine Corps Installations Command/Assistant Deputy Commandant for Installations and Logistics; and Colonel David Maxwell, Commander, Marine Corps Base Quantico. (December 2012)

Earlier in January

Earlier in December

Earlier in 2012