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Rep. George Miller

Rep. George Miller
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  1. House Democrats are holding another hearing today on sensible ways to keep powerful guns away from dangerous people. As that happens, I want to share the results of last week's survey on President Obama's plan to reduce gun violence. Thank you to everyone who participated, I truly value your input.
    Photo: House Democrats are holding another hearing today on sensible ways to keep powerful guns away from dangerous people. As that happens, I want to share the results of last week's survey on President Obama's plan to reduce gun violence. Thank you to everyone who participated, I truly value your input.
  2. Recent Posts by Others on Rep. George MillerSee All
    • Debra Vinson
       Debra posted a photo.
      11 · 2 hours ago
    • Debra Vinson
       Debra posted a photo.
      3 hours ago
    • Debra Vinson
       Debra posted a photo.
      1 · 3 hours ago
    • Debra Vinson
       Debra posted a photo.
      1 · 3 hours ago
    • Rolland Rice
       Rep MIller, when can we expect prosecution of those responsible for the collapse of our economy? It seems to me that the SEC has made a tremendous mistake.
      15 hours ago
  3. Thank you Eric and Evan for sharing your photo! Congratulations to Evan again on his raffle win.
    Thanks for the tickets and for picking my son's name in the raffle. My mom, son, and I were THERE! Please allow me to be the first name on your waiting list for 2017.
    Photo: Thanks for the tickets and for picking my son's name in the raffle. My mom, son, and I were THERE! Please allow me to be the first name on your waiting list for 2017.
  4. Great photos Eric! Thank you for sharing them with us.
    Thank you so much for Orange section tickets to the inauguration. I was one of the 1st 10 people in line and spent my day with new friends from around the world who embraced me and my rainbow flag as if I were family. For the first time in American History a President spoke directly to the LGBT community in an Inaugural Address and I was there! Thank you and your entire office, including Amy Peake, for this once in a lifetime opportunity.
    Photo: Thank you so much for Orange section tickets to the inauguration. I was one of the 1st 10 people in line and spent my day with new friends from around the world who embraced me and my rainbow flag as if I were family. For the first time in American History a President spoke directly to the LGBT community in an Inaugural Address and I was there! Thank you and your entire office, including Amy Peake, for this once in a lifetime opportunity.
  5. Inauguration 2013 (12 photos)
    My photos from Inauguration Day 2013 and the ceremonial swearing in of President Barack Obama. — at Capitol Hill, Washington, D.C.
  6. "We, the people, declare today that the most evident of truths – that all of us are created equal – is the star that guides us still; just as it guided our forebears through Seneca Falls, and Selma, and Stonewall; just as it guided all thos...e men and women, sung and unsung, who left footprints along this great Mall, to hear a preacher say that we cannot walk alone; to hear a King proclaim that our individual freedom is inextricably bound to the freedom of every soul on Earth." -- President Barack ObamaSee More
    Photo: "We, the people, declare today that the most evident of truths – that all of us are created equal – is the star that guides us still; just as it guided our forebears through Seneca Falls, and Selma, and Stonewall; just as it guided all those men and women, sung and unsung, who left footprints along this great Mall, to hear a preacher say that we cannot walk alone; to hear a King proclaim that our individual freedom is inextricably bound to the freedom of every soul on Earth." -- President Barack Obama
  7. Congratulations to all the lottery and raffle winners headed to Washington, DC to take part in President Obama's inauguration! Your enthusiasm has been truly inspiring. I'm glad to be sharing this historic event with you.
    Photo: Congratulations to all the lottery and raffle winners headed to Washington, DC to take part in President Obama's inauguration! Your enthusiasm has been truly inspiring. I'm glad to be sharing this historic event with you.
  8. House Democrats held a hearing today to discuss options to keep our constituents, our families, and our children free from the threat of gun violence in their homes, schools, and neighborhoods.

    I'm interested in your opinion too. Take my survey on preventing gun violence here:
    Photo: House Democrats held a hearing today to discuss options to keep our constituents, our families, and our children free from the threat of gun violence in their homes, schools, and neighborhoods.

I'm interested in your opinion too. Take my survey on preventing gun violence here:
  9. Today, the President put forth a comprehensive plan to reduce gun violence in the United States and in our schools. I support his efforts, and think Congress should move quickly to pass it.

    But what do you think? I’d like to know. Take my survey here:
  10. The Daily Show may be funny, but this is no laughing matter—no bank should be “too big to jail.” Read my letter to the Justice Department at What do you think?
  11. Whew - glad to see AIG shamed into dropping consideration of their frivolous lawsuit against the US Government. They should focus on rebuilding trust with American taxpayers instead.
  12. VIDEO: First day of congress and I'm pushing for every state to have early voting and ensure no one has to wait in line more than one hour to vote. The GOP voted it down but I plan to keep fighting to protect and defend the right of all Americans to vote. Watch and SHARE if you agree.
  13. Today I took the oath of office on the House Floor and reiterated my promise to strengthen and grow the middle class. A strong middle class means a strong America. This is a message I plan to remind my Republican colleagues, above, every day.

    LIKE or SHARE if you agree.

    Photo credit J. Scott Applewhite / AP.
    Photo: Today I took the oath of office on the House Floor and reiterated my promise to strengthen and grow the middle class. A strong middle class means a strong America.  This is a message I plan to remind my Republican colleagues, above, every day.

LIKE or SHARE if you agree.

Photo credit J. Scott Applewhite / AP.
  14. Tonight in Congress the important art of compromise was revived, an art that had been stifled since the Tea Party took over the House two years ago. I voted for the bi-partisan compromise fiscal cliff agreement to prevent a tax hike on the middle class, to increase tax rates on the wealthiest, and to continue unemployment insurance, tax credits for low-income families and small businesses, and investments in renewable energy. Not a perfect deal, clearly, but a solid agreement that paves the way for important, although, difficult decisions in the next few months ahead.

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