Eric Cantor

Virginia's 7th District

Leader Cantor: The House Is Taking Concrete Action To Avoid The Fiscal Cliff

December 20, 2012 Press Conference On Spending Reduction Act of 2012 December 20, 2012 "Today, I am proud to sponsor the Spending Reduction Act, which replaces the sequester in the first year with responsible cuts that protect our national security and adds an approximate $200 billion in additional savings for deficit reduction. "The bill is designed to stop fraud, to eliminate waste and frankly, to replace the sequester that is indiscriminate in its cut. Again, the bill is aimed trying to protect national security, but also to drive towards the underlying issue facing this country, which is the mounting deficit and load of debt that we are going to leave this generation and the next. "We are committed in the House, as you know, to address the underlying problem which is the spending. That's why we are bringing this bill forward. Together with our vote today to extend permanent tax relief for the middle class, and small businesses, we House Republicans have taken concrete action to avoid the fiscal cliff. "Absent a balanced offer from the President, this our nation's best option and Senate Democrats should take up both of these measures immediately. The President has a decision to make. He can support these measures or be responsible for reckless spending and the largest tax hike in American history." ### Majority Leader Eric Cantor is a results-oriented leader in Congress who supports innovative solutions for free markets, economic growth, job creation and national security.