Leader Cantor Introduces Rules Package For 113th Congress

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor introduced H.Res 5, the House Republican Rules Package for the newly-convened 113th Congress:

This rules package is straightforward and builds upon the reforms and transparency implemented in the 112th Congress to address job creation and the economy, control the growth of government and limit wasteful spending.

Following is the full text of Leader Cantor's remarks:

“Madam Speaker, it is a privilege to sponsor House Resolution 5, the rules package for the 113th Congress.

“This rules package is straightforward and builds upon the reforms and transparency implemented in the 112th Congress to address job creation and the economy, control the growth of government and limit wasteful spending.

“We have incorporated a number of significant improvements including a proposal from Chairman of the Republican Policy Committee, James Lankford, the gentleman from Oklahoma, to identify duplicative programs and examine the usefulness of existing government programs.

“This will help ensure that hardworking taxpayer dollars are not wasted and that we remain focused on making the federal government smarter and more efficient.

“Similarly, two proposals from the gentleman from Michigan, Congressman Justin Amash, will improve transparency of the legislative process by making it easier to see how proposed legislation would interact with existing law.

“Additional proposals from the Republican Study Committee Chairman, Steve Scalise, the gentleman from Louisiana, will help bring more transparency to the regulatory process.

“American families and small businessmen and women already suffer from too much red tape coming out of Washington. This proposal will ensure that the regulatory burden of any proposed bill is part of our deliberations.

“Under the current Administration, we have also seen an explosion in the spending for welfare programs. For the first time, we will require our annual budget resolutions include information about the growth of means-tested and non-means tested entitlement programs.

“This important reform will allow us to begin to responsibly control the growth of these welfare programs and ensure they can help those who need them most.

“I look forward to a productive 113th Congress where we can work together to produce results and make life work for more Americans.

"I yield back to the distinguished gentleman from Texas, the incoming Chairman of the Rules Committee, Pete Sessions.”

2013 House Calendar