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Record Underemployment Devastates American Workers
Posted by on October 19, 2010
On October 8, 2010, the Bureau of Labor Statics (BLS) reported that 95,000 jobs were lost in the month of September and the unemployment rate held at 9.6 percent.  Though heartbreakingly high, the unemployment rate alone does not fully illustrate the true turmoil in the U.S. job market.  Millions of Americans have jobs, but are struggling to get by each week because economic uncertainty has left employers hesitant to offer full time work.  Millions of others want to work, but have become discouraged and have stopped actively searching.  In either case, these 12 million people are not counted when the government calculates the number of “unemployed” Americans.   As a result of rampant underemployment, 41.8 million Americans now depend on the government to put food on their family’s table—more than the entire population of Spain and nearly three times the number of people who are officially unemployed.  To assess the true depths of the failure of the Democrats’ economic policies, the impact of record underemployment must be accounted for. To read more click here.

The opinions expressed below are those of their respective authors and do not necessarily represent those of this office.
  • 10/20/10 08/31/10 False
    Doster, R from Brunswick commented on 10/20/2010
    I just want to know what your plans are Mr. Kingston? How do you and your party plan on fixing things? I understand everyone talking points, I would like to see the real details, I'm sick of hearing what needs to be done from both parties. Someone needs to stand up and get in the faces of those who have other things/bills to do/pass and try to get everyone to concentrate on jobs, jobs, jobs.......Everyone talks about it, but nobody has done anything about it, just a lot of talk.
  • 10/23/10 08/31/10 False
    Brad from Brunswick commented on 10/23/2010
    Politics have not changed over the last 200 years. Promises and no real delivery. The best thing our Congress can do is get out of the private sectors way. Our economic mess comes from what the public sector forced on the private sector over many years not just the last two. Republicans and Democrats alike are the problem. You can walk into any government office at any level and see inefficiency. Private sector is award on performance and the public sector should be no different. Why did the public sector take a pay increase during such poor economic times? Private sector funds their own retirement and medical accounts. Why do we the tax payer fund the public sector accounts. If you reform of all the government worker entitlements to mirror the private sector and fix the current Medicare system you won half the battle. Congress should be rewarded on performance and not privilege. Set goals, reform tort laws, control costs and generate revenue. Be leaders not leaches.
  • 10/24/10 08/31/10 False
    Nelson from Savannah commented on 10/24/2010
    Seems pretty simple. Jobs are NOT created by the government, but by private industry and companies. The government simply needs to get out of the way - cut the red tape, paperwork and regulations; free up credit; stop subsidizing unproductive people and activities and reduce the legalized robbery (taxes) of the profits from hard work and investment. Then sit back and watch!
  • 11/05/10 08/31/10 False
    Craig from St. Simons Island commented on 11/5/2010
    The proof is in the pudding... keep doing the fine job that you and your associates have done and in 2 more years, we can have 19.9 % unemployment.
  • 11/05/10 08/31/10 False
    Joan from Brunswick commented on 11/5/2010
    I agree with Donald Trump.Put a 25% excise tax on imports from China and all the other countries. Bring manufacturing back to the USA and create lots of jobs. Finding things made in the USA is rare indeed!!!!
  • 11/28/10 08/31/10 False
    aquamrine earrrings from City commented on 11/28/2010
    Well i agrre with joan and donald,it well really help our country to be more productive and it will lessen the unemployed society.
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