Congressman Michael Turner | Proudly Serving Ohio's 10th District


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My Floor Speech Regarding the NDAA
Dec 23, 2010  - My speech on the floor of the house about the National Defense Authorization Act and they way it was pushed through the House of Representatives. Watch

Speaking on the House floor about the funding necessary to maintain nuclear weapons and facilities.
Dec 13, 2010  - Speaking on the House floor about the importance of funding necessary to maintain our nuclear weapons and facilities. This funding is currently being held up by the Democrats pending ratification of the START treaty. Watch

Rep. Turner on FoxNews to Discuss North Korea
Nov 24, 2010  - Last night I was interviewed on FoxNews about the extremely concerning developments surrounding North and South Korea. This situation shows us all why our national security must always be a top priority. With the current threats we face from Iran and North Korea and also from terrorist groups around... Watch

AFCEA InfoTech Conference Greeting
Oct 20, 2010  - Greeting the attendees at the Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association InfoTech conference held in Dayton. Watch

Speaking about Increased Taxes Due to Health Care Reform
Oct 4, 2010  - Speaking on the House floor about the increased taxes on businesses which will come as a result of Health Care Reform. Watch

Mike Turner talks about NASIC jobs win
Oct 1, 2010  - My video interview with the Dayton Daily News about my meeting with the director of the Defense Intelligence Agency where I was assured that no intelligence jobs or missions will be moved from Wright-Patterson Air Force Base to Alabama. Watch

Speaking to the Dayton Mortgage Bankers Association about the HAMP
Sep 21, 2010  - Speaking to the Dayton Mortgage Bankers Association about the problems I see with the Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP). Watch

Speaking to the Butler Township Chamber of Commerce
Aug 25, 2010  - My comments to the Butler Township Chamber of Commerce on voting against the latest government bailout-this time bailing out state and local governments. Watch

My recent visit Greenfield and Hillsboro in Highland County.
Aug 20, 2010  - A TimesGazette video report on my recent visit Greenfield and Hillsboro in Highland County. Watch

Turner speaks on GM-Moraine plant
Aug 6, 2010  - Video from the Dayton Daily News of my press conference discussing the Moraine GM plant. Watch

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