Ed McDonald 202.225.3065

ACU says Coble is a lifetime conservative

Washington, May 17 -

        (Washington, D.C.)----One of the nation’s leading conservative watchdog groups has honored U.S. Rep. Howard Coble (R-NC) with its annual award for his conservative voting record.  The American Conservative Union (ACU) also noted that Congressman Coble has achieved a lifetime rating matched by few others.

          The American Conservative Union in handing out its 2011 ratings for the first session of the 112th Congress, presented Rep. Coble with its prestigious “ACU Conservative Award” for compiling a voting of record of at least 80%.  Congressman Coble’s actual rating for 2011 was 87.5%.

          ACU Chairman Al Cardenas said Rep. Coble’s award is even more significant than just a one-year wonder.  “The ACU Conservative Award is a reflection of Representative Howard Coble’s consistent support of conservative principles on a wide range of issues of concern to grassroots conservatives in 2011.” Cardenas noted.  “His lifetime rating of “90” over 27 years of service is one of the highest in the Congress over that period of time. At a time when the fundamental principles of the American system of government are being challenged, Representative Howard Coble stands with those who are trying to preserve those principles.”

          Rep. Coble said he was honored to the recognized again by the ACU.  “The American Conservative Union realizes that I was a conservative before being a conservative was cool,” the 6th District representative noted.  “I said I was going to bring a sharp pencil to Washington to mark out wasteful government spending, and I have been doing that for 27 years.  I appreciate the fact that the ACU has honored me for keeping that pencil sharp and remaining true to my conservative political philosophy.”