Tag: National Security

The House of Representatives will vote today on two measures to shield families and small businesses from the looming “fiscal cliff” by cutting spending and protecting millions from tax hikes.

December 20, 2012

President Obama claimed last night that the defense ‘sequester’ “is not something that I've proposed. It is something that Congress has proposed.” Veteran journalist Bob Woodward says otherwise.

October 23, 2012

Two years later, the GOP has kept its Pledge – but the fight continues in Democratic-controlled Washington.

September 20, 2012

U.S. Rep. and Retired Army Lieutenant Colonel Allen West (R-FL) “uses the Republican address to lay into the president for the cuts West says will mean ‘serious consequences for our nation's security,’” according to ABC News Radio.

September 15, 2012

If you’re following the debate over the Obama ‘sequester,’ here are 10 facts you need to know:

September 11, 2012

The Obama administration is not only ignoring a deadline for detailing the impact of its ‘sequester’ defense cuts, POLITICO reports it was in fact the White House who first proposed the ‘sequester’ – a plan they devised because the president didn’t want to deal with another debt limit debate before his re-election campaign.

September 7, 2012

Last month, President Obama signed the Sequestration Transparency Act (H.R. 5872) – legislation giving him 30 days to outline how he would implement the ‘sequester’ defense cuts that Democrats insisted upon in the Budget Control Act.

September 6, 2012

Answering only “ridiculous questions,” pursuing higher taxes, and protecting unpopular laws like ObamaCare (that hurt Medicare and make it harder for small businesses to hire) shows Democrats aren’t serious about jobs or our economy. Republicans, meanwhile, are on offense and offering real solutions...

August 17, 2012

“The president insisted on these irresponsible cuts, promising to work in a bipartisan way, so that they would never, ever threaten our national security. ... Only Republicans have addressed the threat to our national security by passing responsible legislation to replace these defense cuts with responsible savings and reforms.”

August 7, 2012

At a weekly press briefing today, Speaker Boehner highlighted the newly-released list of 88 economists supporting the bipartisan effort to stop the small business tax hike that threatens jobs and the economy.

August 2, 2012


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