Speaker Boehner Praises Signing of Job-Creating Trade Bills, Components of GOP Jobs Plan

House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) released the following statement after the president signed into law job-creating free trade agreements with the nations of Colombia, Panama, and South Korea. All three deals were originated by the previous administration and included in the GOP Plan for America’s Job Creators:

“Years of perseverance have been rewarded today as American job creators will have new opportunities to expand and hire as they access new markets abroad. While this day took too long to come, manufacturers, farmers, and small businesses can now be more competitive in the global marketplace. By boosting American exports, these agreements – part of the Republican jobs plan – help the private sector put Americans back to work. These bills show that there is common ground to be found to help the American people. Our focus today must be pursuing these areas of agreement, not highlighting our differences. That’s why today we renew our offer to work with the President to enact bipartisan solutions that will support immediate and lasting private sector job creation.”