Speaker Boehner Praises House Passage of REINS Act to Address Excessive Regulations that Hurt Job Growth

House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) released the following statement today after the House passed the Regulations from the Executive in Need of Scrutiny (REINS) Act (H.R. 10), Pledge to America legislation that requires Congress to approve new regulations that could hurt job growth:

“Job creators, big and small, continue to struggle in our economy – and needless red tape and excessive government regulations aren’t helping. Instead of allowing unaccountable bureaucrats to issue new rules that hurt job growth, the REINS Act requires elected lawmakers to approve any new government regulation with a major impact on our economy before it can be imposed on families and small businesses. This simple but critical reform was a key part of Republicans’ Pledge to America; it will dramatically improve transparency and accountability in the regulatory process, and will help create a better environment for private-sector job growth.

“I want to thank Rep. Geoff Davis, Chairman Lamar Smith, and Chairman David Dreier for their tireless work on behalf of the small businesses hurt by excessive regulations. And I hope Senate Democrats will take this common-sense jobs bill – which gives the American people a stronger voice in their government – and put it to an immediate vote.”

NOTE: The House has now passed 26 jobs bills that are awaiting a vote in the Democratic-controlled Senate. Learn more and find a full list of these bills at jobs.GOP.gov.