Keeping the Pledge: Repeal of Small Business Paperwork Mandate Is Good News for Job Creators

It’s been called “one of Washington’s dumbest ideas,” and now it is no more.  H.R. 4, Pledge to America legislation repealing ObamaCare’s 1099 paperwork mandate became the law of the land yesterday.  The 1099 mandate has been a prime source of uncertainty for small businesses trying to grapple with the maze of fees, mandates, and tax hikes in the $2.6 trillion health care law.  “A vast new paperwork and accounting burden for 30 million businesses,” the 1099 mandate would have “hit start-ups hardest, not to mention farms, charities and churches.” 

Repealing the 1099 mandate is part of the Pledge’s common-sense plan to help end uncertainty for small businesses so they can begin hiring again.  Chairman Paul Ryan’s (R-WI) “Path to Prosperity” budget – which the House will vote on today – permanently stops all job-crushing tax hikes, and Rep. Geoff Davis’ (R-KY) REINS Act would help rein in costly regulations that are stifling job creation.   

These are all steps in keeping the Pledge, and examples of the new House majority’s focus on liberating our economy from the shackles of debt, excessive regulation, and overtaxation so small businesses can get back to doing what they do best, which is creating jobs.  Visit the Pledge to America on Facebook to stay up to date on all the latest.  To have your say about America’s looming spending and debt crisis, take part in America Speaking Out.  And for more on what the new House majority is doing to help end uncertainty for our small businesses so they can begin hiring again, visit