December 28, 2012 | ICYMI
Obamacare is a seriously flawed law that makes health care coverage less affordable, costs taxpayers more than advertised and fails to deliver on most of its other grand promises. Because of the results of the presidential election and the Supreme Court's decision last summer, repealing it during the next two years is highly unlikely.
December 14, 2012 | ICYMI
For sheer political farce, not much can compete with ObamaCare's passage, which included slipping the bill through the Senate before dawn three Christmas eves ago. But the madcap dash to get ready for the entitlement's October 2013 start-up date is a pretty close second.
November 29, 2012 | ICYMI
As Congress faces tough questions about our fiscal future, we also have a unique opportunity to advance bipartisan energy policy that will create jobs. Putting Americans to work by expanding the nation’s access to clean, affordable hydropower is a solution on which the House of Representatives already found consensus. Indeed, when we passed the Hydropower Regulatory Efficiency Act earlier this year, we acted unanimously — the only example of unanimity on an energy issue in this Congress.
November 15, 2012 | ICYMI
The front page of today's Washington Post reports that America’s shale gas revolution is powering an industrial revolution and putting people back to work. Hydraulic fracturing has transformed the nation’s energy landscape –taking us from resource scarcity to energy abundance.
November 1, 2012 | ICYMI
The editorial board of the Colorado Springs Gazette recently called on President Obama to explain the $400 million failed DOE loan guarantee to Abound Solar, the now-bankrupt Colorado solar panel manufacturer under both criminal and congressional investigation.
October 26, 2012 | ICYMI
Now-Bankrupt Abound Awarded $400 Million DOE Loan Guarantee from Same Program as Solyndra
