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Pennsylvania suing to stop NCAA's Penn State sanctions
January 2nd, 2013
11:32 AM ET

Pennsylvania suing to stop NCAA's Penn State sanctions

[Updated at 11:32 a.m. ET] The state of Pennsylvania will file a federal antitrust lawsuit against the NCAA, seeking to have a judge throw out all sanctions the association levied against Penn State University in the wake of the child sex abuse scandal involving former assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky, Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Corbett said Wednesday.

Corbett (pictured) said the penalties a $60 million fine, a four-year ban on bowl games, football scholarship reductions, and the stripping of 14 seasons of football victories under late head coach Joe Paterno were unfair to the university, its students, and Pennsylvania citizens because the Sandusky criminal matter already is being handled in courts.

The NCAA "piled on ... (punishing) the citizens of Pennsylvania, who had nothing to do with these crimes," Corbett said.

"These sanctions are an attack on the past, present and future students of Penn State, the citizens of our commonwealth and our economy. As governor of this commonwealth, I cannot and will not stand by and let it happen without a fight," Corbett said.

He said the NCAA's actions were unlawful and overreaching, and that it essentially forced Penn State to accept the sanctions under the threat that if the school didn't accept them, the NCAA would impose on the football program a "death penalty" a suspension from play of a year or more.

The NCAA levied the penalties last July.

soundoff (91 Responses)
  1. Barry

    So, Corbett wants to have a judge throw out all the sanctions levied against Penn state! He, (Corbett), says, 'were unfair to the university, its students, and Pennsylvania citizens because the Sandusky criminal matter already is being handled in courts. This PUTZ does NOT care about the students, and citizens of Pennsylvania!, ALL he cares about is the 'fincial success' of the football program! It shows HOW disgusting some people are! This 'jerk' cares MORE about the financial aspects of the 'ban', than he does about the disgusting behavior of the people involved, and the 'cover up that' resulted! Go ahead!, let Penn state cry 'poverty' for a couple of years, maybe they will learn what it means to follow the'rule of law'! It's gone BEYOND individual screw ups!, It's a 'systemic culture' problem that HAS to be solved!
    Based on what Corbett is trying to 'sell', I'd say HE is a part of the 'systemic culture' that got them into trouble in the first place! People like him, (Corbett), are guided by 'the almighty buck', the idea of being morally responsible is foreign to him!

    January 4, 2013 at 11:05 am | Report abuse | Reply

    I agree with the students who came before and after me. We did nothing wrong. All of you jealous haters want all of us to pay for something that we had nohting to do with. Get over yourselves. You are way past boring the hell out of me...

    January 4, 2013 at 3:09 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  3. PSUstudent

    You sir, are the exact kind of ignorant person that needs to STOP passing judgment on an ENTIRE UNIVERSITY. I attend Penn State and when people like you call it "Pedophile State" all you are doing is punishing the current students that are just trying to get an education. Why are the mistakes of few punishing me? I am 18 years old, why is it okay that I get called a rapist for wearing a PSU sweatshirt? I am proud to be a Nittany Lion and how dare you try to take that away from me by shaming the whole school for mistakes that were made almost before I even entered the education system.

    January 2, 2013 at 1:04 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  4. Scrod

    " I am 18 years old, why is it okay that I get called a rapist for wearing a PSU sweatshirt? I am proud to be a Nittany Lion"

    You are standing on a pile of bleeding children while you bleat that pride at us. Your school did the worst thing possible, and you want us to hold your little hand and tell you it's ok now and the bad man is gone? Get that degree if you like, but people are not going to stop calling you Pedo State.

    January 3, 2013 at 10:23 am | Report abuse | Reply
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