Senate Democrats


Video: Senator Reid Speaks About Senator Inouye

Senator Reid shares sad news of Senator Inouye’s passing.   var addthis_options = “facebook,twitter,email,print,bitly,more”; var addthis_config = {“data_track_clickback”:true,”data_ga_property”:”UA-7132269-4″,”data_ga_social”:true,”data_track_addressbar”:false,”data_track_textcopy”:false};


Photo: Incoming Freshman Members of the Senate Democratic Caucus

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is pictured with members of the incoming freshmen class of the 113th Congress. Senators-elect of the Senate Democratic Caucus from left to right: Joe Donnelly (D-Ind.), Tim Kaine (D-Va.), Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.), Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii), Tammy Baldwin (D-Wisc.), Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), Chris Murphy (D-Conn.), Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.),…


Video: Remembering September 11th

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid spoke Tuesday, marking the anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. “I remember the bright, blue morning of September 11, 2001 like it was yesterday. And while our country has begun to heal from the wounds of those terrible attacks over the last decade, the scars remain. No matter…


Senator Reid Writes For Huffington Post: Republicans Renew The War On Women

This morning, Nevada Senator Reid penned an op-ed for Huffington Post that outlines new preventive health benefits for women that Republicans have already tried to take away by threatening to repeal the Affordable Care Act.  An excerpt: Starting today, critical women’s preventive health services will be available to women, free of co-pays or deductibles —…


Small Business Tax Relief Bill Would Create Nearly One Million Jobs

The Small Business Jobs and Tax Relief Bill that’s under consideration in the Senate has wide support among Democratic senators for one major reason, in particular: It creates much-needed jobs across the country. Take a look at the map below for a glimpse of how many jobs could be created by state, or click here…


Senate Democrats Discuss Court Decision On Twitter

Democratic senators have used Twitter to share their reactions to today’s Supreme Court decision upholding the Affordable Care Act. See below for a sampling of senators’ tweets. You can follow all Senate Democrats using this Twitter list. Soon, every man woman & child in America will have access to health insurance they can afford &…


Video: Senate Democrats, Women Leaders Call On House To Pass Senate VAWA Bill

Democratic senators, joined by women’s advocacy groups, urge House Republicans to stand up for women and pass the Senate’s bipartisan bill to protect all female victims of domestic violence and sexual abuse.  


Video: Senate Dems, Joined By Students, Call For Passage Of Student Loan Bill

Democratic Senators Jack Reed, Tom Harkin and Sherrod Brown urge Republicans to join Democrats in supporting a bill to prevent student loan interest rates from doubling.  


Video: Top Reasons To Support The Violence Against Women Act

Women senators began calling today for the reauthorization of The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). The law, which started in 1994, supports domestic violence protection programs for victims of all ages and backgrounds.  Funding for such programs is running low. Senators Dianne Feinstein, Patty Murray and Jeanne Shaheen stressed that regardless of party affiliation, senators…


Senators Share Their March Madness Picks

Homestate pride is on display as Senate Democrats watch some of their favorite student athletes. A few senators have shared their brackets for the NCAA men’s and women’s basketball tournaments. Here are highlights from Twitter: Heart pick: @UNLVAthletics to win #MarchMadness. Who do you have in your #FinalFour? Here are my picks: Go #Rebels…
