Senate Democrats

July 2007
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Day July 20, 2007

Reid: Demócratas traen a estudiantes latinos más cerca de la promesa de una educación universitaria

Washington, D.C.—Los demócratas del Senado aprobaron el Proyecto de Ley de Acceso a una Educación Universitaria de 2007, en una votación de 78 a 18 esta madrugada, la cual hará la educación universitaria más accesible para miles de estudiantes.  La medida aumentará los fondos para las becas Pell de $4,310 a $5,400 por beneficiario en…


Reid, Pelosi Call On Bush To Join Congress On Budget That Reflects America’s Priorities

Washington, DC—Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Speaker Nancy Pelosi today sent President Bush the following letter, requesting a meeting to ensure the FY2008 appropriations bill funds America’s priorities: July 20, 2007 The President The White House Washington, DC 20500 Dear Mr. President: We write to request a meeting with you to see if we…


Levin, In Democratic Radio Address, Pledges To Continue Fight To Change Course In Iraq Over Republican Obstructionism

Washington, DC—Senator Carl Levin delivers this week’s Democratic Radio Address, calling for a change of course in Iraq that would reduce U.S. combat forces by transitioning the mission away from policing an Iraq civil war to limited counter-terror, training and force protection operations.  Although a majority of Senators wanted to vote for the Levin-Reed amendment…


Reid: Education Bill Makes College More Affordable For Working Families

Washington, DC—Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid made the following statement today after the Senate passed the Higher Education Access Act in a bipartisan fashion, 78-18: “Senate Democrats continue to fulfill our promise of putting working families first and making higher education affordable for more Americans.  The Higher Education Access Act increases grant aid and college…


Iraq Accountability Project: A Wrap-Up of This Week’s Senate Oversight in Iraq

This week Senate Democrats continued holding oversight on the President’s conduct of the war.  Senate Democrats are united in their determination to hold the President accountable for his failed strategy in Iraq and guarantee American veterans receive the care they earned, and deserve.   Thursday, July 19th  Senate Committee on Foreign Relations “Hearing on Iraq:…


Student Loan Backgrounder

As college tuition has skyrocketed students are leaving college with more and more debt. The bill passed this morning by the Senate will provide a $17 billion increase in funding for college aid to help more young people go to college. Below are just a few reasons why passage of this bill is crucial for…


Reid To Bush: Supporting The Troops Is More Than A Slogan

“Democrats and a majority of Americans believe that supporting the troops means rebuilding our overburdened military and redeploying our troops from an Iraqi civil war.  It is the height of hypocrisy for a President whose Administration has sent our brave men and women into combat without the proper equipment, recuperation time, training or strategy for success…


Senate Floor Schedule For Friday, July 20, 2007

Morning Business


Senate Roll Call Vote #00272

On Passage of the Bill: H.R.2669 as Amended; A bill to provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 601 of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2008.Result: Passed (78-18, 4 members not voting, 1/2 threshold)Details: [click here]


Senate Roll Call Vote #00271

On the Motion S.Amdt. 2353: Motion to Waive C.B.A. re: Kyl S.Amdt.2353; To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to repeal the individual alternative minimum tax.Result: Rejected (47-49, 4 members not voting, 3/5 threshold)Details: [click here]
