January 12, 2013 4:14 PM • Log InREGISTER

Small Business

Hobby Lobby Manipulating Health Care Plans to Deny Employees Access To Birth Control

Company Changes Health Care Plan to Deny Employee Access to Birth Control

“Hobby Lobby will continue to vigorously defend its religious liberty and oppose the mandate and…

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Anthropologie Removes Racist Candlestick From Site After Backlash

Anthropologie Removes Racist Candlestick From Site After Backlash

Anthropologie racist candlestick is latest gaffe for the store’s parent company, Urban Outfitters.

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Your Career

job interview

Most Bugged-Out Job Interview Questions Ever

Some companies weed out contenders for a job by asking interviewees something outlandish. Here are…

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3 Intern Habits Every Professional Should Develop

These fresh-faced, hungry-to-succeed intern skills are valuable, whether you’re a seasoned or entry-level worker.

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How To…


How and Why You Need to Assess Your Inner Circle

Developing a personal board of directors could be the key to your career or business…

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Last week the reportedly acrimonious relationship between New York Knicks star Carmelo Anthony and the team’s coach Mike D’Antoni played itself out on the grand media stage, resulting in D’Antoni’s resignation. the resignation of D’Antoni. For some within the everyday workforce it was a metaphorical power struggle mirroring employee dissatisfaction with management. While some subordinates decide to endure suffering from their bosses for issues ranging from bullying and incompetence to harassment and discrimination, others want to take action and oust their leader(s). BlackEnteprise.com spoke with talent acquisition professional, Dany Bourjolly Smith to learn of the six most important steps one must take in an attempt to eliminate a horrible boss. —Souleo

6 Tips to Get Your Boss Fired

When faced with a boss from hell most consider quitting their only course of action,…

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Your Money


Dr. Detroit: Bing Releases New 50-Year Plan to Revitalize Motor City

The mayor of Detroit unveils ambitious new plan to turn the Motor City around

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Kobe Bryant Mansion - Featured

Kobe Bryant’s Ex-Wife Selling Post-Divorce Mansion for $3.2 Million

Vanessa Bryant finally signs off on paper work to sell her million-dollar Newport Beach mansion.

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Obama Family - Featured

President Obama & Family Return to the White House in Style

The First Family returns to Washington D.C. after a long holiday vacation in Hawaii.

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