Aaron Schock

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Congressman Schock Web Video Library
On this page you will find a collection of web video's that Congressman Schock has created to discuss the important issues of the day. 

Title: Schock Responds to President Obama’s State of the Union Address
February 12, 2013: In this video Congressman Schock responds to President Obama's 2013 State of the Union Address.

Title: Aaron Schock on need for Comprehensive Tax Reform
July 6, 2012: This web video is a compilation of video clips of Congressman Schock discussing the need for comprehensive tax reform. 
To learn more about Congressman Schock's views on reforming the tax code, click here.

Title: Schock Speaks Out on Duel Threat of ObamaCare Implementation and Costly Federal Mandates

May 18, 2012: Congressman Schock discusses the need to repeal the costly Medicaid Maintenance of Effort (MOE) mandate that was included in President Obama's Affordable Care Act.
To learn more about Congressman Schock's efforts to repeal the MOE mandate, click here. 

Title: Stark Contrast

April 27, 2012: In this video, Congressman Schock highlights the start contrast between how the two parties plan to grow the economy. 

Title: Energy Road Map

March 12, 2012: Congressman Schock discusses the need for the United States to adopt an Energy Road map.
To learn more about Congressman Schock's positions related to energy, click here.

Title: Reaction to Obama's Budget

February 17, 2012: Congressman Schock reactions to President Obama's fiscal year 2012 budget blueprint.
To learn more about the House Republican budget, click here.

Title: American Energy Jobs

December 15, 2011: In this video, Congressman Schock discusses the need for new American energy jobs by increasing domestic energy production. 

 Title: Congressman Schock Speaks Out on Job Creation

October 31, 2011: This is a video comprised of Congressman Schock's interviews promoting job creating legislation that has passed the House. Legislation that is now stalled in the US Senate.
To learn more about the two dozen job bills passed by the House, click here. 

Title: American Needs a Six Year Highway Bill

October 17, 2011: This is a video comprised of Congressman Schock's interviews promoting the need for a long-term transportation infrastructure bill.
To learn more about his efforts to pass a long-term highway bill, click here. 


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