U.S. Senator Chris Coons of Delaware

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All blogs filed under Delaware
  • Senate passes Coons bill to expand protections for White Clay Creek

    The Senate voted unanimously on Sunday to pass legislation authored by Senator Coons that would add approximately nine miles of White Clay Creek and its tributaries to the existing Wild and Scenic Rivers designation for the waterway.

    The White Clay Creek Wild and Scenic River Expansion Act of 2011, which was co-sponsored by Senator Tom Carper and Senator Bob Casey, now awaits consideration by the House of Representatives.

    “The White Clay Creek watershed is rich in natural resources, and it is important that we preserve those resources for the next generation,” Chris said. “Growing up, I spent considerable time in the White Clay Creek watershed and know that it is an important resource for Delaware and the region. It’s up to all of us to fight to protect our natural resources.”

    “Yesterday, the Senate passed an important piece of legislation that will help safeguard one of Delaware’s great outdoor treasures,” said Senator Carper. “Through preserving nine additional miles of White Clay Creek and its tributaries, this measure will help ensure that Delawareans will continue to enjoy this waterway’s natural, cultural and recreational benefits for generations to come.”  

    The legislation, which comes at no cost to taxpayers, would expand the original Wild and Scenic Rivers designation to include two small stream sections that were omitted from the original designation.

    Representative Joseph Pitts (R-Pa.) is the lead sponsor of the companion legislation in the House. However, if the House does not pass this version of the legislation before January 3, both the Senate bill and the House bill must be reintroduced and reconsidered by both chambers in the next Congressional session. Unanimous Senate passage provides strong momentum that could help the new version of the bill move quickly in the next Congress.

    White Clay Creek
    White Clay Creek
  • Senator Coons inspired by Pearl Harbor survivor

    Senator Coons talks with veteran Thomas Morris

    MILFORD — To mark the 71st anniversary of the day our nation was attacked at Pearl Harbor, Senator Coons spent the afternoon of December 7th visiting the Delaware Veterans Home in Milford. 

    While he was there, Chris was deeply moved by the harrowing story of Thomas Morris, a World War II veteran who survived the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.  Now over 90 years old, Mr. Morris shared his inspirational story of courage and determination from December 7, 1941.

    Originally from Cecil County, Maryland, Mr. Morris joined the Navy and was serving aboard the USS California on the day Pearl Harbor was bombed.  After a torpedo hit his ship, he rushed to rescue his fellow service members and fetch ammo. While he was below deck, a second strike blew him back 100 feet and burned him across his body.

    After making it onto one of the last lifeboats and finding his way to shore, Mr. Morris was told by a triage doctor at the Honolulu aid station that there was no way to save his life. The doctor ordered him wrapped in gauze to make him more comfortable, and urged him to prepare for death. The next morning, the astonished doctor found that Mr. Morris was in fact, very much alive – and ready to get back in the fight.

    Mr. Morris spent two full months recovering from his injuries, motivated by his desire to fight for his country at a time it needed him. He made a remarkable recovery and immediately joined the crew of a destroyer, where he worked his way up to the rank of gunner’s mate, third class. After fighting honorably, eventually, skin damage caused by his burns required him to return home to his family farm.

    “Extraordinary stories of courage from our military veterans are key threads in the rich fabric of our nation’s history,” Chris said.  “Mr. Morris’ story was touching and inspirational, and I am deeply honored to have had the opportunity to hear him describe that terrifying day aboard the USS California first-hand.  His lasting legacy of service and sacrifice will continue to inspire Americans for generations to come.”

    The Delaware Veterans Home provides long-term care services to Delaware veterans and it is the only facility of its kind in the state.

  • Senator Coons honors Delaware Teacher of the Year

    Last week, Senator Coons congratulated John Sell for earning the title of Delaware Teacher of the Year. Mr. Sell teaches English at Sussex Tech High School in Georgetown, where he is known for his innovative teaching techniques, such as singing poetry to his students.

    As the son and grandson of classroom teachers, Chris is committed to strengthening education in Delaware and supporting our extraordinary teachers like Mr. Sell.  He joined the Delaware Teacher of the Year Awards Dinner to share his personal appreciation with all of this year’s finalists, selected from 9,000 Delaware public school teachers to represent each of the state’s 19 school districts.

    At the awards dinner, Chris said “Tonight, we honor and appreciate all of our teachers, and we also recognize 19 in particular who have gone above and beyond. As nominees for Delaware’s Teacher of the Year, you have shown exceptional dedication and commitment to your students, as well as the ability to inspire the kind of love learning that lasts a lifetime.”

    To read more about Chris’ work on education, click here.

  • Senator Coons honored for work against domestic violence

    Last night, Senator Coons, a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee and co-chair of the Senate Law Enforcement Caucus, received the Delaware Coalition Against Domestic Violence’s (DCADV) 2012 Vision of Peace Award.

    The award was presented at the Delaware Center for Contemporary Arts in Wilmington during DCADV’s Purple Ribbon Event, hosted annually during Domestic Violence Awareness Month.

    “When we shine light on these horrific acts by educating the public, empowering the victims, and punishing the offenders, we can help break the cycle of abuse,” Chris said in accepting the Vision of Peace Award.

    The Vision of Peace Award is presented by the DCADV to individuals who have demonstrated leadership and sustained commitment in their efforts to end domestic violence. Chris is fighting to advance the reauthorization of the landmark Violence Against Women’s Act (VAWA) and has worked for many years to help prevent domestic violence in Delaware while empowering victims to come forward.

    To learn more about Chris’ work on the Judiciary Committee, click here.

    To learn more about DCADV’s work click here.

    Judiciary Committee
    Law Enforcement
  • Senator Coons joins summit for healthy lungs

    Senator Coons attended a Regional Patient Advocacy Leaders Summit hosted by the American Lung Association last week.  This summit gave staff, volunteers and leaders in patient advocacy the opportunity to learn about issues on the horizon. The summit also included networking and discussions of new avenues for advocacy.

    Senator Coons addressed about 70 regional patient advocates. He talked about the bipartisan Pulmonary Fibrosis Research Enhancement Act of 2011, a bill he introduced to increase the awareness, understanding and research being done to find the root cause – and a cure – for Pulmonary Fibrosis. He also discussed the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, which has already helped 6,000 young Delawareans get insurance.

    For more on Chris’ work on health care, click here.

    Health Care
  • Senator Coons marks grants to support healthy community

    On Thursday, Senator Coons joined Senator Carper and Congressman Carney at the Delaware Children’s Museum in Wilmington to announce two federal grants awarded to Nemours for a combined total of nearly $6 million to help build healthier communities. 

     “These grants will serve tens of thousands of Delawareans, helping them live happier, healthier lives,” Chris said. In his remarks, he reiterated the significant impact that these grants will have on preventative care and early intervention, touching upon how it could enact change in areas such as the struggle with obesity and chronic diseases in young children.

    For more on Chris’ work on health care, click here.

    Health Care
  • Senator Coons stands with startup businesses

    Senator Coons spoke Wednesday at the first annual New Castle County Economic Development Luncheon.  The lunch discussion focused on ways to foster and develop a strong economic and entrepreneurial system in New Castle County and across Delaware.  

    Chris reiterated his commitment to Delaware startups, noting that new businesses are powerful drivers of job creation and economic recovery. Over a 25 year period between 1980 and 2005, most of the net new jobs in America – about 40 million jobs – were created by firms that were five years old or less.  

    Since he arrived in the Senate, Chris has used his private sector experience to shape a number of job creating pieces of legislation that support innovative startups and entrepreneurs. He has especially focused on making the Research and Development Tax Credit available to newer businesses, in addition to more established companies.

    To read more about Chris’ work supporting job creation and economic competitiveness, click here.

    New Castle County
  • Senator Coons helps kick off entrepreneurship program


    Last week, Senator Coons took part in a launch celebration unveiling the new Horn Program in Entrepreneurship at UD.

    Made possible by a generous gift from Charles and Patricia Horn, this program will encourage students to pursue the kind of entrepreneurial ideas that will power Delaware’s economy for years to come.

    The Horn program will enhance and expand entrepreneurial studies at UD and be made up of a variety of initiatives like the Venture Development Center, a student business incubator, Hen Hatch, UD’s premier startup funding competition and an annual President’s Forum on Innovation and Entrepreneurship. It will also support new curricular offerings at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.

    Chris believes that supporting our innovators and entrepreneurs is critical to our economic recovery. 

    To read more about his work to create jobs and promote American economic competitiveness, click here.

  • Report highlights importance of infrastructure investments

    The American Society of Civil Engineers recently published a new report making clear the economic necessity of investing in our nation’s infrastructure. The report, entitled Failure to Act: The Economic Impact of Current Investment Trends in Airports, Inland Waterways, and Marine Ports Infrastructure, highlights the broad economic repercussions of failing to invest in our nation’s trading centers.

    The report’s economic findings demonstrate the urgent need for significant investment in our aging infrastructure—for our continued productivity, our economic competitiveness and the affordability of the millions of household goods that traverse our ports. An investment of $15.8 billion is needed by 2020, the report finds, to close the funding gap and accommodate trade growth in our marine ports and inland waterways. The stakes are high. If we fail to close the gap, the report estimates cumulative losses of $697 billion in GDP, $1.3 trillion in business sales, $872 billion in disposable personal income, and $270 billion in exports By 2040, these losses reach into the trillions of dollars.

    Senator Coons has been an outspoken advocate for infrastructure investment, co-sponsoring legislation such as the Building and Upgrading Infrastructure for Long-Term Development Act,the Rebuild America Jobs Act and the Harbor Maintenance Act that invest in America’s future while providing high wage, high skill jobs for American workers.

    The Port of Wilmington plays a critical role in Delaware’s economy, transporting more than five million tons of goods and generating nearly $30 million in state tax revenue each year. The port’s operations provide jobs for 5,000 Delawareans and planned expansions could create up to 75,000 jobs in the region. The Delaware River Deepening Project, slated for completion in 2017, would dredge the Delaware River from a depth of 40 feet to 45 feet, which will attract larger, more efficient cargo ships and increase Wilmington’s competiveness on the Eastern Seaboard. Chris is committed to ensuring its completion and will keep fighting to make sure the Port of Wilmington has the resources it needs to thrive.

    Port of Wilmington
  • Senator Coons applauds students in business competition

    JA Challenge

    On Monday, Senator Coons spoke with members of the Junior Achievement Titan Challenge.  JA’s Titan Challenge is a global online simulation program involving 24 high school students and recent graduates who compete in a virtual economy. The teams of students, coming from China, Russia, Poland, Canada, and the U.S., act as chief executive officers of a virtual manufacturing company as they make business and ethical decisions in an attempt to outperform their competitors.

    “JA’s Titan Challenge is about empowering students, allowing them to learn outside the classroom and helping them experience the business world while preparing for their future,” Chris said. “This is a great opportunity for like-minded students and community volunteers from all over the world to compete and learn from one another.”

    Junior Achievement is a nonprofit organization and the world’s largest organization that has impacted over 4 million U.S. students with the help of over 178,000 volunteers. JA of Delaware recently received two prestigious awards at the JA National Leadership Conference.
