Press Releases

Jan 3, 2013

Assistant Leader Clyburn and Ranking Member Miller: Let's Protect and Defend the Rights of American Voters

Joint Statement by Assistant Leader Clyburn and Ranking Member Miller calling on Congress to pass the SIMPLE Voting Act to protect and defend the rights of American voters.

Jan 3, 2013

Statement by Rep. Miller upon introducing Voting Rights Legislation

Congressman Miller's statement upon introducing legislation to help remedy widespread problems in last year’s election.

Jan 3, 2013

Miller Sworn In as Member of the 113th Congress

Congress must work together to grow and strengthen the middle class

Dec 20, 2012

Miller Joins Small Business Majority to call for Middle Class Tax Cuts

Representative George Miller and other participants discuss small business concern over the so-called fiscal cliff, its impact on consumer spending, and how employers feel about tax cuts set to expire at the end of the year.

Dec 4, 2012

Miller, Dems Urge Immediate Vote on Middle Class tax Cut

Democrats today filed a discharge petition which would require a straightforward, up-or-down vote on a bill to extend current middle class tax cuts for every single family. Republicans have blocked the bill, insisting that special tax cuts for America’s richest 2 percent be included.

Nov 2, 2012

Jobs Report Reveals 32nd Straight Month of Private Sector Job Growth

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported the United States economy added 184,000 private-sector jobs in October.
