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Best cars of the 2012 auto shows(© Richard Dredge - Microsoft/Magic Car Pics)
Best cars of the 2012 auto showsMSN Autos travels the world to bring you the year’s best show cars.
Toyota settles acceleration lawsuit(© Toyota)
Toyota settles acceleration lawsuit$1.1B marked for claims stemming from reports of unintended acceleration
The 12 best cars of 2012(© Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A.)
The 12 best cars of 2012We pick 12 chart-topping car releases of 2012, and 3 that underwhelmed.
Hybrids, EVs resale value competes(© Nissan North America)
Hybrids, EVs resale value competesNissan Leaf, Chevy Volt resale values nearly match conventional cars.
Continental to test autonomous cars(© Volkswagen of America, Inc.)
Continental to test autonomous carsTire manufacturer now licensed to test self-driving cars in Nevada.

  • Kelley Blue BookKelley Blue Book

    Check the value of your car before heading to the dealer.

  • ATC Photo:AutoTrader.comSell Your Car

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  • Maximize Curb AppealMaximize Curb Appeal

    Get the most value out of a vehicle before selling or trading it.

  • Treat Your CarTreat Your Car

    Here are five easy things you can do to maintain the value of your car.


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*Based on visits to vehicle information pages last month

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