Senate Democrats

Tag budget

Reid Statement On The Status Of Budget Negotiations

“Any comprehensive solution to the looming fiscal cliff will need to be a bipartisan solution.” “It’s time for the Speaker and all Republicans to return to the negotiating table. It’s time for Republicans to work with us to find the middle ground.” “In the meantime, the Speaker should bring the middle-class tax cut passed by…


Reid Statement On McConnell Filibustering His Own Bill To Raise The Debt Ceiling

“I will continue to seek an agreement to hold an up-or-down vote on his proposal to avoid another debt ceiling debacle.” Washington, D.C. – Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) released the following statement today after Senator McConnell filibustered a bill to give the President the authority to raise the debt ceiling – a bill that…


Reid Floor Remarks On Tax And Budget Negotiations

“Every practical Republican left in Washington… willing to say out loud what we’ve known for weeks: the only remaining option is for the House to pass the Senate bill.” “The only question left is how long Speaker Boehner will make middle class families wait for relief and how long he’ll force the financial markets to…


Reid Floor Remarks On Failure Of The Disabilities Treaty And Ongoing Tax And Budget Negotiations

“It’s difficult to engage in rational negotiation when one side holds well-known facts and proven truths in such low esteem” “The few reasonable Republicans left in Congress agree we need to give certainty to middle-class families now.” “I still believe there are 26 reasonable Republicans willing to put their promise to serve constituents ahead of…


Reid Floor Remarks On Tax And Budget Negotiations

“Republican plan… would reach deep into the pockets of middle class families” “Given the choice between millionaires and the middle class, Republicans sided with the wealthiest few.” “Democrats won’t pass it. President Obama won’t sign it. And the American people won’t support it.” Washington, D.C. – Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid spoke on the Senate…


Reid Statement On Boehner Proposal

Washington, D.C. – Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid released the following statement today: “To protect millionaires, Speaker Boehner’s offer would force middle class families to pay higher taxes. Raising taxes on the middle class is bad policy and flunks the test of balance. To protect the middle class while reducing the deficit, simple math dictates…


Reid Floor Remarks On Tax And Budget Negotiations

“Negotiating advice for Republican Leaders: you’re doing it wrong.” “The sooner they make a legitimate offer, the sooner we can all start working to find the middle ground.” Washington, D.C. – Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid spoke on the Senate floor today regarding the tax and budget negotiations. Below are his remarks as prepared for…


Reid To House Republicans: Stop Wasting Time And Pass The Only Bill That Can Avoid The Fiscal Cliff For Middle-Class Families

In Response to House Republican Leadership, Reid Reminds Republicans That Sequester Cuts Resulted From Their Adherence to Tea Party Dogma Reid to House Leadership: “Show Americans You Are Still Capable Of Accomplishing Something of Utility” By Passing Middle-Class Tax Cut Vows to Keep Senate In Session as Long as Necessary If House Will Ask Millionaires…


Reid Announces Deal With House, White House To Fund Government Through First Quarter Of 2013

September Vote on Six-Month CR Would Provide Stability for Fall Fiscal Negotiations Washington, D.C. – Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid announced an agreement with House Speaker John Boehner and President Barack Obama on a six-month Continuing Resolution (CR) that will avoid a government shutdown while funding the government at $1.047 trillion. “This agreement reached between…


GOP Architects Of Automatic Defense Cuts Are Now Trying To Wiggle Out Of Them

“If the defense cuts are Obama’s, they are also John Boehner’s, Eric Cantor’s, Mitch McConnell’s and Jon Kyl’s.” [Milbank, Opinion, Washington Post, 7/25/12  “The bill passed with the votes of a majority of House and Senate Republicans and the encouragement of — wait for it — Mitt Romney.” [Milbank, Opinion, Washington Post, 7/25/12] “The GOP refused to…
