Hungarian Jazz Showcase Panel

Photo by Lena Adasheva.

Photo by Lena Adasheva.

I was recently invited by the Palace of Arts in Budapest to moderate a panel discussion during their Hungarian Jazz Showcase. The audience was a mix of music students and faculty from the Liszt Academy, as well as professional musicians and enthusiasts who wanted to participate. My fellow panelists included a record producer, music journalist and two academics, as well as a club owner and musician from Bratislava. The panel discussion focused on how political, economic and cultural changes have impacted opportunities for young musicians and how they document their work. We also discussed various options for touring and performing, how new tools and social networking help in promotions, distribution, airplay and media coverage, as well as resources, subsidies and funding. We received some very interesting questions from the audience. It was recorded and will be reviewed for two Russian publications: Billboard Russia and

Photo by Lena Adasheva.

Photo by Lena Adasheva.

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