A bit o’ Blarney from the Music Division

"A bit O' Blarney," by J. Fred Helf. New York, Sol Bloom, 1904.

"A bit O' Blarney," by J. Fred Helf. New York, Sol Bloom, 1904.

The  Music Division’s bonnie collections offer a variety of ways to celebrate this St. Patrick’s Day. Play an Irish bagpipe from the Dayton C. Miller Flute Collection. Follow along to the reels described in Rinnce na h-Éireann : a simplified work on the performance of the dances of Ireland, from An American Ballroom Companion: Dance Instruction Manuals. Develop your jig with sundry offerings from  the Historic American Sheet Music Collection, 1850-1920 in the Performing Arts Encyclopedia, where you can pine for The Colleen you left in Killarney; take pride in your heritage with George M. Cohan’s The Irish American; and of course send the little ones to sandman with Too-ra-loo-ra-loo-ra, that’s an Irish lullaby.

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