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Contact: Randy (202) 225-6365
Bring Jobs Back to America
Washington, D.C., Feb 1, 2011 -

While "jobs" may be the buzzword in Washington, we haven’t seen much movement on the jobs front in terms of our economy. If we really want to encourage job creation for Americans, Washington needs to move away from ineffective stimulus spending and misspent federal dollars. Instead, we need an act of common sense.

I am cosponsoring the Bring Jobs Back to America Act. The bill is a simple solution that seeks to bring outsourced overseas jobs back to the United States in order to encourage job creation.
The bill would do a few things:


  • require the Secretary of Commerce to develop a national plan to energize manufacturing and bring back jobs from overseas.
  • create task forces to identify all American companies with manufacturing operations overseas and work with state and local governments to help return these jobs to the U.S.
  • set up a study of tax incentives to encourage the return of U.S. jobs.


You can read more about the bill here.

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