Press Releases

Jan 2, 2013

Congressman Duncan issues statement on “no” vote on fiscal cliff “compromise”

“I voted ‘no’ on the Senate ‘compromise’ on the fiscal cliff last night. Instead of making our country more secure, this compromise places our country on even shakier fiscal ground by completely ignoring why we're $16 trillion in debt.”

Dec 26, 2012

Congressman Jeff Duncan Issues Statement on His Opposition of ‘Plan B’ Fiscal Cliff Measure

"Conservatives were elected to cut spending and shrink the size and scope of government, not to give politicians more money to spend when they haven't addressed the level of spending that necessitates government's borrowing money to pay for irresponsible spending addictions."

Dec 19, 2012

Duncan’s Iran Bill Passes Congress, Heads to the President’s Desk to be Signed into Law

Issues: Foreign Affairs

Congressman Jeff Duncan’s legislation, the “Countering Iran in the Western Hemisphere Act,” (H.R. 3783) passed the U.S. Congress by a vote of 386-6, and now awaits the President’s signature to become law.

Dec 17, 2012

Congressman Jeff Duncan Issues Statement on the Appointment of Tim Scott to the United States Senate

I’m proud of my friend Tim Scott for being appointed to represent South Carolina in the United States Senate. Anyone who has had the pleasure of knowing Tim, knows him as a man of character and faith who deeply loves his state and country.

Dec 14, 2012

Congressman Duncan Issues Statement on Newtown Shootings

"My prayers go out to all of the families impacted by this senseless, deranged, and cowardly act of violence. Today is a stark reminder that there is evil in this world, and that we must cherish every moment we have with our families.”

Dec 14, 2012

Duncan releases statement on Amb. Susan Rice’s decision to withdraw from consideration to be Secretary of State

Issues: Foreign Affairs

“Ambassador Rice was wise to remove her name from consideration to be the next Secretary of State. Unfortunately, her role in the Obama Administration’s messaging of the Benghazi attacks damaged her credibility and made her ill-suited to be our nation’s top diplomat."

Dec 13, 2012

US Senate Passes Duncan’s Iran Legislation

South Carolina Congressman Jeff Duncan achieved another major legislative victory on Wednesday evening after the Countering Iran in the Western Hemisphere Act (HR 3783), passed the United States Senate. The Senate’s action sends the bill back to the US House for a final vote before going to the President for his signature.

Dec 7, 2012

Congressman Jeff Duncan issues Statement on the 71st Anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor

Issues: Veterans

As we pause to remember the 71st anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor, we are reminded of all those who have died in defense of freedom. We are eternally grateful for all of those who have served, and reaffirm our commitment to honor the promises made to all of our veterans and their families.

Dec 6, 2012

Congressman Jeff Duncan’s Statement on Senator DeMint’s Resignation Announcement

“Senator DeMint has been a conservative champion and a dedicated public servant to the nation. Jim has always been someone I’ve admired, and I’m proud to call him a friend. Jim’s leadership and voice will be deeply missed in the United States Senate and in South Carolina.”

Nov 19, 2012

Congressman Jeff Duncan writes President Obama on possible nomination of Ambassador Susan Rice for Secretary of State

South Carolina Congressman Jeff Duncan sent a letter to President Obama Monday discouraging him from nominating Ambassador Susan Rice to serve as Secretary of State. Duncan’s letter, which was signed by 97 Members of Congress, states that Ambassador Rice “either willfully or incompetently misled the American public in the Benghazi matter.”
