Michele Bachmann

Michele Bachmann


Happy to be serving Minnesota's 6th Congressional District for a 4th term.

Washington, D.C. · http://bachmann.house.gov/

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  1. President Obama disagrees with Senator Obama on the debt ceiling. Too bad, because Senator Obama made a good point:

  2. I spoke panel about why I'm pro-life. Every life has worth, and every child should have the chance at life.

  3. This morning I spoke to a great group of college students about my journey from student, wife and mother to politics:

  4. RT : On Tuesday, the U.S. Constitution will be read aloud from the floor of the House of Representatives.

  5. Since 1970 our spending has grown 288% while the median income has grown only 24%-- a difference of 264%.

  6. Look forward to working with you RT Had a good meeting with US Rep. Michele Bachmann about local transportation needs today.

  7. In picking Jack Lew for Treasury, Pres. Obama chose partisanship and big government over reform and economic growth.

  8. Look forward to meeting with Minnesota state legislators today to discuss positive solutions to help every Minnesotan get ahead.

  9. Had a great time today at St. Cloud Airport celebrating new flight to Arizona. Look forward to working together to help expand even more.

  10. Congrats to legislators sworn in today at Capitol. Look forward to working with you to make life more affordable for Minnesota families.

  11. Planned Parenthood had record year for taxpayer-funded abortions. Shameful that nearly a million unborn babies killed over last 3 years.


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