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Nation’s Largest Service Organization Throws Support Behind “Strong Defense” Resolution
Posted by Randy | October 24, 2011
I am happy to share with you that both the nation's largest congressionally chartered Veterans Service Organization and the nation's only veterans organization comprised of wounded veterans have put their support behind my resolution, H. Res. 441, that recognizes further cuts to national security funding may cause irreparable harm to United States interests. The American Legion and the Military Order of the Purple Heart have championed the resolution for recognizing that any decision on spending levels should be based upon a strategic determination of threats, capabilities, available resources, and risk.

National Commander, Fang Wong of the American Legion has said that the resolution shows a "willingness to truly meet the commitment to protect vital budgetary resources for our veterans and defenders” and National Commander William Hutton of the MOPH has called legislation "very timely and very much on target."

You can read the letters of support here and here.

While this resolution alone cannot stop the onslaught of looming cuts to our national security budget, it nonetheless sends a clear signal to lawmakers considering further cuts that our national defense will only be weakened and our nation's ability to protect vital interests will be significantly limited. Any decision on spending levels should be based upon a strategic assessment of threats, needed capabilities, available resources, and risk--not budgetary constraints.  Members of Congress would be wise to reject the long-term damage these cuts would inflict on veterans, service members and their families, and our ability to defend U.S. interests.

Learn more about my efforts to ensure a strong defense and a strong America here: www.forbes.house.gov/strongamerica
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  • Thomas G commented on 10/25/2011
    To suggest that military budget cuts are based solely on budget contraints is an astonishing conclusion here. I have also heard the testimony congressman and I do not think you are presenting the entire story....the war is over!! We will remain by far the most powerful nation on the planet and we must wind this down some and nobody I know has ever suggested an unwillingness to discuss and restructure the military to threat and technological advance. I have to seriously question your judgment regarding the need to purchase new submarines! Clearly your concern about cuts in the military is paramount but I never hear a peep from you about the human cost on our own soil by ripping apart health care reform that took decades to accomplish, and then all this spending when you refuse to even consider a 1 penny increase in the tax of millionaires and billionaires. We demand rational judgment congressman and I am not seeing it from you at all.
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