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In God We Trust Reaffirmed by House of Representatives
Posted by Randy | November 03, 2011
I am happy to share with you that this week the House of Representatives voted overwhelmingly to reaffirm our national motto, In God We Trust. This reaffirmation offers optimism during tumultuous times.  It provides clarity amidst a cloud of confusion about our nation's spiritual heritage and offers inspiration to an American people that face challenges of historic proportion.

I gave remarks during debate of the resolution on the House floor. You can watch those remarks here or by clicking the video below:

As we reaffirmed the national motto last night, we joined the ranks of leaders throughout American history. Here is a look at the ways the national motto has been a guiding principle since our nation’s inception:

At our nation's founding.  Authors penned the Declaration of Independence writing, “And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.”

In nation's infancy. Francis Scott Key wrote the poem that would become our national anthem the Star Spangled Banner containing the stanza, “And this be our motto—‘In God is our trust.’”

In the midst of Civil War. President Lincoln addressing a war torn, weary, and divided nation, saying at the Gettysburg address, “this Nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom—and that Government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”

During the economic expansion of America's industrialization. Congresses passed the Coinage Act stating that the Secretary of the Treasury "may cause the motto ‘In God We Trust’ to be inscribed on such coins as shall admit of such motto."   

World War I.
In his speech before Congress asking for a declaration of war, President Wilson said “…The day has come when America is privileged to spend her blood and her might for the principles that gave her birth and happiness and the peace which she has treasured.  God helping her, she can do no other.”

After nearly a decade of Great Depression.
President Franklin D. Roosevelt issued a Thanksgiving proclamation saying, “Thus from our earliest recorded history, Americans have thanked God for their blessings. In our deepest natures, in our very souls, we, like all mankind since the earliest origin of mankind, turn to God in time of trouble and in time of happiness. In God We Trust.”

At D-Day facing Nazi advances on Europe.
In his famous radio address, President Franklin D. Roosevelt asked Americans to join him in praying, “Help us, Almighty God, to rededicate ourselves in renewed faith in Thee in this hour of great sacrifice… As we rise to each new day, and again when each day is spent, let words of prayer be on our lips, invoking Thy help to our effort.”

During the Baby Boom.
"In God We Trust" was inscribed above the south entrance door in the Senate chamber during the 1949-1951 reconstruction.

Cold War and Economic Prosperity.
In a speech given during the Cold War, President John F. Kennedy said, “Today our Nation is passing through another time of trial… We will need to draw upon the best that this Nation has--often--and draw upon it physically and intellectually and materially.   But we need also to call upon our great reservoir of spiritual resources…The guiding principle and prayer of this Nation has been, is now, and ever shall be ‘In God We Trust.’”

Civil Rights Movement.
Two years after Brown vs. Board of Education and one year after Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on a public bus, ‘In God We Trust’ was adopted as the official national motto of the United States.

Vietnam War.
In the midst of the Vietnam War, President Lyndon Johnson said, “Not long ago I received a letter one morning from a mother whose son had been killed in Vietnam.  She wrote to me saying, ‘…As long as we believe, our strength is in our faith in God and He will never fail us.’ So, my countrymen, in those words from that dear mother are to be found the greatness of this Nation and also the strength of its President.”

Reagan Years.
In 1984, in an address to the nation, responding to an effort to remove prayer from our public schools, President Reagan said, “The first amendment of the Constitution was not written to protect the people from religion; that amendment was written to protect religion from government tyranny. The act that established our public school system called for public education to see that our children learned about religion and morality. References to God can be found in the Mayflower Compact of 1620, the Declaration of Independence, the Pledge of Allegiance, and the National Anthem. Our legal tender states, ‘In God We Trust.’  But now we're told our children have no right to pray in school.  Nonsense.  The pendulum has swung too far toward intolerance against genuine religious freedom. It's time to redress the balance.”

Following the Oklahoma City bombings, President Bill Clinton delivered a speech saying, “I ask all Americans tonight to pray—to pray for the people who have lost their lives, to pray for the families and the friends of the dead and the wounded, to pray for the people of Oklahoma City. May God's grace be with them.”

Present day.
In 2002, in response to a case challenging the words ‘under God’ in the Pledge of Allegiance, Congress passed and President Bush signed a law reaffirming the Pledge of Allegiance and ‘In God We Trust’ as our national motto.  Additionally, in 2006, the Senate reaffirmed ‘In God We Trust’ on the 50th anniversary of its adoption as the official national motto of the United States. On the night of the September 11 terrorist attacks, President George W. Bush delivered a speech to the nation saying, "Tonight, I ask for your prayers for all those who grieve, for the children whose worlds have been shattered, for all whose sense of safety and security has been threatened. And I pray they will be comforted by a power greater than any of us, spoken through the ages in Psalm 23: 'Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me.'”
Users are solely responsible for the opinions they post here and their comments do not necessarily reflect the views of Congressman Forbes.
  • Arthur Powell commented on 11/3/2011
    As a native of Virginia and one whose ancestors go back to Jamestown 1607 I want to says thanks for sponsoring the legislation, just adopted, supporting the "In God We Trust Motto." Arthur Lloyd Powell, Jr.
  • Thomas G commented on 11/3/2011
    The vote itself strongly suggests that a reaffirmation was not necessary here. That's the wonderful thing about faith, if it is strong and if we embrace the importance of being obedient to God the outcome is never in question. What this vote does do however is shift the focus from what is of high priority to our nation, and that is not to remind the faithful of their faith. There is a reason the public holds the congress in such low regard and this vote frankly demonstrates it. We desperately need this congress to act and accomplish something and they have accomplished little of substance, while threatening to shutdown the government 3 times, Mr. Forbes himself sought to drive the nation into default with his vote in spite of the will of the people and he refuses to even consider a 1 penny increase in the tax of millionaires and billionaires while proposing massive increases in defense spending, opposing cost cutting health care reforms and refusing to support essential reforms of the financial industry. Congressman Forbes also tried to blame the effort to rein in abuses for Bank of America's action to assess debit card fees. One thing this reaffirmation does accomplish...at least for some...is how Jesus dealt with the money changers and how he blessed the poor in spirit.
  • Doug A commented on 11/3/2011
    I would like to second the thoughts of Thmoas G. Mr. Forbes, do you really think that we sent you to DC for this type of grandstanding? Please do your job. We have real problems that need real solutions.
  • John Concannon commented on 11/3/2011
    This vote "would inspire Americans in tough economic times." Perhaps. So this question from the 112th Congressional Rules Package: As promised in the Pledge, members will not be able to introduce a bill or joint resolution without a “statement citing as specifically as practicable the power or powers granted to Congress in the Constitution to enact” it. This will serve to refocus members of Congress, with every bill they introduce, on the Constitution that they take an oath to support and defend. Was this done in H.CON.RES.13? I've read the text through The Library of Congress, and I don't see it. Would staff enlighten me as to what I may be missing? Or was this Concurrent Resolution just "passed" without the formalities?
  • Walter Cobb commented on 11/4/2011
    Thank you Randy for supporting this bill. With the state of our economy and more importantly the moral compass of the country, we need to affirm our faith in God.
  • Patrick Caneday commented on 11/4/2011
    Soooo, apparently, Rep. Forbes, the only thing more important than focusing on creating jobs and getting America back on her feet is sending the President a petty and unrelated message on official Congressional stationary, correcting him for a verbal gaffe more than a year ago? You were not sent to the Capitol to waste lawmakers’ time on such vindictive, ridiculous roll calls, forcing your colleagues to redirect their time and efforts in order to prove they are God-fearing Americans by voting in favor of your nonsensical and meaningless resolution. Please get back to work.
  • Timothy Bond commented on 11/5/2011
    God bless The Honorable Congressman Forbes for sponsoring this bill! I would like to find a transcript of the 40 minute debate on the House Floor. Would you please provide access to that transcript here? It's very hard to find anywhere else, including the House clerk's website. Thank you,
  • Timothy Bond commented on 11/5/2011
    Is there any chance you can provide a transcript, or a link to the transcript of the debate on the House Floor? I would not find it on the House Clerk's website. Thank you and God bless you for sponsoring this!
  • T B commented on 11/7/2011
    Rep. Forbes, As an (I) voter, who previously voted for you, I find this bill a waste of time. especially after reading the legislation. How is this helping the economy in Chesepeake VA or anywhere around our country? Also, after reading the legislation I see no specific religion mentioned. So, assuming "Freedom of Religion " then the motto should be "In (insert your religion here) God We Trust". Could you, or one of your reps please explain how our motto works in regards to "Freedom of Religion"?
  • (I) Voter commented on 11/7/2011
    What a waste of time !!!!!!! This does not help the economy in Chespeake VA or anywhere. Also, I see no specific religion mentioned, so with religious freedom in this country, the motto should be "In (insert your religion here) GOD We Trust" read the legislation, and its a buch of quotes about "GOD" copy and pasted. Educated people want action not "MAGIC". Thank you and you have lost my vote.
  • Paul Frommer commented on 11/8/2011
    So atheists and agnostics aren't real Americans? People like Carl Sagan, Bill Gates, James Cameron, Noam Chomsky, Pat Tillman . . . not equal to the good religious folk who trust in God? What nonsense. Take a look at the most religious parts of the country: they're precisely the places with the most poverty, the most crime, the most divorce. You can be good with God; you can be good without God. H.Con.Res. 13 is nothing more than grandstanding that panders to the worst elements in this divided country. I have newfound respect for the 9 brave representatives who voted against this needless time-wasting resolution.
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