Mark R. Warner Mark R. Warner


May 2012
  • 05/11/12 -
    Senator Warner's Virginia Tech Class of 2012 Commencement Speech
    Madame First Lady, President Steger, members of the Board of Visitors, Virginia Tech faculty and staff, parents, friends: Today, we gather to acknowledge and celebrate the success of over 5,000 college graduates – students who know that orange and maroon always look good together -- the Virginia Tech graduating class of 2012.
April 2012
  • 04/27/12 -
    Speaking from the Floor: Urging Reauthorization of VAWA
    Mr. President, I rise today to add my voice in support of the reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act, of which I am proud to say I am a cosponsor. In Virginia, this Act has doubled the resources available for prevention and intervention of sexual violence in communities and on campus. The funding provides crisis services in nearly every locality in Virginia.
December 2010
  • 12/06/10 -
    Speaking from the Floor: Urging swift action on debt reduction
    Just 72 hours ago, a bipartisan majority of the members of the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform endorsed a package of proposals to reposition our nation on a more responsible fiscal course. The seriousness of our nation’s fiscal challenges – the compelling need to address these issues in a responsible and bipartisan way -- did not suddenly dissipate or magically disappear over the course of the weekend that just ended.
September 2010
July 2010
  • 07/28/10 -
    Speech on HR 5297, The Small Business Jobs Act
    Mr. President, I appreciate the opportunity to join my colleague and friend, the chair of the Small Business Committee, the Senator from Louisiana, in support of this very important piece of legislation.
June 2010
  • 06/21/10 -
    Statement: One Year Anniversary of Metrorail Accident
    Senator Warner submitted a statement to the record marking the one year anniversary of the June 22, 2009, Washington Metrorail accident and highlighting the importance of addressing safety systems in our nation's public transportation.
April 2010
March 2010
  • 03/08/10 -
    Floor Statement: Overwhelming response to job fair
    Full text of Senator Warner's remarks on the Senate floor about his thoughts after returning from a federal job fair hosted by his office in Stafford, Va., which was attended by over 7,000 jobseekers.
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