FAIR TV: ABC's Disney "Exclusive," Syria WMDs, Robin Hood Tax

    Peter Hart, December 15, 2012

    Syria's chemical weapons threat-- is it Iraq all over again? With all the talk about the budget, why won't media talk about taxing Wall Street? And ABC breaks big "news"... about a Disney theme park. All of that on FAIR TV this week. >>>

    Does Hugo Chavez Keep Fooling Venezuelans?

    Peter Hart, December 13, 2012

    The New York Times updates readers today (12/13/12) on the health status of left-wing Venezuelan president Hugo Chávez, and the political implications for his country. But the paper starts out by suggesting that the people who keep electing him must have some kind of problem.  According to the Times' William Neuman,  life in Venezuela is pretty dismal. Christmas tree shipments were fouled up, a government ice cream factory closed down,  and "all of this happened while the economy was growing — before the slowdown many predict next year." He writes: Such frustrations are typical in Venezuela, for rich and poor [...] >>>


FAIR TV: ABC's Disney "Exclusive," Syria WMDs, Robin Hood Tax


Is Syria's chemical weapons reporting Iraq all over again? With all the talk about the budget, why won't media talk about taxing Wall Street? And ABC breaks big "news"… about a Disney theme park.


Robin Hood Isn't News

Wall Street Transaction Tax Missing from 'Cliff' Coverage


We're told that the "fiscal cliff" requires spending cuts and more revenue. But there's a simple way to get more tax dollars-- a small "Robin Hood" tax on financial transactions. So why won't the press talk about it?


Michael Ratner on Bradley Manning Hearing, Joe Torres on FCC


What happened at the Bradley Manning hearings this week? Corporate media don't seem interested; Michael Ratner tells us what they missed. And big media getting... bigger? Joe Torres on the latest at the FCC.


Turning Their Back on Bradley Manning

Whistleblower speaks--but press doesn't listen


Bradley Manning is accused of leaking incredibly vital information that made headlines around the world. But the developments at his trial last week were evidently not newsworthy.


Time Gives Up on Factchecking

Corporate media can't find a way to tell the truth

"Blue Truth, Red Truth": Time's October 15, 2012, cover story

Reporters appear to be wedded to a set of “rules” that say they are not allowed to convey reality to their readers and viewers.


The 'Raising the Retirement Age' Scam

What they're really talking about doing to Social Security

Raising the Retirement Age vs. Cutting Benefits

It’s inevitable that “raising the retirement age” for Social Security benefits will be talked about by corporate media as an option that would save the government large amounts of money. Such talk, however, will be entirely misleading—and designed to mislead.


Scott Nova on Bangladesh factory fire, Maurice Carney on Congo


Scott Nova of the Workers Rights Consortium joins us to talk about the fire at a garment factory in Bangladesh that killed over 100 workers. “War torn, mineral rich” --that’s pretty much all Time magazine thinks you need to know about the region of eastern Congo. Maurice Carney of the group Friends of the Congo talks media.


CEO Evening News?

CBS turns to benefit-cutting bosses for 'fiscal cliff' commentary

CEO Evening News

CBS Evening News has decided the best experts on the "fiscal cliff" are corporate CEOs who want to cut Social Security and Medicare. Let's tell them what we think about that.