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House Votes Holder in Contempt
Posted by Randy | June 28, 2012

Today, I voted in favor of two resolutions recommending that the House of Representatives find Eric H. Holder, Jr., Attorney General, U.S. Department of Justice, in contempt of Congress for refusal to comply with a subpoena by the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.  The criminal contempt resolution authorizes a criminal referral to the U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia.  The civil contempt resolution allows the Oversight and Government Reform to seek a civil enforcement action to force compliance with the subpoena, in the event that the U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia does not move forward.

To read the full report from the Oversight and Government Reform Committee, click below.

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  • Thomas G commented on 6/29/2012
    This is almost comical congressman given the bizarre attempt to continue to deceive the voters on your blog in issue after issue. I agree with the dozens of your colleagues that walked out of the chamber chanting shame shame shame on you! Your treatment of the Attorney General along with that of representative Issa is a national embarrassment. I am encouraged however that you are apparently standing up in defiance of the NRA and seek to implement stiff gun control measures to prevent the spread of dangerous assault weapons that unfortunately you helped release on the public with support for the end of the assault weapons ban. I wonder how many innocent people were murdered as a result of that action. Perhaps it would be helpful if you provided the voters with the sad facts on that matter? Its worth noting sir that your chairman stated on national television just this past weekend, on more than one major network, that the committee has no evidence whatsoever of the Attorney General knowing about the Bush administration ATF policy that you and the committee did nothing to stop. In fact, in the years this policy was pursued by the Bush administration not one arrest was ever made, however, numerous arrests were made during the Obama administration. It was Attorney General Holder that acted to end the outrageous Bush programs, and the ATF leadership has publically stated that the Attorney General was never informed of this program because the leadership itself wasn't aware of it. As a member of the committee you have failed miserably to even influence your own chairman to allow ATF leaders to testify before your committee. You sir are complicit in advancing an injustice, just as you have done before on other matters, such as voting for a bill that is unconstitutional that would make any budget the House passes binding regardless of whether or not the senate or president agree. And who could forget your passionate and yet ridiculous argument that somehow a pro forma session in the senate, where only a couple senators showed up for less than a minute, was adequate to prevent a recess appointment. Obviously you were not serious with what you told the voters because you did nothing later to support the ridiculous argument. The record here is very disturbing, and I urge everyone in the district to watch the entire hearings, as I have, and you will come to the same conclusion I have, that this vote of congressman Forbes has been shameful and it represents a humiliating embarrassment to the people of the 4th district. Once again, the voters are fed twisted realities that paint a picture of honor only to be unveiled as a petty act of political witch hunting. I just hope congressman Forbes that you will follow up on your commitment to finally implement tough new gun control measures to indeed ensure this does not happen again. The voters eagerly await your contributions to the reforms that will bring common sense control over guns and correct the tragedy of the failed act to unleash all these weapons in the first place.
  • J D commented on 6/29/2012
    The Attorney General belongs in jail. 300 dead Mexican citizens. Border Patrol agent Brian Terry dead. Homeland Security special agent Jaime Zapata dead. Thousands of guns "lost" with zero attempt to find them until they turned up at murder scenes. It's criminal, nothing less, what this administration has done, all in the name of inflating crime statistics in order to stampede us into allowing our 2nd Amendment freedoms to be further eroded. We know the Attorney General has lied, over and over again, to our Representatives in Congress. It's shameful. If nothing else, he belongs in jail for perjury and contempt of Congress. But more importantly, he needs to be called to account for the mounting number of bodies that continue to result from his little "operation."
  • Thomas G commented on 7/3/2012
    To JD - I totally agree with you that the Bush administration policy was incompetent and an utter failure in that not one arrest was made during his tenure. I also agree that had president Bush not allowed the dramatic growth in assault weapon proliferation that has resulted in hundreds of murders across the nation life would have been less peaceful. What is shameful however is the inference that this program the Attorney General stopped was designed as an assault on the second amendment. I wonder how the NRA that I think has evolved into a home grown extremist organization perpetuating violence and terror managed to sell snake oil to so many people. You have zero proof of any lie whatsoever regarding the Attorney General, and that is a fact even the chairman acknowledges. The only matter we seem to agree on, and we both agree with the Attorney General on this, is the tragic deaths coming from the policy itself. I think when a member of the NRA board itself is found guilty of violating hundreds of laws and cannot even account for 400 plus weapons he was responsible for the congress should be probing this national threat organization that indirectly has become a killing machine with out of control gun violence caused by thousands upon thousands of irresponsible adults with guns and irresponsible citizens who fail to demand common sense controls. Its sad that so many gun owners selfishly choose to force their families to live in fear. I cannot imagine such a woeful embrace of disturbing family value.
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