Loans and Grants

The California Environmental Protection Agency and its boards, departments, and offices offers funding opportunities authorized by legislation to assist public and private entities in the safe and effective management of environmental protection. Use the list below to access more detailed information about the individual loan and grant programs currently offered by CalEPA. Downloadable listing (PDF)



  • Environmental Enforcement and Training Grants. Program provides financial Assistance for environmental enforcement, education and training to enhance statewide enforcement of environmental laws. Funding sources are donations from environmental enforcement settlements that contribute to the Environmental Enforcement and Training Account. (Penal Code Section 14300).
    Contact: Jessica Diedesch (916) 322-2935
    Deadline: Grant application period is annually Sept. 1-30.
  • Environmental Justice Small Grants Program. Program provides grants to eligible community-based grassroots non-profit organizations and federally recognized tribal governments that are located in areas adversely affected by environmental pollution and hazards and are involved in addressing environmental justice concerns.
    Contact: Malinda Dumisani (916) 445-9480
    Deadline: Contingent upon funding availability.
  • Rural CUPA (California State Unified Program) Reimbursement Program. Provides reimbursement of funds to rural counties for activities associated with implementing the California State Unified Program (CUPA). A CUPA is a local agency that is responsible for hazardous materials management and oversight.
    Contact: Kareem Taylor (916) 327-9557
    Deadline: Deadline is September 30, 2010. Deadline each year September annually.

Air Resources Board


  • Providing Loan Assistance for California Equipment (PLACE) Program. Program provides financing for fleet owners, particularly small business owners, to gain easier access to loan opportunities. Also provides several options to increase financing accessibility, including loans, loan guarantees, and other mechanisms to assist industries affected by California Air Resources Board regulations.
    Contact: John Kato (916) 322-2891
    Deadline: On-going and contingent on funding availability.


  • Air Quality Improvement Program. Program provides voluntary incentives to fund clean vehicles and equipment, research on biofuels production and the air quality impacts of alternative fuels, and workforce training. The AQIP has funding of up to $48 million per year through 2015 subject to state budget appropriation.
    Contact: Lucina Negrete (916) 445-6138
    Deadline: On-going and contingent on funding availability.
  • Carl Moyer Memorial Air Quality Standards Attainment Program. Grants provided for cleaner than required engines, equipment and other sources of pollution that address early or extra emission.
    Contact: David Salardino (626) 575-6679
    Deadline: Contact local air pollution control district for information on application deadlines.
  • Goods Movement Emission Reduction Program. Program provides grants to local agencies for quick reduction of air pollution emissions and health risk from freight movement along California's trade corridors. Equipment owners apply for grants from local agencies to upgrade and replace diesel equipment. Projects funded under this program must achieve early or extra emission reductions not otherwise required by law or regulation.
    Contact: Barbara Van Gee (916) 323-1523
    Deadline: Various deadlines; fund availability is based on ARB receiving upfront proceeds from bond sales.
  • Lower Emission School Bus Program. Program reduces school children's exposure to both cancer-causing and smog-forming pollution. Program provides grant funding for new, safer school buses and retrofits existing buses on the road with air pollution control equipment.
    Contact: Heather Arias (916) 324-6429
    Deadline: Contact local air pollution control district for information on application deadlines.
  • Nontoxic Dry Cleaning Incentive Program (AB 998). Program provides grants to help eligible dry cleaners transition from Perc machines to CO2 cleaning systems that are water-based, non-toxic and non-smog forming.
    Contact: Hafizur Chowdhury (916) 322-2275
    Deadline: Applications accepted on a continuous basis.

Department of Toxic Substances Control


  • Brownfields Revolving Loan Fund Program. Program provides low-interest loans for financing cleanup of sites by eligible public or private property owners, including government and private property owners, as well as non-profits. Sub-grants awarded to government and non-profits only.
    Contact: Thomas Cota (714) 484-5459
    Deadline: Applications accepted on a continuous basis.
  • Cleanup Loans and Environmental Assistance to Neighborhoods (CLEAN) Loan Program. The CLEAN Loan Program provides low-interest loans to finance environmental assessments and hazardous waste cleanups of brownfields and underutilized urban properties.
    Contact: Thomas Cota (714) 484-5459
    Deadline: Applications accepted on a continuous basis beginning in late 2010.


  • Brownfields Revolving Loan Fund Program. Program provides low-interest loans for financing cleanup of sites by eligible public or private property owners, including government and private property owners, as well as non-profits. Sub-grants awarded to government and non-profits only.
    Contact: Thomas Cota (714) 484-5459
    Deadline: Applications accepted on a continuous basis.

Water Resources Control Board


  • Agricultural Drainage Program. Program provides loans to projects that address treatment, storage, conveyance or disposal of agricultural drainage that threaten waters of the State.
    Contact: Julie Rizzardo (916) 341-5822
    Deadline: Applications accepted on a continuous basis.
  • Agricultural Drainage Management Loan Program. Program provides loans and grants for drainage water management units, which are land and facilities for the treatment, storage, conveyance, reduction or disposal of agricultural drainage water. Runoff untreated would pollute or threaten to pollute waters.
    Contact: Julie Rizzardo (916) 341-5822
    Deadline: Applications accepted on a continuous basis.
  • Clean Water State Revolving Fund. Low-interest loans for wastewater treatment facilities and nonpoint source pollution control projects.
    Contact: Christopher Stevens (916) 341-5698
    Deadline: Applications accepted on a continuous basis.
  • Replace, Remove or Repair Underground Storage Tanks. Grants and Loans to assist with the expense of replacing, removing, upgrading, or making other specified improvements to petroleum underground storage tanks.
    Contact: Janice Clemons (916) 341-5657
    Deadline: On-going


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