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Question of the week: In the wake of recent violence, unrest and protests directed against the United States, what should be the foreign policy response from the United States to countries like Egypt or Libya?
Posted by Randy | September 20, 2012

Tragically, on September 11th in Benghazi, Libya, the United States Ambassador to Libya, Christopher Stevens, and three other Americans were murdered. This was the first U.S. Ambassador who had been murdered since 1979.  

These deaths occurred amidst angry and sometimes violent anti-American protests near U.S. embassies and consulates throughout the Middle East in the countries like Egypt, Yemen, Libya, and Tunisia.  In some cases, protesters were burning American flags and effigies of President Obama.

( ) Tether foreign aid to pro-democracy, religious freedoms and human rights benchmarks

( ) Reduce or eliminate foreign aid

( ) Sever diplomatic ties and/or remove embassy staffs

( ) Bolster embassy security with elite Marine units

( ) Continue engagement with these foreign governments to combat terrorism and promote democracy.   

( ) I don't know.

( ) Other. (Please share your comments and ideas on my blog below).

Take the poll here.

Find out the results of last week’s instapoll here.

Users are solely responsible for the opinions they post here and their comments do not necessarily reflect the views of Congressman Forbes.
  • Gregg J commented on 9/21/2012
    How can there be justification for providing foreign aid to a country that cannot ensure the safety of diplomatic personnel? Cut foreign aid to these countries immediately. Also, any foreign citizen breaching an embassy--with the intent to do harm--needs to be deactivated on the spot.
  • Thomas G commented on 9/21/2012
    Great question! The answer here is to continue engagement. It is never in our national interest to rigidly embrace shallow thinking as all the other options here demonstrate. We must resist the temptation to rigidly embrace the other options that all suggest knee jerk thinking. Theodore Roosevelt originated the phrase 'speak softly and carry a big stick' and was fabulously successful as a man of peace and influential world leader. Not only was Roosevelt effective internationally which such demeanor but he dealt with domestic affairs in similar ways. He understood the damage perpetrated by corporate America on its people and championed the cause of fair play for citizens. Sadly, this great American president left the republican party because of the conservatives 'steamroller tactics'. America was better off as a result of Roosevelt's leadership that brought us peace, national parks and an end to the damage done by heavy handed corporate interests. History shows us that dialogue with our adversaries delivers. Nixon's quiet work opened the doors with China. Reagan's thinking 'trust but verify' led to historic arms reduction treaties. President Carter facilitated the historic Camp David peace agreement between Egypt and Isarel and President Clinton helped to end decades of tension in Northern Ireland. None of these accomplishments could have resulted with hot headed reactionary policy that leads to unjust wars and tragedy for thousands. Foreign policy experts from across the nation would universally warn leaders of the perils of disengagement and the recklessness of trying to conduct or influence policy with advocacy or stoking reactionary public 'outrage'. This is the epitome of ignorance. Foreign aid is critical to the expansion of American influence. It demonstrates America's generosity, helps to give us vision into the problems other regions and nations struggle with. It helps to build relationships that lead to new free market opportunities for our nation and promotes cooperative endeavors the promote peace. The shrill scream to 'cut off aid' demonstrates the inability to honorably seek compromise and surrenders the prospect of successful persuasion. It is frankly stupid and politically weak, not strong. It's worth noting that in the current state of affairs President Obama's declaration that Egypt is neither ally nor enemy sets the stage for a new round of persuasive cooperation with a new government. It was the right thing to say at the right time in a difficult turn of events. No president can prepare for the uncertainty that may result from a reckless act, even by one of its own citizens. But what they can do is resist the temptation for tunnel vision that makes it hard to see opportunities through the fog of chaos. A wise policy must emcompass not only an appreciation for whatever is at stake in a given nation, but the effect as well on the region of the world involved. Our relationships with allies can also inhibit our vision without remaining engaged. We cannot allow our friends to believe that they control American foreign policy. To that end America must resist the same reckless temptation of foreign governments willing to abandon engagement and shut off sensible alternatives to bringing about dynamic change. I have no doubt that this weeks question will invite calls for cutting off all aid with no thought whatsoever regarding how much there is to whom it goes or what it accomplished. No doubt people will come forward believing a tank solves all problems, or that disengaging completely somehow advances interests. There will be that lobby. But its worth remembering that trying to impose a peace rarely works. It took Israel and Ariel Sharon 18 years of occupation in Lebannon to conclude the folly of the policy. It took decades of dialogue to bring down the Berlin wall. But most societal advances come from within, and America needs to remain engaged to advance the persuasive case. That does NOT happen at 10 p.m. calling for a national expression of 'outrage'.
  • Thomas G commented on 9/21/2012
    As we consider this very important question on the nation's foreign policy, it's worth noting the inclusive and engaged advocacy of the platform that centered on Theordore Roosevelt's view for our country. I'm left wondering what happened. Wouldn't it be important to recognize the value of engagement with other nations with the same passion Roosevelt felt for us? Roosevelt's Case ... -A National Health Service to include all existing government medical agencies. -Social insurance, to provide for the elderly, the unemployed, and the disabled -Limited injunctions in strikes -A minimum wage law for women -An eight hour workday -A federal securities commission -Farm relief -Workers' compensation for work-related injuries -An inheritance tax -A Constitutional amendment to allow a Federal income tax Political reforms- Women's suffrage Direct election of Senators Primary elections for state and federal nominations Platform urged states to adopt : The recall election The referendum (citizens may decide on a law by popular vote) The initiative (citizens may propose a law by petition and enact it by popular vote) Judicial recall (when a court declares a law unconstitutional, the citizens may override that ruling by popular vote) The main theme attacked domination of politics by business interests. It addressed alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics. It called for : Strict limits and disclosure requirements on political campaign contributions Registration of lobbyists Recording and publication of Congressional committee proceedings In the foregin policy arena why would America want to disengage in these 'VALUES' we SHOULD cherish? Thank God we have a CHOICE in this country.
  • Thomas G commented on 9/21/2012
    We must remain engaged to promote values that ensure all citizens have unimpeded rights and access to vote. We must teach other nations the importance of guaranteeing this vital right and to aggressively expose corrupting influences that attempt to suppress voting rights of its citizens. When powerful motives are used to infringe upon the interest of citizens to decide who they want their government to be, a nation's public must be empowered in total to fight corruption within and to remove damaging obstruction that thwarts democracy and tramples on the rights of just cause. No nation can rise and effect change more than a nation that refuses to allow its citizens to be eliminated from participation in the political process. America should always demonstrate to the world in word and in deed this right. She must take the lead within and beyond to trumpet goodwill and every abuse!
  • Allen Shepard commented on 9/21/2012
    The violence against U.S. embassies may have been driven by a few, but it was carried out by the many. Hatred or love in the peoples heart of the U.S.A. is not issued out but earned. In my opinion, our ignorance actions of tying our identity to the current regime has hurt us. Instead work with the culture to support those in power we want but also be free of them so we can and do support the people. Violence is not enough to turn public opinion. Japan bombed us and now we are allies. Russia was "the evil empire" that would launch rockets against us. Now we rely upon their rockets to send us into space. "Change their minds, change the world" Kind regards, Allen
  • Pedro The Mule commented on 9/21/2012
    Withdraw any american presence from Eygpt, Lybia, and similar nations, cut financial contributions to nothing, and ban their citizens from admission into the US (expelling any citizens that are already in the US).
  • Keith Sutyak commented on 9/21/2012
    It is impossible to ascertain the impact of not providing aid to certain countries. For instance, would Pakistan be destabilized without foreign aid? We all know the consequence of such destabilization. Such money may buy us a moderate degree of cooperation, and we should clearly define our expectations in such circumstances. We should not assume that such aide will grant us unencumbered access and complete cooperation with that country - are we supporting that country or bribing it? There is a fine line between diplomacy and insanity, and so such relationships must be monitored closely and agreements must be renegotiated based upon the value added for America. Countries which pose an imminent threat, even if indirectly, must be dealt with in unwavering terms.
  • Kristen Wack commented on 9/21/2012
    I am deeply saddened by the developments as a relative handful of extremist, anti-American protestors threaten to destroy U.S. relations with these emerging democracies. As much as I would like to provide a reactive solution; temperance and presence-of-mind are key in protecting our interests there as well as protecting the majority of underpriveledged, and peaceful citizens who would love to have a chance at the freedoms they've so long been denied. I would say, bolster military presence for the short-term to secure the situation, but enhance diplomatic efforts to affect lasting stability and alliance.
  • Lee Zandri commented on 9/21/2012
    Dear Sir, I have totally changed my mind, I now feel we should pull out of all the countries listed, money ,diplomats and troops. These people hate Americans and want to destroy the US and Israel . Stupid USA sends them billions of $ so they can build up their armies to destroy us. See how quick they will bow to us when the money stops going to them. How totally stupid is this country, totally broke so we borrow money from another enemy China and give away to Muslim countries that hate us. Lee Zandri
  • Bonnie Gallimore commented on 9/21/2012
    If I have a publicly avowed enemy whose vow includes killing the likes of me, I am not 1) caring whether or not they subscribe to democracy 2)inviting them into my home (borders) 3)set out to appease them with monthly donations (foreign aid) How simple is it for our leaders to understand: DO NOT GIVE MONEY TO PEOPLE WHO TRY TO KILL US. P.S. why are we inviting people from those minions to even have any access to our troops? I would like numbers on exactly how many of our young warriors have died at the hands of "these" friendlies. ENOUGH!
  • Bryan Butler commented on 9/21/2012
    We have to encourage our American brothers to stay behind enemy lines of all countries that we are involved in. There is the risk that they take day in and day out just like the soldiers on the battlefields. I believe there should be added security to every American occupied building in foreign countries. There needs to be their country's security as the outer guards and our as inner with a much more extensive background done before entering in to an American building. I understand this take money and coordination. We have to set the security standards high both in foreign and domestic areas. This is not just something that can happen in another country but it happens in the United States too. I know from experience that the security on even military installations is not enough. So I can only assume that the embassies are not much more than that. We still need to maintain the relations with that country regardless of what is going on in the world. Remember that we are professionals working to remain an excellent name for our country. Once the people of the United States and the military that we have understand that it is a professional organization then things might actually start to understand that we not only have to impress our superiors but the world.
  • A Jackson commented on 9/21/2012
    Currently it is only an embassy that has Marine guards, so we should take a look at extending that to the consulates as well. Eliminating foreign aid is not the way to go, as it has historically been tied to our diplomatic missions around the world. Who would step into the vacuum that would create? It is very easy to be a Monday morning quarterback screaming for war, but you need to consider that our military has been stretched to the limit with multiple deployments to combat zones for 10 years now. How many more of our military do you want to send and for how long? These wars were not of our current president's doing -- and I would like to remind you that he has gotten us out of Iraq, something for which he seemingly get no credit from REpublicans.
  • Ron Michelson commented on 9/21/2012
    I am a veteran, now 76 years old and I do love my country. I had the opportunity to live in Saudi Arabia for more than two years as a surgeon in a military hospital there. I struggled to learn Arabic so that I could interact better with my patients. I am appalled by my government's dealings with not only Saudi Arabia but other Arab muslim nations. I learned there a hard lesson, that as long as we are foolish enough to offer them aid, they will gladly take it and then stab us in the back. They are absolutely treacherous, appalling liars, and not so-nice opportunists. I must agree with the other folks that they (muslim or islamist governments) should not receive a penny of our money. It is abysmal ignorance to think that they will be our ally or that they will become democratic governments serving the people. Our ONLY reliable ally in the middle east is Israel, and our government has treated them shamefully. I would like to see a complete overhaul of our state department and our executive branch of the government....and the legislative and judicial branches could stand a serious "spring cleaning". Thank you Congressman Forbes for your unusual and dedicated service to your constituents and our couintry.
  • Robert Langer commented on 9/21/2012
    Expecting governments to become copies of the US is insane. In the Middle East their form of government will NEVER be democratic. Stop trying. They are theocracies accept it, cause you will not be able to change it. Yes, we can give humanitarian aid but not to government that hate us. As another poster said, it is the host countries responsibility to protect all of the visiting governments.
  • Daniel Reiss commented on 9/21/2012
    This administration and the American public have to recognize the Islam is not just a religion but a way of life. One that seeks to impose Shira law on believers and non-believers alike. In the Arab streets today you see mobs demanding respect for their beliefs and way of life, most of which are antithetical to American values of freedom of religion and the right of free speech. The administration should clearly state that the demonstrators will garner no sympathy from the US Government or the American public unless and until they respect the rights of others. Unfortunately that is not what they are hearing from the President or the Secretary of State. Their actions are seen as acknowledgement of America's weakness and it will be exploited. That is what happens when you "Lead from behind". An oxymoronic statement from an oxymoronic president. Your enemies are embolden.
  • Robert McEachern commented on 9/21/2012
    NO more money to these government.
  • Walt Barrett commented on 9/21/2012
    History proves the British, French, Germans and Russians were not successful in their attempts to manipulate these regions to their liking. So, what makes you think we are going to be any different? The people of these regions know the only reason we are there is to protect our oil interests. I ask you this question, is it worth all the lives of future fathers, husbands, wives and mothers and the billions of dollars to keep our interests as the are now?
  • Patricia Vinson commented on 9/21/2012
    It is very important to find and punish the terrorists with an over-whelming response. This would be to the actual killers and their parent organization (and any nation state that facilitated their existence). Anything less invites escalation. Read book by Lawrence Wright titled "the Looming Tower" to better understand mentality of the radical terrorist.
  • Lester Chesteranodipolo commented on 9/21/2012
    I don't understand why we have to be all over the world spreading Democracy. We should spread PEACE. But everyone that has asked for peace has been killed. Maybe the powers at be don't want peace. Peace doesn't make any money for anyone. All cultures and governments should take care of their own first. Especially the USA. Listen to Ron Paul. I am a Democrat but his ideas are good. Well most of them anyway. I agree with some of the previous bloggers who have said to get out and we should. PEACE and then more PEACE. Save Lives, Save Money and let countries govern as they see fit. We do not need to have army bases in other countries. When was the last time you saw an army base from another country in the USA? Would you be happy if there was one in your town or even state?
  • Jane Youngk commented on 9/21/2012
    I'm all for bringing all our troops home. Let all the muslims kill themselves which is what they were doing before we got there anyway. Let it be known that if we are attacked one more time in this country we will find out which country was responsible and we will blow them off the face of the earth. I would prefer that all muslims leave this country. They don't belong here. Not one of them can be trusted as we found out at 9/11. I'm sure the muslim community knew about the attack before it happened and didn't warn anyone. This is the only language the muslim community will understand.
  • Walt Manz commented on 9/21/2012
    A combination of the proposed solutions might be the solution. Temporarily cease foreign aid. If they can play nice for a set period, we may restore it, contingent upon them continuing to play nice. One solution we probably don't have the guts to do is to tell them, any time we suspend foreign aid to them because they aren't living up to the deal, whatever money is withheld from them will go to Israel, so not only are they being hurt financially, but their sworn enemy is benefiting from their bad behavior. Their contempt for America may only be exceeded by their hatred of Israel. This may get their attention.
  • Milton Breeden commented on 9/21/2012
    Eliminate aid and embassies but maintain contact via the UN.
  • Susan Fee commented on 9/21/2012
    I heard today that the President and Clinton has sorely apologized for offending the Muslims, rather than telling them that by attacking our embassy they have declared war against us and we will retaliate. I am outraged that after the murder of our innocent people, our government is apologizing!!! We should pull out all embassy personnel in Muslim run countries and stop funding them immediately! Instead we should be funding Israel and stop insulting Israel by refusing to meet with Prime Minister Netanyahu.
  • samuel lucas commented on 9/21/2012
    The US could use "domestic aid" to help strengthen this country from within. We need aid to help lower the drop out rate in our education sysytem, rebuild our crumbling infrastructure and stop using carbon based fuels. Funds are needed to rebuild stagnate communities by helping small businesses and creating jobs. More effort is needed to help prevent child abuse and neglect. We need to get out of Afganistan and quit policing the world. We need to regulate the Robbere Barons of Wall Street and the banks that are too big to fail.The foreign aid that we offer should be in the form of helping peoiple to create their own livelihoods and become selfsufficient not big payoffs to despots who stab us in the back. We don't need troops in Japan, that war is over or in Germany, that war is over. We still need as strong military but our real strength would come from a peace time economy not a war economy. Haliburton and other corporations have made billions from selling overpriced tools of war. We need to let the world see our benevolence and feel our compassion. Our ambassadors would be a lot safer if they represented a country that was a beacon for truth, justice and peace. We would of course still have our enemies, but the majority of people of the people of the world wouls view us a s an engine of change, a source of hope for the basic necessities of life. The people who recieve help from Oxfam, UNICEF, Children International and other charitable organizations don't hate us, they don't see Americans as their enemy.If we could redistribute the billions we spend on war and channel just a portion of this money and energy toward making this country strong from within and helping people in other countries escape poverty we would then truly reestablish our status in the world as a "Great Nation".
  • Edward Kosewicz commented on 9/21/2012
    Eliminate American aircraft from going to Egypt. And prohibit American citizens from traveling also unless for humanitarian reasons.
  • Michael Cummings commented on 9/21/2012
    I am so supprised to see comments about the Governments of Egypt and Libya "allowing terorst attacks" being posted. Keep up with the news. Both governments came out with statements declaring the Violence as not acceptable. Egypt sent in troops to protect the Embasy, Libya has denounced the attack as the work of foreigeners in their country and today 30,000 Libyans mounted a potest at the militants compound expelling them and setting fire to it. Are Governments that decry the violence to be held responsible for the acts of terrorist? If so should we be held responsible for act of terrorism on our soil? We need to keep in contact with these Governments and continue to promote Democracy in the region. the protsters where a small minority of radical Islamist. Read the news. Most of their people do not support this kind of responce. Most want Freedom of Thought. We are the shining light to the world. It is our responceaiblity to promote Free Idea and thought through out the rest of the world. To whom much is given, much is expected. To do otherwise is drop down in the mud with those who would expouse the difference instead of the sameness of man. For in all all men there is the desire and need for Freedom. Do not take your ques from the extreamist, do not let them win
  • William Fincher commented on 9/21/2012
    I would tend to agree with tethering foreign aid to pro-democracy, etc. If we eliminate aid entirely, would the Russians and China not fill that vacuum? Perhaps we could remove the embassy staffs to prevent further loss of life - placing more Marines on duty there probably wouldn't solve anything, since they seem to attack our bases wherever it pleases them. Perhaps we could attempt to logically converse with these leaders to promote a more democratic form of government and at the same time get them to combat terrorism from inside, if they were to realize the aid money is tied to results !
  • David Thelen commented on 9/22/2012
    Sorry this post is so long, I just want to submit these points given today's Middle Eastern challenges. I believe the following 5 concepts may be a start. As they say, there is the power of suggestions and so here goes. 1) I believe hate is like a cancer; it can metastasize even distant cells. You have no idea where it will show up. This may explain how this cancer of hate spreads without any given pattern. In order to prevent this cancer from spreading even more, you must have healthy cells. You must reach people way before this cancer "infects" even more. Just like cancer treatments, you cannot destroy 100 percent of this growth in one try. You may destroy 90 percent of this cancer the first treatment. Then you may destroy 90 percent of this remainder 90 percent the second treatment. And on and on it goes until you destroy all of this cancer. We now use precise radiation treatment to destroy the cancer cells. That may be similar to using drones. However if we create new cancer cells by our not so precise drones strikes; we may be causing more cancer of hate to spread even more. Can our understanding of how the DNA gets an on switch that causes cancer to happen as the DNA unravels in time. Can we utilize this knowledge of how extreme hate occurs after a few generations later? In other words, it is going to take turning that on switch to an off switch to prevent future extreme hate a few generations later. These may include new economic, political and social programs to do this. You cannot light a dark room with more darkness. You must have light to do so. Hate darkens any room; however our country should represent that shining city on a hill. That light should be that of HOPE. Now don't get me wrong this cancer has to be eliminated; however we must find ways to keep it from spreading so fast. From time to time your oncologist will perform tests, like P.E.T. scans, to see the progress of your cancer treatments. To weigh what should be done next. Perhaps the US could air drop thousands of smart phones, even within Iran, to see what people are saying; to see if this cancer of hate is spreading even more. 2) Do emotions seem, at times, to be governed by Newton's 3 laws of physics, as well? The following are the 3 laws. a) For every action there is like but opposite reaction. b) There is the momentum affect. Where something at rest will stay at rest. And something in motion will stay in motion. c) F=MA; Where F=force, M=mass, A=change in energy. There is hate energy. There is Goodwill energy. Does it seem like whenever you give someone a nice smile or let another driver in front of you in traffic (action); it will usually be met with a nice smile or a wave back (reaction)? Does it seem emotions can be governed by momentum, as well? It can occur between individuals, nations, or groups of people. The number of people involved may be where M=population. There was still hate energy (momentum) right after WW1 and WW2 ended. It took the Marshall Plan in Europe (Goodwill) to finally retire this hate energy (momentum.) In other words, there was a change in emotions from that of hate to that of goodwill or A=change in emotional (energy.) Does it seem some neighborhoods and towns are meaner or more aggressive than others? This may apply there are more hate momentum taking root. One way to reduce this hate momentum is to replace it with that of goodwill. I believe, an army of us bloggers should post video links of what made our country great. This is required to turn this hate momentum way before this cancer of hate metastasizes even more. 3) Should a new Middle Eastern Marshall Plan be developed to enhance peace? You have a 25 percent youth unemployment rate in the Middle East. Plus today's forecast high is 90 degrees. If you combine the heat with high unemployment; these may be contributing to these demonstrations. Could there be some kind of bond issue voted by the people of the Middle East to rebuild their cities; to where these bonds could be paid for by oil revenues or minerals income, as examples. This could reduce the high unemployment rate (25%) among the youth rebuilding their neighborhoods. This will keep this Cancer of Hate to spread even more. As part of rebuilding major Middle Eastern cities; they could buy new materials from the ports of the US if they so wish. Thus help lower our unemployment rate, as well. A new bold redesign of their cities could include things like new layers of walls and certain roads closures surrounding our embassies. These would make our embassies safer. We could speak of a new Marshall Plan to give a new dawn of HOPE across the Middle East. This new light of HOPE in seemingly dark times; could be what is required to prevent this darkness of HATE to spread even more. 4) Redraw the borders between nations of the Middle East that make more sense. It was the West after WW2 that drew the borders to that of what is today. Did these borders place warring sects into the same nation? Whereas, placing new borders that separate these groups of people make more sense. The world community could design the new borders to be voted on. Perhaps some parts of Iran could be divided as well. Create new voting opportunities that ask people; would you support a new region to become a separate nation? They could vote either yea or nay on this proposal. Then people of this region would become empowered to have a say in redrawing these borders. Some different regions of nations could merge to become 1 nation. Just like all nations, walls with checkpoints would separate these new counties. These could help bring new security between warring sects of people. Ask for input for how they would like to redesign their new flag to unite under. There is something magical to solute to your own flag. Perhaps leaders of these new regions of nations could design 4 flags. Then the people of a new region could vote for 1 out of 4 new flags designs to adopt. Create new voting opportunities to ask people for a constitution and the naming of their country to unite people of a certain region. Again leaders of a region could develop 4 different constitutions and names of their countries. Then people would vote for 1 out of these 4 concepts to form their new nation. Will this idea help win the hearts and minds of people? You be the judge. However, it may be worth it to consider this new proposal to help stabilize the situation there in the Middle East 5) Create new research and development efforts that would not only produce new products that would greatly reduce worldwide poverty; it could create millions of new jobs making these new innovative products, as well. Researchers are working on developing new water filters by using nano technologies. Your smart phone is made possible using new nano technology breakthroughs. These new filters could produce clean water for farming and for drinking out of polluted water. They say certain crystals can only be formed in space. They say these crystals can lead to developing new drugs to fight certain diseases that cannot be done on earth. Can they develop a special filter in space to produce clean water out of seawater? Perhaps a certain new filter could be made in space that could greatly reduce the pollutants made from coal power plants, as well. This would help with energy needs across the globe; without adding too much more carbons into the air, thus affect global warming. We could build new space factories making these new inventions. Imagine all the new jobs that could be created in things like Aerospace Engineering by flying materials to and from these new space factories. Can you imagine how these products could reduce severe poverty in the Middle East and Africa, Thus help create more peace in that region. I believe by decreasing severe poverty, you will help reduce the effectiveness of this campaign of hate toward the West across this region. Now I realize for something to occur there are many reasons behind it and I realize religion plays a big part. However severe poverty plays a big part. As they say desperate times require desperate measures. Now don't get me wrong the Cancer of Hate needs to be eliminated; however we must reach out to people before this cancer has occurred. It takes healthy cells to remain healthy to prevent this cancer to metastasize so fast. These ideas just may help to do this. This is just an opinion.
  • Sheila Williams commented on 9/22/2012
    Please stop wasting our money. Stop giving it to people who hate us. Stop offending our allies. Stop apologizing to people who perpetrate acts of war on us. Stop voting yourselves and each other pay raises. There is not one of you who was not already independently wealthy when you got into office. Perhaps you should make minimum wage, only for the hours you actually work, and punch a time clock, if you get paid at all. Change the policy of paying Congressmen, Senators, and former Presidents wages as long as they live. They should only be paid while in office. These positions should be voluntary, until the national debt is fixed, then maybe the ones of you who are only in office for the money, could be replaced by people who actually care about our nation, our people, and small businesses, and return this country back to being the land of opportunity for more than just elected officials. And why don't you purchase the government subsidized housing instead of paying people's rent decade after decade, and wasting that money. If you want to regulate healthcare, why don't you regulate how much doctors can charge for a visit. Or a bandaid, or a maxi pad after you give birth. $5 is ridiculous.... regulate how much mark-up they are allowed to charge...Doctor's shouldn't be allowed to charge more than $30/$50 for a specialist. Then we could afford our own health care, and the insurance companies would stop robbing everyone, and medicaid and medicare could be saved without changing it. Thanks for your time.
  • Bob Horn commented on 9/22/2012
    GET OUT!! They hate us and that for which we stand. Seal our borders and let them kill each other. Enter into mutual protection agreements with our friends. Or the Patton response would be to tell them to play nice or we'll nuke their asses. Really, can they hate us anymore than they already do?
  • Barbara Bankowski commented on 9/22/2012
    Here's my answer....stop giving our tax dollars to countries who are violently anti-American. For all the money we have given to these countries, nothing has changed..they hate us and continue to want to destroy us. Put that money to good use, pay down our debt, develop our oil and gas reserves , strengthen our borders and keep our military strong. It's time to get serious about protecting ourselves because we have repeatedly seen how dangerous the anti-American terrorists can be.
  • Nellie Hayse commented on 9/22/2012
    Bring our troops home from all foreign countries and leave them alone to manage their own affairs. Quit trying to control others so we can take their natural resources. Put our efforts instead into developing the strongest defense of America with our troops right her on USA soil. This will save or just be a better use of US tax money and our young people will not be dying around the world. These other countries do not want us there so leave. My game plan choice would be to work toward peaceful relations with all the rest of the world, build a strong trade base and put our money into strengthening small bushiness right here at home so America can thrive once more.
  • Kathy Oristaglio commented on 9/23/2012
    Traditional military operations in the middle east have come at way too high a cost for our military and our budget. No more "boots on the ground" unless it is quick in & out operations. We need to have more state department and CIA infiltration with our warships, fighter jets and drones poised and ready. Aid needs to be cut off in retaliation for the recent murders and only re-instated with strict stipulations. But honestly, DC needs to do a better job explaining what our $ is buying us. If it is supposedly for "good relations", we are getting screwed in most muslim countries.
  • Thomas G commented on 9/23/2012
    As a veteran myself I am not surprised by the reaction here and I am just as appalled as I thought I would be after reading what others think. I worry about many members in the congress who will conclude these shortsighted views amount to a mandate for foreign policy initiative. I am continually shocked by the rhetoric coming from the House of Representatives in particular. With respect to foreign aid this is one issue where the American people while passionate in their opinion are astonishingly ignorant. I can understand the sentiment and its a shame a question like this leaves such a huge void of information and perspective the voters desperately require before reaching a decision. None of this has been communicated by our representative and many of us in the constituency wonder why.
  • Howard Cromwell commented on 9/24/2012
    Congressman Forbes, We should do a combination of things. Increase security and make our Department of State employees and diplomates as safe as they can be to include, speedy exrractraction, hardened buildings with an adequite Marine Corps force to hold such a facility for no less than 24 to 48 hours. We should also have a administration that knows and understands what foreign policy is and also understands the differences between the various areas around the world and how to deal with each of them per a defined set of best case/worst case. Lastly we should understand that democracy and religion as we know them are not the norm around the world. While foreign countries and their residents may tollerate us, it is very short sighted on our part to believe we can instill our values and form of government on any foreign power no matter how large or small. Lastly, Islam has one purpose to change the world into Islam. It doesn't matter is the "faithful" are moderate or radical....there main goal is to ride the entire world of all religion except theirs. There are now 1.4 billion Christians and 1.4 billion that follow Islam, and then we have the Chinese. The events that have taken place are not primarily caused by some Islam Movie on UTube or Facebook. Those events are just a sampling of what 1.4 billion that follow Islam really think of us. Soon Iran will have a nuclear capability, that is if they don't already have one. Isreal is worried and rightly so, however, the implications of what will probable happen in the next six months will impact the entire world. Honestly, I don't think our administration has a clue on what to do except pander.
  • jerry lawrence commented on 9/24/2012
    I believe that it is a combination of a few of the above. To cut and abandon these embassies shows a weakness on our part and also a void to be back filled by the terrorist organizations. I think we should show diplomatic strength and increase our Marines in the embassies with real ammo. Tie the money we give to these countries with benchmarks and time tables that combat terrorism and human rights. This is a time to show our resolve and not just hand over everything we have fought for because it is an election year.
  • Raymond Strunk commented on 9/24/2012
    Military response is the most glaring ommission from your list Mr. Forbes. The media reports USN forces responding with strategic movements, drones being dispatched, and a released GTMO detainee being at least partially behind the attack on the Libyan embassy. Let's ask the administration for a play-by-play on progress. If 4 American deaths doesn't garner a rapid response in kind, we will be inviting more attacks.
  • Thomas G commented on 9/24/2012
    Bomb bomb bomb. What a stupid policy this would be. Isn't it amazing that really only 1 person in this entire conversation tried to address foreign policy in terms of respecting another nation's culture? Our Secretary of State has such a tremendous job of trying to promote American values while simultaneously having to cope with the utter stupidity of its own citizens. It didn't help to go down the road of torture, the prison abuses in Iraq, urinating over dead bodies in Afghanistan, burning the Koran or making a despicable film with the singular motivation of igniting exactly what happened. It's a sad state of affairs when our constituency fails to take ownership of such realites. It is important to recognize that we cannot always influence the culture of other nations. I personally find it offensive that the state of Israel has a nationalist policy with respect to Jews but refuses to extend it to Christians. I just don't think its necessary to make a film about the Greatest Story Ever Told with no motivation to step forward in efforts to spread the good news. That does not happen with disengagement, and it sure won't happen with bomb bomb bomb.
  • Gregg J commented on 9/24/2012
    We are $16T in debt. Do we continue supporting "developing" democracies while our own democracy collapses around us?
  • Wayne Dotson commented on 9/24/2012
    I would pose the question, "with the vast number of Muslims we have here in the U. S. why there is not more outcry?” and with that said I would point out the apparent connection to countries witnessing anti western violence as the same countries which governments have been over thrown and now lacking political diplomacy and leadership i.e. Libya, Egypt, and what I believe will become a breading grown for terrorist activity. It is most important to embrace these new governments to empower them, where they will have us, with knowledge and diplomacy to prevent these countries from becoming infected by the radicals. If that cannot be achieved and those new governments will not partake in the diplomatic process, for those governments who will not seek justice for our envoys we should pack up and take the stance that those countries have no wish to be our neighbors and should be considered our enemy. It is always unfortunate to have to take this stance but in this day in age very much required. I agree with others we should not be forcing our ideas on others but it is my belief that this is more of a geographical issue rather than a religious one.
  • Gregg J commented on 9/25/2012
    The only thing despicable here is Americans were murdered over an asinine film by ignorant people. To continue sending foreign aid to any country where Americans are murdered (over a freedom of speech issue) sends the wrong message and is an incredible sign of weakness. Should the embassies remain open...yes. Should embassy security be beefed up...yes. Should foreign aid be continued...hell no!
  • Lee Pipes commented on 9/27/2012
    Survival 101: A. Clearly delineate between tolerance and appeasement. ( Christianity provides no guidance here.) B. Remove the enemy from the West's strongholds. ( They should never have been allowed in.) C. Eradicate the enemy. ( as in eradicate) Islam and Comunism both understand that there can be only one sun in the sky. The West does not and will therefore perish.
  • Dave Long commented on 9/27/2012
    Korea did not work Viet Nam did not work Since then terrorism has only increased with our foreign intervention Stay home and respond to attack as a world community These were the only battles we faced with honor
  • Jim Lynch commented on 10/23/2012
    The number of ships is but one factor in the total force structure needed to meet our military obligations. We need to look at the whole and not focus on one component.
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