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Stop Insider Trading in Congress
Posted by Randy | January 26, 2012
After a revealing report by CBS "60 Minutes” aired at the end of last year, possible insider trading by Members of Congress has come under strong scrutiny. Under current law, Members of Congress and their staff do not owe a duty of confidentiality to the federal government, and therefore are not liable for insider trading. However, recent reports suggest sharing of nonpublic congressional information occurs regularly. The report noted circumstances where Members of Congress may have used their political status and access to nonpublic information to profit from buying and selling stock.

I believe this is wrong.
Members of Congress should adhere to the same standards as everyone else. It is unfair for elected officials to use their status to gain unfair advantage in the financial markets. It is unethical and it must be addressed.

I have cosponsored the Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge (STOCK) Act, H.R. 1148. The STOCK Act is a bipartisan solution that would prohibit Members of Congress and federal employees from profiting from nonpublic information they obtain via their official positions.  It also requires Members and employees of Congress to report the purchase, sale, or exchange of any stock, bond, or commodity future transaction in excess of $1,000 within 90 days. 

You can read more the legislation here.

I want to know what you think. Do you support legislation like the STOCK Act to address possible insider trading in Congress?
Users are solely responsible for the opinions they post here and their comments do not necessarily reflect the views of Congressman Forbes.
  • Thomas G commented on 1/26/2012
    This should be a no-brainer and it certainly does not rise up to the level worthy of a column trumpeting your support congressman Forbes. You were totally silent on this for the 12 years you were in congress and you still did nothing even after 60 Minutes called attention to this matter. It wasn't until the State of the Union that I believe you even gave this matter second thought. Now, let's move on to the real issue, and that is increasing the taxes on millionaires and billionaires. Can we count on your public support on this blog for that sir? It's already been nearly 140 days and you have done nothing to pressure the leadership to vote on the president's JOBS ACTS. You didn't even show up to vote for the middle class tax cut extension. We need to know what you are actually doing in the congress to address gridlock you have so rigidly embraced with 3 separate attempts to shut down the government last year.
  • Robert Gass commented on 1/28/2012
    I fully support this agenda but think it doesn't go far enough. It needs teeth. It needs the hard criminal penalties for any congressman or senator that profits from their office. These positions are a public trust. Stop the spending on entitlements. It makes the lazy lazier. The real problem at large is the destruction of the bill of rights by legislative fiat. Go back to the gold standard or some commodity standard that will give us a sound money system. Phase out the federal reserve - it is the single most destructive force in the government. It's purpose is to allow "flexible currency" which is a tax on all Americans, but has the most devastating affect on the poor. Do away with Fanny Mae & Freddy Mac. Prevent any further bailouts of any kind. Get the federal government out of the economy altogether and most of the corruption will have no place to manifest itself. Return the constitutional powers to the states and the people as stated in the constitution. Reign in the federal government to only those responsibilities stated in the constitution. No government has rights, people do. The government cannot give anything to someone without first taking it from someone else. What makes the receiver more the public than the owner??? By todays standard the level of your incompetence is the level of your reward and the level of ability is the level of your punishment (taxes). In a free market (which we don't have), wealth is created. This country was founded on the principles of a free market and property rights. In a planned economy wealth is taken and redistributed by the planners. If no wealth is created then there is nothing to loot and redistribute... we have sued or taxed all heavy industry out of existence. Thus the manufacturers have relocated to more tax, labor, and business friendly countries. (less jobs) All of the problems we see today are the results of the government involvement with the economy and the money supply (FED Reserve). Look at the corruption in any facet of the economy and you will find some politician making behind the scene deals to spend your money where the politician gets the most benefit from it. Fanny and Freddy are the brainchild of some such politician. Why??? to obtain union money and blue collar votes from the what is today some of the least skilled workers we have in the country... I say least skilled because these jobs are being lost to common day laborers from other countries who don't require all the luxuries union workers have become used to with their inflated pay. Companies fail from time to time, but others pick up those pieces and turn a profit. Principles are the things that cannot be compromised. Compromise doesn't lead to general fulfillment but to general frustration. Compromise and sacrifice for the creed of the unearned and undeserved is the prelude to slavery.
  • James Newbery commented on 1/28/2012
    Why would our elected members of congress EVER do anything in the best interest of their constituent's, I would not trust them as far as I could throw them!
  • Teri Tingen commented on 1/30/2012
    Of course, I support this legislation what U.S. citizens wouldn’t! But do you really believe your fellow Congressman will vote this in? There has always been a double standard. I can't believe Senators and Congressman can vote themselves a pay increase, are entitled to a pension no matter how long or short their term may be and are exempt from Obama care, BUT THEY ARE. We are the employer of the Senate and the Congress. Therefore, we should be voting on whether or not our representatives receive a pay increase. They should be evaluated just as we are by our employers. The executive order should be used as it was intended to be used, not as a way to bypass the vote of the Congress and the Senate. BUT, BOTH PARTIES ARE GUILTY OF THIS TRANSGRESSION. All Senators, Congressmen and government employees should be forced to prove they have paid their taxes each year, but it’ll never happen. Eminent Domain should be used as our Forefathers meant it to be used, such as, highways, parks, etc. Not as a way of robbing individual citizens of their property in order for a corporation or a private company to come in and build resorts, hotels, etc. in order for that area (municipality, town or city) to bring in more tax revenue. No matter how the Supreme Court ruled (they made law, they didn’t follow the law) this use is thievery in its highest form. So do I believe you’re going to do anything about the dishonesty and double standard of our government? NO! These thoughts are stated far better below by Thomas Jefferson. "The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not." -- Thomas Jefferson "I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them." -- Thomas Jefferson "My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government." -- Thomas Jefferson "The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government."-- Thomas Jefferson "To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical."-- Thomas Jefferson "I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around the banks will deprive the people of all property - until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered."
  • J Jordan commented on 1/30/2012
    I think Congressmen/women should be held to the same standards that I and everyone else in the country are held to. I have served this country for almost 19 years in the military and it's a disgrace to see what is going on in the country. Greed is sweeping everything and I don't mean just from the rich either. To see people stand around and wait for handouts goes against everything this country was built on. To see Congress vote their own pay raises and pass bills without consulting the constituants isn't right neither. I serve twenty years and retire with 50% of pretty much nothing but look at what congress is getting for one term(I believe it's like 10,000 a month for the rest of their lifes and haven't seen a lick of combat). What happen to for the people by the people??? In this time of need we need less politics and more what's best for our great nation. No one should talk about the war or make a decision about the war unless you have personally taken part in the war. I don't mean just sitting in a big base neither. Army Special Forces is what will win the war not NAVAL Special Operations or Marine Special Operations. They have their part but the original Special Forces (Green Berets) are the only force that can do it from the ground up and are self sustained.. Sorry to have roamed away from the subject but yes If you pass it you should abide by it.. Final..
  • Thomas G commented on 1/31/2012
    Teri : Thank you for that quote from Thomas Jefferson. It is so sad that today we have such shallow political leadership that clearly does not grasp the meaning of true patriotism.
  • Richard Taylor commented on 1/31/2012
    This kind of slight of hand trickery is exactly what formed and powered the tea party movement. Hard working americans who play by the rules and only expect what they have earned legally will continue to gain momentum and sweep these carpetbaggers out of office.
  • joe dotson commented on 1/31/2012
    I agree that Federal Government Employees should be held to the same standard as the citizens they work for. Additionally I think their past avoidance of the the Newly Developed STOCK Act should be made public covering their entire career. Some form of payback would be in order even though in some cases they may have lost capital.
  • BJ Anderson commented on 1/31/2012
    I recently sent you an email in support of the STOCK act. Thank you for being a co-sponsor and keep up the good work.
  • Jerome Avenson commented on 1/31/2012
    What law exempts them? I don't believe that they are exempt. If you know which law makers are doing insider trading, lets charge them for it and take them to court. Let them be tried for their crimes in a court of law. You can do it this week.
  • P Townsend commented on 1/31/2012
    This practice of enabling congressional members to legally take advantage of insider trading is the perfect example of the practices that have caused the electorate to trust none of you and why Congress has an 80% unfavorable rating. How could elected officials sleep at night knowing that they were participating in such unconscionable activity? Just because a certain activity is technically "legal" doesn't make it morally right!!
  • charles wood commented on 1/31/2012
    i absolutely support the bill. if anything congressmen should be held to an even higher standard due to their ability to avail themselves of knowledge not available to the public.
  • William Baker commented on 1/31/2012
    Members of Congress are American citizens and should be held accountable to the same laws, regulations and benefits as all other citizens. Equal protection of the Constitution, Law, etc. is an absolute must for a Country maintaining Justice and Liberty for All. This is basic elementary thinking. Disagreement is sheer stupididity and grounds for disqualification in any government position. Bill Baker
  • Judy Masserano commented on 1/31/2012
    Dear Congressman, I support your efforts in this regard wholeheartedly. Kudos & many thanks for taking the initiative in stopping this unethical behavior. God bless you & God bless America!
  • Bruce Bangley commented on 1/31/2012
    As I feel you often do with matters religious, in my opinion this is nothing more than grandstanding at this juncture. Had you been proactive, it would be totally different. As far as congressional "insider" trading, this is but another example of alternate universes. Congress has one set of rules and benefits. We, the people, are held to separate standards. How about introducing a bill that can lead to term limits for congress. And, in the interest of the fair shairness of which our president preaches, how about introducing bills to abolish the current tax code and replace it with the Fair Tax. There is too much manipulation built into our current system. And it is punishes, if not demonizes, success. Thank you for your service, but I feel that perhaps it is time to walk away from public service and go back and pick up your plow for a while....figuratively speaking.
  • Ray Ross, Jr. commented on 2/1/2012
    RANDY, such behavior has to stop!
  • Thomas G commented on 2/1/2012
    Well congressman as you can see once again the public is solidly behind President Obama on this issue. Unfortunately the president had to get involved an pressure you to act yet again when you personally have had 12 years to do so and you refused. I question your commitment to this bill based on the 12 year failure, but that's another issue. So my question now is when the public also is solidly behind the president's JOBS ACT that is fully paid for and was sent to the congress 150 days ago. We cannot even get a vote on this bill, when nearly 70% of the public support it. You have done nothing at all to pressure your party leadership to vote on this and because of that you sir are complicit in the gridlock that has harmed your country so dramatically. So I question your commitment to the middle class too, and it pretty hard to feel differently when you refused to even show up to vote for the middle class tax cut extension. I know you are not ignorant of the overwhelming support for the direction president Obama set out for the country in the State of the Union. We need you to act across the board sir in cooperation with others to get something done, beyond reaffirming the national motto and designating english as the national language. You have already failed to control spending, helping to add an astonishing 7.5 trillion dollars to the debt even before President Obama was elected. I agree with Bruce, perhaps it is time to end your public service if you do not intend to act on issues critical to our country.
  • Bill Fields commented on 2/1/2012
    Randy, The United States public is not talking about the congress' duty of confidentiality to the Federal Government, they are just looking for men and women with character and honesty. I cannot believe that these members of congress do not understand what it is to be a representative of the people. Therefore, it is totally unethical for anyone representing the people and stealing, which is what inside trading is.
  • Henry Hartz commented on 2/1/2012
    It should include removal from office, loss of pension, and jail time for those who do it OR pass the information to anyone who could profit from it.
  • Barry Pavlina commented on 2/1/2012
    Congress continually flaunts their collective power and disregard for ethics by breaking any and every law they so chose. If it were'nt for being an election year we the People would'nt have heard of this moral decay. If the average American taxpayer knew the truth about Congress there would be rioting in the streets. You guys make us sick. bvp
  • Robert Shrader commented on 2/1/2012
    Representative Forbes, I applaud the efforts of you and others in the House to eliminate this practice. Citizens outside of government have gone to jail for this type of illegal activity. I believe, however, that the only reason you and other members of Congress acted on this is because you got caught. It is not surprising that Congress is held in such low esteem by average citizens. But why stop here. There must be dozens of other government loopholes that need to be closed and every member of Congress has plenty of staffers that could continue the search. Don' you agree?
  • Grandma GG commented on 2/1/2012
    It is obvious we have to do something to keep the *children's* hands out of the cookie jar, but what a shame that it requires laws for these people who are in charge of this country's future to keep them honest. Diogenes would have an impossible chore in D.C. We need to enforce any law that is passed and it should apply to EVERYONE who works for or with our government wherever they might be in the world. It saddens me that these men and women are taking advantage of their constituents' trust....they always seem to be looking for the loopholes and it seems impossible to keep those loopholes plugged up. Certainly a very sad comment on the character of the people we have elected.
  • d f commented on 2/1/2012
    I support it only if it is airtight, applies to MC, staffs, families, and the family pets. Also, only if there are criminal prnalties and divestiture provisions.
  • Dee Schallenberg commented on 2/1/2012
    Of course I support it!! But it needs to be reworded. You must take out the word "possible". You and I and everyone else knows most of the gov does so. even friends of the gov, like Soros, gets to use the insider trading. there is NO need to pander or to try to be politically correct.
  • Jon Goffaux commented on 2/1/2012
    Yes I support the STOCK Act. I think that it should include all government worker right down to the local level. A bigger inequity is the "Qualified Investor" rule that basically prohibits 99.999% of Americans from investing in private stock AND makes it very difficult for start up companies to raise capital thereby making it easy to take over or squash great inventions.
  • Mark T commented on 2/1/2012
    duh of course......, make congress live by the same rules we do with the same punishments..... while you're at it they need to donate their pension to social security an become a part of social security and medicare system like the majority of the population. Then maybe they will make an effort to make it solvent....
  • Tom Sadler commented on 2/1/2012
    They'll ignore this. They are above the law.Fire all of them. Put in new terms of employment including a guardian of the public interest that oversees government ethics that is answerable to the chief justice. After watching how Congress "deals" with its ethic issues its plain to see they don't know how to spell the word. Still waiting fe ole Nancy to "drain the swamp" She needs to look at herself first.Or her family.
  • Kam Dystra commented on 2/1/2012
    So, let get this straight. After most of the government officials we elected to congress have already made a good deal of money by applying insider trading, a CRIME these same dirtbags would put me and you in jail for. Now that many have made themselves very wealthy and others have made money and are on their way to wealth, some of these fine upstanding congressman want to enact a law that will make this illegal and put us all on the same footing. BULLSHIT! I want to be able to do the same thing for the next 25 years so me and my wife can amass millions before we reitre. And I want every one of these sitting congressmen and women put in prison for at least 20 years for stealing my social security money which is against the law and for illegal, insider trading. 20 years with no parole or time off for good behavior. What a disgrace these triators are. TRAITORS! THIEVES! No parole and no time off for good behavior. 20 years minimum in a state prison where they are not afforded the country club life some get in the federal pen.
  • Jason W commented on 2/1/2012
    Why is that bills that affect congress go through with full bi-partisan support, but bills that could positivly improve the country as a whole are stalled, not discussed (let alone voted on) nor ever advanced. Please stop the political posturing and work with your democrat counterparts to get things passed and the economy back on track. That is why we put you in office, not to fight and resist ideas that are not your own.
  • Carolyn Rice commented on 2/1/2012
    Congressman Forbes, my stance on this matter is straightforward---all members of Congress should be subject to all the laws they pass on the rest of us. Period!!! They are the only ones who can institute this change. What do we suppose the chance of that is?
  • Melissa Taplin commented on 2/1/2012
    Why should ANY Government employee be held to a different standard than We the People? This is such a no brainier that it sickens me. If it wasn't an election year, Congress would have swept this under the proverbial rug for yet another decade & continued to stuff their pockets. At what point do morals, ethics and having a conscience get lost on our elected officials? The actions by members of Congress show a blatant disregard for basic concepts such as right and wrong. The fact that a bill has to be passed to stop this illegal behavior speaks volumes about the entitlement complex that plagues our government. For the record, Congress can continue to sweep their unethical actions under the rug but keep in mind, we the people are tired of the big, fat elephant on the floor of our government offices. Congress needs to grow a conscience, some morals and start doing the RIGHT thing by their constituents. I doubt this is the type of Government behavior our Founding Fathers had in mind.
  • Melissa Taplin commented on 2/1/2012
    To add to my prior comment, I am flabbergasted that a LAW has to put in place to keep our elected officials from breaking the law! What SHOULD happen is every single government employee that participated in insider trading should be removed from office, prosecuted, and lose ALL of their life long benefits they receive from We The People, otherwise known as the taxpayers footing the bill!
  • John Parker commented on 2/1/2012
    Oh, so now all of a sudden this is a problem for you, Congressman? NOW you elect to jump on the bandwagon? I guess there's been too much feeding at the trough and those on Capital Hill are filled to the brim after so many years of unfettered access to secret information that it's time to stop (wink). I got a better idea Congressman, and I challenge you to sign and post on your website a signed affidavit swearing that the entire time YOU have been in elected office (in VA too) that YOU NEVER, ever, used insider information or information (on stocks, mergers, buyouts, etc.) for financial gain. It's kind of like a drug test, you see; you may not be dirty but you have to show tangible proof to substantiate you're clean...... Ball's in your court now, Congressman.....
  • Rodney van Treeck commented on 2/1/2012
    I have a very simple solution to the STOCK Act. Let them Trade Stock all they want!!! If Congressmen are netting 12-15% gains, much better than that of the long term historical average of the S&P 500, more power to them. However, why don't the congressmen prove they are really working for the constituants and post thier buys and sells on the web site 48 hours prior to their order execution. This way, we can all make the same returns!!!! Hey what's good enough for congress, should be good enough for us working stiffs.
  • sam randall commented on 2/1/2012
    I thought there were already laws against insider trading, that's what Martha Stewart went to "prison" for. Seems the real problem is that Congress and Senate feel they are above the laws they pass for others. So, why don't you track down EVER violation of insider trading, prosecute them, make the fine 150% of the profits (at least), then kick them out of their office. Also track down every federal employee who is not currant on their taxes, and fine them. Start from the top down. Put all those fines onto the national debt, then see where we stand. By the way, how long is it now since we padded a budget?
  • Jean Gannon commented on 2/2/2012
    It is my understanding that insider trading is illegal regardless of ones position. Why not just enforce the current laws rather than add more onto the books. Even if a new law is passed, whose to say it will have any impact if no one is willing to back it up.
  • PAMELA FARRELL commented on 2/2/2012
    I am for a bill to stop insider trading ability for congressmen and senators.
  • Terry Ringler commented on 2/2/2012
    I agree with passing a law to prevent politicians from engaging in insider trading. I don't agree that people like Cantor should take this as an opportunity to make something that has already been passed by the Senate, I believe, add a bunch of junk to it as to make it unacceptable in the new form. I also believe $80,000 dollars is to low a number to require a blind trust.
  • Travis G commented on 2/2/2012
    This bill is a good first step, and of course I support it -- however, it appears that the root of the problem is much deeper. After all Martha Stewart went to prison for insider trading. It is very shocking to discover that insider trading laws have not applied to those who work for congress. Also, I have been told that members of congress do not have to have the same health insurance as other citizens, and also have a very sweet, life -long, pension (Shouldn't the pension be tied to the number of years served, as most pensions are?). It is very suspicious that many elected officials become millionaires after being in office. Our founders considered serving in office more like their volunteer work, their civic duty, than their livelihood. Please consider drafting a bill that gets to the root of these issues -- as a start members of congress should have to abide by all the laws congress passes which every other citizen has to abide by.
  • Carl K commented on 2/2/2012
    "...Under current law, Members of Congress and their staff do not owe a duty of confidentiality to the federal government..." The Law needs to be changed and should apply to EVERYONE. WHY would ANYBODY be exempt?! By not having ANY accountability, leaves more room for CORRUPTION. Elections are coming up... time for a REAL change. Wake UP America.
  • Bruce Koch commented on 2/2/2012
    This is election year grandstanding to make member of congress feel better about themselves and make it appear to the constituancy that they are doing something. There are already laws against insider trading, they just aren't enforced and congress plays silly games to skirt the law. They rely on "technicallities" to get around the laws that apply to the rest of us. Enforce the laws we already have, do your job and stop the grandstanding.
  • Barbara Sanchez commented on 2/2/2012
    First of all I was shocked to learn that Members of Congress don't have to play by the same rules as the rest of us. What makes them above the law? Of course this bill should pass but it should also ensure this includes friends and family and anyone else affiliated with the Members of Congress. If given any loophole, it will be used.
  • Kate Svagdis commented on 2/2/2012
    STOCK should not be a sham but should include all spouses, relatives, friends, staffers-NO one should have this information, no 30 days window so congressional members still make a money while the very people who pay their salaries are denied this information-insider trading IS inside trading. The proposed bill laughs at tax payers like Clinton and his Is Is comment.
  • R. G. commented on 2/3/2012
    Forget such 'bread and circuses' for the proletariat, congressman. Rather than focus efforts on one singular issue (insider trading), how about a law that requires ALL of Congress and ALL branches of the government are required to follow the EXACT same laws they pass for the rest of us. No exceptions, no waivers, no loopholes, no ambiguous language, no 'sundown' provisions. This can be done on ONE sheet of paper, and should be submitted as such, lest our illustrious body of righteous public servants attach a few hundred pages of pork riders. It still boggles my mind that we even have to consider special 'acts' to have our own representatives in government follow the laws they foist upon the rest of us.
  • Rich Reviello commented on 2/10/2012
    Congressman: I can't imagine that you even had to take a poll on this question! Talk about a person that is way out of touch with what the average person in this country is subject to.
  • Christy Wooddy commented on 2/16/2012
    Congressman Forbes: If an everyday American citizen can be sent to jail for insider trading so should you and your congressional peers. Our elected officials should be held to AT LEAST the same standards as the rest of us. You should be ashamed that you allowed Cantor and cronies to water this bill down so that, once again, you've passed a law that does nothing but protect yourselves at the expense of the rest of us. Maybe you should send out surveys that ask real questions that called for our honest opinions. Instead, you give us political propaganda to promote an agenda which is often contrary to the best interests of the people you represent.
  • loura morris commented on 3/26/2012
    Thank-you Comgressman Forbes, for standing-up For Americans.....Inside Trading is unlawful, No-one is above The Law. Congress have gave themselfs 2 wage increases, full retirement, Medical, Their Kids do not have to pay for Student loans. ( 4 yrs. for so-call serve The People )They no-longer work for our Country ) is this true ? My understanding is 30 States have sign-on-take these Law-Breakers to Court, but need 3 more States. I would hope out of 50 States...WELL....They need a Wake-up-Call.....We live in the Best Country in the World.......We need to protect America and our Men and Ladies who Serve and Protect her......AMEN
  • Michael Durig commented on 4/11/2012
    This is a good start Congressman Forbes. Now, I would like to see the rule of law enforced to the extent that sitting Congressmen/women and Senators can be prosecuted for mis-leading Congress on the Housing Crisis. Congressman Franks, Senator Dodd, and Congresswoman Waters all appeared in front of sub-committees in regards to the state of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. We know that the books were cooked to appear proper so that Franklin Raines and others could make fortunes in their "positions". Why in the world would my Congressman look the other way? I insist that each and every law that is broken in the halls of Congress be prosecuted regardless of who is the criminal. The same standard that I am held to should be the same standard each representative is held as well. Thank you for your service.
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