Real Alternatives for Real Change

republican road to recoveryToday marks the unveiling of the "Republican Road to Recovery" for America's hurting economy. House Republicans will hold a press conference today to announce alternatives to President Barack Obama's overspending policies.

Democrats have recently painted Republicans as "the Party of no" but House Republican Conference Chairman Mike Pence begs to differ: “Welcome to the next installment of the party of yes: yes to better solutions. Yes to alternatives that will resonate with millions of Americans because they are grounded in the timeless values of personal responsibility."

Politico reports there are several chapters to the "Recovery" plan, each divided into labeled sections to reflect specific steps toward economic relief. Like Pence, House Minority Whip Eric Cantor repeated that Republicans "are here to say yes."

Ranking member on the Budget Committee Rep. Paul Ryan (WI) yesterday urged Blue Dog Democrats to join Republicans in their new plan to recovery.

"Do you really want all this governemnt? Do you want your fingerprints on this massive, unprecedented growth in our national debt?" he asked Democrats yesterday during the budget hearing. "You hold the cards. You hold the votes that can make the diifference in this. You can stop this. I'm asking you, join us to stop this fiscal train wreck."

"The Republican Road to Recovery" promises to limit the federal budget from growing too fast, provide univesal access to health care, lower taxes, create jobs, and end bailouts, among other lofty promises. Join House Republicans in supporting real change in economic reform.

We will have reports and updates from the press conference this afternoon.