What Your Members Are Up To

Rep. John Shadegg (AZ) plans to introduce a resolution that will designate a nuclear-powered airfcraft carrier of the Navy to former U.S. Senator and Presidential candidate Barry Goldwater. Goldwater's service to the country as a pilot in the U.S. Army Air Corps during World War II could be honored in this way.

Rep. Ron Paul (TX) seeks support for the Cures Can Be Found Act, which provides a tax credit for investments and donations toward adult and unmbilical cord blood stem cell research. It will also provide a $2,000 tax credit to new parents who donate umbilical cord blood for stem cell research.

Rep. Paul Ryan (WI) will speak with two Cato Institute senior fellows on "Obama's Blueprint for Growing the Welfare State" next Tuesday, March 31st.

Rep. John Shimkus (IL) has teamed up with the Heritage Foundation for an event on Climate Change 101 this Thursday, March 26th. Shimkus will speak with energy experts Harlan Watson and David Kreutzer, Ph.D.

Rep. Mary Bono Mack (CA) met with the National Hispanic Foundation for the Arts about piracy, illegal downloading and counterfeiting of the arts. The issue is huge in California, where it is "costing Americans almost $250 billion in lost revenue and around 750,000 jobs a year!" Mack said in a press release.

Rep. Michelle Bachmann (MN) will host an April 9th forum on climate change and cap and trade with Chris Horner, a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute.