Pence Condemns Pelosi’s Latest Deficit Spending Bill

U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, issued the following statement today urging opposition to H.R. 3961, the Pelosi “doc fix” bill that will add more than $200 billion to the deficit:

With the national debt rising above $12 trillion, and less than two weeks after House Democrats rammed through the $1.3 trillion Pelosi health care plan, now comes a $200 billion deficit spending bill.  Under the guise of helping doctors, one analysis projects that Speaker Pelosi’s latest health care bill will cost taxpayers nearly $2 trillion over the next 75 years.

As unemployment continues to rise, it seems there is no level of federal spending and national debt that Washington Democrats aren’t willing to pile on struggling families and future generations. This latest proposal is being brought forward because Democrats refuse to address health care reform in a fiscally responsible way.  We should not reward their budget-busting health care plan with yet another deficit spending bill.

I understand the challenges facing the nation’s doctors who provide an invaluable service to millions of seniors.  We must reform the system of Medicare reimbursement to ensure patients receive the care they need, that doctors are fairly compensated for their services, and that future generations aren’t forced to pay the bill.  Sadly, this latest proposal by Speaker Pelosi continues to take our country in the wrong direction, and our seniors, doctors and children will pay the price.