Raul M. Grijalva

Raul M. Grijalva


Washington, D.C. · http://grijalva.house.gov

Tweets Tout / Sans réponses

  1. .: how does stopping payments to 61 million Americans show you’re “serious?” By hurting American families?

  2. Disappointing that the is “disappointed” by common-sense changes to gun safety laws that will save lives.

  3. The best way to reduce our deficit? Put people back to work making things in America, rebuilding roads, bridges and educating our children

  4. We should fight to help families put food on the table, not put government bonuses in the wallets of Wall Street, Big Oil, Big Pharma.

  5. You don't stop making mortgage and car payments to "save money." Refusing to raise is silly economics and we all know it.

  6. fair next Friday in at 10 am: El Pueblo Education Center, 101 W. Irvington. Meet employers looking to hire in southern .

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