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Taking the Message to the American People
Posted by Randy | May 16, 2012
Last week I had the pleasure of appearing on various national news programs to discuss the vital importance of funding our national defense properly and fully. If you missed some of my appearances you can view them by clicking below.

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  • Thomas G commented on 5/18/2012
    Congressman I think you are totally misreading the sentiment of the American people. Let me interpret what the voters just told you in your last question of the week. The voters insist on the continued effort to end the Afghanistan war and they want deep cuts in the defense budget, knowing full well that even with the cuts the U.S. will still outspend 17 other industrial nations combined. The voters know that you refuse to consider increases in the tax rates of millionaires and billionaires now at 1931 lows. The voters have expressed opposition to your position to shove our great nation into its first ever default as you did last year. You have received your marching orders within the context of your own weekly question. But you sir do not intend to represent the overwhelming view of the public at large and specifically within your own district. We have zero cooperation from your party with respect to sensible financial management of the nation's affairs. You have persistently skewed the facts regarding the impact of government regulations as noted in report from the independent CBO, and further amplified in articles published by McClatchy, an entity you have cited before in correspondence on this cite. Your statement on CNN regarding the budget is an outright mischaracterization of reality. The budget control act, which implements spending controls and of which you refused to support, contains specific language that this LAW replaces the budget resolution (which was non-binding anyway). I have reminded you of this fact before and asked that you update your web site so as not to continue with your intellectual dishonesty, and you refuse to respond. You may have been on the wrong side of the vote Mr. Forbes, but it remains the law sir and you need to work in compliance to that, as the appropriations committees are and have been doing already. These are the kinds of matters that have the American people so disgusted with this congress. I cannot even get your commitment to support legislation to regulate other private and public entities that are abusing privacy rights of citizens by demanding they release passwords to entities such as Facebook in order to gain employment. This absurd abuse needs your support. I cannot see how you can expect the support of the constituency when you never seem to respond to district concerns and the best interest of the nation at large. We can and must proceed with deep cuts in this budget and there is no question, absolutely NONE, that even with the cuts America will continue to be well protected and retain the most advanced, prepared and committed military service in the world. I totally reject your premise that the interests of the nation are in peril, and that enormous cuts in the social safety net represent the last ditch means of protecting the country's millionaires and billionaires, who continue to risk solvency with unregulated gambling on wall street you refuse to rein in. Please sir, rescind your commitment to the Grover Norquist pledge so you can shed that blackmail and cooperate with others.
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