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Homeland Security & Immigration

One of Congresswoman Renee Ellmers' highest priorities in the United States Congress is defending America against threats to our national security and ensuring that our first responders have the training and equipment they need to protect our families, homes, and our nation against any and all terrorist threats.

 She believes that local, state, and federal authorities must work together as partners to protect our cities and communities. She also understands that our Homeland Security is an integral part of the current war against terror - a campaign that spans the globe from Afghanistan and Iraq to our hometowns across the state of North Carolina. Our heroes are the men and women who protect our borders day and night as volunteers, first responders, doctors, nurses, and emergency personnel.

 Congresswoman Ellmers believes that we must ensure that these heroes have the training, the equipment, and the facilities they require to remain ever-vigilant in times of war and peace. Emergency responders are the backbone of our national readiness and an integral part of the current war against terror. These heroes lay down their lives for the sake of others and we must ensure that these men and women are funded appropriately.

 Similarly, Congresswoman Ellmers understands that the effort to defend America’s security starts at our own borders. She recognizes that our nation's immigration and border security system is badly broken. It leaves our borders unprotected, threatens our national security, and encourages many to ignore the rule of law. The system has suffered from years of neglect, and in a post-9/11 world, we should not continue to ignore this situation. Our national security demands a comprehensive solution to our immigration system — and that means both stronger enforcement and reasonable reform of our immigration laws. We must remain vigilant and prepared for any dangers in the future while still protecting the freedoms we have fought so hard to maintain.