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Question of the Week: To avoid a European-like fiscal crisis, which of these measures do you support to stop our exploding debt?
Posted by Randy | June 14, 2012
The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) warned last week that U.S. debt is scheduled to reach 70% of the Gross Domestic Product by the end of the year and grow to nearly twice the size of the U.S. economy by 2037.

The CBO report says, “Over the past few years, the federal government has been recording budget deficits that are the largest as a share of the economy since 1945. Consequently, the amount of federal debt held by the public has surged. By the end of this year, CBO projects that the federal debt will reach roughly 70 percent of gross domestic product (GDP), the highest percentage since shortly after World War II. Whether that debt will continue to grow in coming decades will be affected by long-term demographic trends (particularly the aging of the population), economic developments, and policymakers’ decisions about taxes and spending.”

To read the full report, click here.

Read the Wall Street Journal’s article here: Dire CBO Report Urges Fiscal Fixes.

Question of the Week
To avoid a European-like fiscal crisis, which of these measures do you support to stop our exploding debt?   

(  ) Reforming Medicare and Social Security entitlement programs
(  ) Allowing Bush-era tax cuts to expire
(  ) Enact other tax increases?
(  ) Government spending cuts (Share your recommended spending cuts below)
(  ) Other (share your thoughts below)

Take the poll here.

Find the results of last week’s instaPoll here.

Users are solely responsible for the opinions they post here and their comments do not necessarily reflect the views of Congressman Forbes.
  • John Reith commented on 6/14/2012
    How we got here is, at this point in time, irrelivent - and oh, by the way, all political parties and presidents for many years back own a piece of this ugly pie. What is relivent NOW is that something has to be done about it and there is NO ONE solution to make it go away. We have to do it all: end tax cuts, curb spending, add a special tax for debt reduction that, by law can NOT be used for anything else and which will expire in five or ten years. Congress ought to examine the legality of imposing criminal peneties on itself (the legislature), as well as the executive and judicial branches of the government if the funds raised by the debt relief tax is used for anything other than paying down the debt. This is no joke and should be taken seriously with no bickering or pointing of fingers. If you were a decision maker at the level of the Administration, Congress, or the Supreme Court at any time since about 1970 you own a part of today's mess. (I feel like a parent talking to a bunch of my kids here) You all made the mess, you all can clean it up ... and don't come out until you do (and the door closes).
  • Charlie Ferrer commented on 6/14/2012
    Curtail foreign assistance for countries that have diminishing returns for our dollars, namely Pakistan and other mideastern countries with such questionable alliance with us. Further, no bailouts participation for PIIGS countries on their financial and economical crises.
  • David M commented on 6/14/2012
    When was the last time farm subsidies were looked at, entitlement program for agri business, how obsurd. why in the world are we giving subsidies to Acher Daniels and Con Agra. Welfare for the already wealthy.
  • Maryl Alex commented on 6/14/2012
    The entitlement programs have fraud and abuse---ABOUNDING! Return to the original concept of 'helping' those truly in need with conditions that are truly disabling. Compensating spouses and children for disabling conditions of spouse and/or parent are not right. Social security monthly stipends should not be 'upgraded' to whomever a person marries subsequently. Our military benefits system is being zapped with entitlements to those who were not ever a part of the member serving---this causes the military member and dependent (s) who served/sacrificed to lose benefits that were PROMISED to them in order to support this group. Examples:Future spouses and their children from previous marriages, adopted children after member's service, etc. The health care system should be based on a pay as you go and for whatever services a person desires....maybe the government can subsidize certain services through a flat tax----this would cause the system as well as the participant to pay fairly. Get rid of insurance companies per se' and outrageous litigation awards.
  • Ed Eaton commented on 6/14/2012
    The first thing that must be done is to stop the automatic increases in the budget. Until this happens, very little useful progress can be made. All increases must require explanations and arguments. ALL!!
  • John Peebles commented on 6/14/2012
    Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, must take a cut in their share of the government dole: military, social security, education, highways; EVERYONE. We can no longer contiue spending on everyone's pet project no mater how important it is to them. We ALL must bite the bullet or the bullet (and possibly a literal bullet) will bite us. Each citizen must assume more responsibility for his or her life and stop depending on government to be responsibile for us. We need to also look out for our neighbor as well (read Luke 10:25-37). Recall the words of President Kennedy as he took office, "Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country."
  • jeanne miller commented on 6/14/2012
    In order to avoid a European- like meltdown, it is necessary to allow Bush-era tax cuts to expire; do away with government subsidies to specific corporations, i.e., oil; increase taxes on the top one percenters in the tax code and eventually revise the tax code. These increases in government's funds would be used to improve our infrastructure and educational facilities as well as put needed state employees, i.e., teachers, police, and firefighters back to work. Many of our numerous and expensive military bases around the world could be closed. Social security basically is solid. Do not put the burden of our economy on the backs of the "middle class."
  • Robert Rainrad commented on 6/14/2012
    The question is too frequently framed as austerity or growth. We can pull the plug on federal government spending, just as states have done on their spending, and see the economy suffer for another decade, economists predict, or more. Or we can develop a comprehensive program that promotes growth now, with a measure of austerity and additional austerity as the economy improves. But considering some Tea Party Republicans have stated that they would not accept 1 penny in tax increases for $10 in spending cuts it looks like the cliff is near with some looking for a volunteer to turn off the lights once the nation shuts down. I love this country, I just wish others did. Imagine, men and women willing to fight and die for America while others refuse to pay a penny more in taxes to fund the military. To bad. They could move to their mansions in Bali.
  • Thomas G commented on 6/14/2012
    Other is the obvious answer here...sorry congressman, this is not one size fits all. We do have to allow the Bush tax cuts to expire with the exception of those earning less than 100,000. I do not agree on the 250,000 and above threshold. The most comprehensive study ever conducted was made public this week ranking all 50 states according to how they are managed. Virginia fared well at number 7. But what is striking is the median income of each state, and it is nowhere near 250,000. We need revenue desperately and it would be incompetent to continue the policy advocated by congressman Forbes that has done serious harm to our country. The congressman's positions from taxes, to regulations, to health care, energy, debt, education, environment, social policy and defense have been widely discredited. Our district has incredibly poor representation. The congressman cannot even make a decision on the effect of large soda pop that is making Americans fat. We have to have dramatic reversal of thinking from representative Forbes. Mr. Forbes continued allegiance to Grover Norquist over sensible representation is beyond alarming, it is harmful, lazy, lacks judgment, is petty, without vision or appreciation for responsible stewardship. It is true that representative Forbes did not vote for the automatic spending cuts about to be triggered. Unfortunately he was totally unable to influence his own party to work cooperatively for a balanced approach to our problem, and he has done nothing to pressure the leadership to cooperate after the damage was done. With respect to spending cuts I do not believe congressman Forbes will act to cut a dime from defense, and that too rings hollow with respect to responsibility. However, these cuts are now essential and the most practical solution for now is to move procurement timelines further into the future. I would support closing overseas bases that have outlived the political realities. I also support ending oil and gas industry subsidies, lifting the earnings threshold with respect to social security taxes and cap that tax at 3% for earnings above 250,000 with no corresponding employer match above the threshold. I wquld also support a financial transaction tax as the most painless way to raise nearly a trillion dollars that very few Americans will even notice, mostly affecting Hedge funds. I do not support reductions in foreign aid to the point of elimination. I do not believe Israel needs aid at all however. There may be other nations that can operate just fine without the assistance. But as a general rule often foreign aid helps to open markets as well as expand American influence that leads to development of new markets. It is generally unwise to strap the State department. All Americans are very concerned about spending cuts...while some of this can be accomplished, now is not the time for republican recklessness. Economists from across the spectrum have been warning about this and the congress is not listening. I would support cuts in Housing and Urban development but not elimination of the agency. The bottom line is we need revenue to correct the damage congressman Forbes helped to cause with past support for the unwise Bush tax cuts everyone, including Bush's own Treasury secretary testified before congress was unwise. Please congressman, do not spew out anymore of the old balanced budget amendment baloney.
  • Gerald Padgett commented on 6/14/2012
    Simply stop spending money that we do not hve. It is ludicrous to borrow money to spend. You could start by immediately balancing the budget for this next fiscal year. We are waiting and expecting more from you and the rest of congress.
  • jeffry zimmerman commented on 6/14/2012
    get rid totally of several dept's education,homeland security, interior, epa. get the list of overlapping depts and costs from 2-3 years ago and ENACT THEM. for gods sakes have the guts to do the right thing
  • LYNN SEARS commented on 6/14/2012
  • Richard Insley commented on 6/14/2012
    Our country is $16 trillion in debt because politicians couldn't say NO to anything. We need a budget amendment to the Constitution--one that (a) would not allow "continuing resolutions", and (b) would prohibit deficit spending. Families must live within their means. Virginia and its counties live within their budgets. Our federal government must be forced to live within its means, too.
  • R Roth commented on 6/14/2012
    Social Security should be hands off! We all have worked our entire life paying into this system. It’s in crisis because of the poor management by the people we sent to Washington to protect it. I like the nerve of people who call it an entitlement, guess what, we had no option, it was taken out of our pay checks and "put away" for our use later in life. Social Security has been mismanaged on a criminal scale, now it needs to be over hauled. By the way, the DC definition of Overhaul is to cover up the mismanagement of the last 40 years and drain the rest of life from the SS system. The country is suffering, we still have millions out of work and jobs are not being created at a rate that will get us out of this (Pres. Bush created) mess. We must CUT SPENDING on wasteful programs, stop aid to our so called allies who have abandoned us, stop giving our wealth and treasures oversee in the form of exporting jobs to other countries. For all of you who support an alternate retirement program keep this in mind, How’s your 401K doing?
  • Patrick Gannon commented on 6/14/2012
    Place a small import/export fee on all items coming in or going out of the country. It would be fair, because both imports and exports would be taxed. These funds should be directed towards paying off the debt. However, no tax increase of ANY sort should be enacted without decreasing governmental expenditures at the same time. Start with across the board pay cuts for federal agencies. It should always be more profitable to work outside of government. Working for the government is supposed to be a public service, not an entitlement. Then start getting rid of agencies we don't need, such as Homeland Defense, the Dept of Energy (under whose watch the situation has deteriorated), etc. Most Americans, I think, are willing to accept higher taxes to fix the problems - but we know that if we give you more, you're just going to spend more, so nobody wants to pitch in. We don't trust you. And yet like fools, we elect the same people again and again, and again... so of course, we deserve what you do to us.
  • James Burtner commented on 6/14/2012
    The first thing that needs to be done is there must be reform to medicare and social security. The second thing that needs to be done is to cut spending by eliminating departments within the federal government. The third thing that needs to be done is tax reform, ending the subsidies for corporations. I firmly believe the best way to accomplish that is through the fair tax system, doing away with the IRS and allowing the taxes to be collected at the point of sale. This way, everyone pays their fair share, including criminals, prostitutes, waiters and waitresses, cab drivers and others that live off of tips. If they are paying their fair share, they will not be as quick to turn to the government to bail them out.
  • Rachel Pack commented on 6/14/2012
    Maybe if the salaries of Congress were with held until agreement on how to decrease the debt is reached, something will be accomplished.
  • Gena Britt commented on 6/14/2012
    Reduce salaries of the president, senators, and members congress. Take away their retirement and lifetime health benefits. These positions were not meant to be careers and their employers or they themselves are responsible for this. No where else can you serve a day or a year and have full retirement and benefits. Get rid of EPA and Dept. of Education and other unnecessary agencies. Stop making new laws! We have enough.
  • Bob Collette commented on 6/14/2012
    Carefully explore the Fair Tax and then work to enact it.
  • Robert Shortt commented on 6/14/2012
    The SS should not go to people that did not contribute. We need to secure our borders (all of them). Quit giving aid to countries that don't like us and/or don't want us there. It's time that the 1% start paying more. Recent article in CNN stating that the Middle Class has lost 40% of its' accumulated wealth is not acceptable. The rich got richer off the backs of the Middle Class. The bailout should never have been given to corporations that could not manage thier own business. All bonuses given to employers that received bailout monies should be given back and penalized. The Government needs to live within its' means. I don't want to hear about a tax increase without first hearing about a budget gut.
  • Jeff Midgette commented on 6/14/2012
    The spending in Washington not only needs to be cut but it needs to be amputated. There are so many programs that the federal government has that we as the American people do not need. Foreign aide needs to be halted until we can take care of our own problems. Why do we help others when we cannot even help our own selves? We need to get back to the ideas of out founding fathers and not be involved in the internal affairs of other countries. These "wars" that we have against an ideology need to be dismissed an we should only send our troops into another country if we intend to win a war that has been declared by congress. That would drastically cut our spending. As for the troops we should deploy them along our own borders so they can be secured and keep out illegal aliens who are putting a strain on our health care system.
  • Michael Ryan commented on 6/14/2012
    Eliminate the Department of Education Downsize the Department of Energy and the EPA Downsize GSA and privatize most of it such as property management (both real estate and personl property). Eliminate supplies and services contracts and allow agencies to buy local. Privatize the Transportation Security Agency (TSA) Total Reform of the Tax System, either a lower flat tax for individuals and corporations with no deductions or the Fair Tax (my preference) since it would eliminate most lobbyist. Repeal Laws and corresponding regulations, politicians should be judged on how many laws they repeal instead of how many they introduce or sponsor.
  • donald stage commented on 6/14/2012
    Stop calling Social security an ENTITLEMENT! Both parties are complicit in where we are today. Fix it but do it right. also, taxiong SS is unconscienable!
  • John Canfield commented on 6/14/2012
    Obviously defense spending is a major factor in the economy in our area. But despite people's unnecessary fears, furled by many members of the Congress, both the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs and the Secretary of Defense went to the Congress yesterday and pleaded with them not to let this draconian budget take effect with reaching some sort of an agreement on an option. We need a strong defense . HOWEVER - once again the Chairman and the Secretary pleaded with the congress NOT to add billions to the defense budget that experts feel is unnecessary in the way of unwanted equipment, programs that are no longer useful, etc. Randy, you cannot in good conscience continue to bloat the defense budget with things that the military does not want or need. The budget proposed by the Chairman and the Secretary is one that meets all requirements of our military including necessary troop levels, benefits for our military, necessary equipment. Their budget DOES NOT include all the pork-barrel programs that you and others in Congress maintain must be kept by crying wolf to the American public that our defense will be too weak if they are eliminated. You have to be real - the Defense Budget is a huge chunk of our federal budget and should be reduced by elimination of unnecessary or no longer viable programs. It should not be held sacrosanct while you and others are asking for cuts in every other area. let the military experts determine what they need without the meddling of the Congress.
  • Richard Turitto commented on 6/14/2012
    As a gesture of good faith,congress should cut their own pay and retirement.Set an example. let the military cut their budget,right now congress approves items denied by the pentegon.
  • John Canfield commented on 6/14/2012
    Let's deal realistically with the Defense Budget and not treat it as some sort of sacred cow. This week the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs and the Secretary of Defense went before the Congress and pleaded with you to reach a budget settlement so this "poison pill" budget does not take effect in January. At the same time, the also pleaded with the Congress NOT to add billions of dollars in expenditures for bloated programs, weapons, and manpower that military experts say they do not need. Granted that the defense budget is a boon the economy in this area but at the same time we have to be realistic in that the defense budget cannot be held sacrosanct while we cut other necessary programs. It is unfair for you and other members of Congress to go around crying wolf about the defense budget cuts while at the same time adding untold billions to it for what the military does not want or need. Get real - the pork-barreling must stop.
  • Richard Miller commented on 6/14/2012
    Resolution of the federal debt problem is not and should not be a matter of just reforming entitlements or raising taxes or reducing spending or expiration of spending cuts or so many other individual approaches. This resolution needs to be a combination of all of these with each of us taking a small hit rather than any individual or group being asked to shoulder a large portion of the problem. As a baby boomer, I have written AARP as well as blogging here over the past few years that we should set the example and take the lead on solving the debt problem. I have read and was most impressed with the bipartisan approach recommended by the Bowles-Simpson Commission at the beginning of 2011. It is only 67 pages and I found to be very understandable for a simple man like myself. Bowles-Simpson has asked most if not all Americans to make a small sacrifice to solve the debt problem rather than leave it for my grandchildren and great grandchildren. As a baby boomer, I would be in favor of the recommendations Bowles-Simpson makes for social security and medicare as well as major tax reform even though changes to each of these programs would impact me negatively, but not so severely that I would not do this for my grandchildren and great grandchildren. I hope anyone reading this Blog will take an evening to google the Bowles Simpson commission and read their report. It's a government record for brevity and clarity and provides what I consider a way to save our Nation from becoming another Greece. As far as the folks out there my age, I hope we can get behind this plan so we will not become known as "The Selfish Generation"' Thanks for listening!
  • Sandra Brosch commented on 6/14/2012
    I agree with many of the comments already stated regarding balancing the budget, cut funding to countries who do not support the US. I also support cutting government agencies that hinder the private sector including getting rid of many of the idiotic regulations that prevent private businesses from being able to invest in their business and creating new jobs. As far as Medicare and Social Security are concerned...more effort needs to be put forth to eliminate fraud and punish those who do take advantage of these programs. It seems that there may be a misconception that reforming Social Security means cutting benefits to those already receiving them. I think that maybe it would mean possibly raising the benefit age; but I would hope it would also mean getting rid of the salary cap and paying into the system no matter how much you make. Finally, we need to supply our own energy. Why should the US support those countries who terrorize our citizens?
  • Richard Insley commented on 6/14/2012
    We have too much spending, not too few taxes. Our federal politicians have spent almost $16 trillion they didn't have--and they've already approved future spending with no idea where that money will come from. We can't allow that to continue. A big step in the right direction would be a Constitutional amendment that would (a) prohibit deficit spending, and (b) prohibit "continuing resolutions." Families must live within their means. Virginia and its counties and cities live within balanced budgets. The federal government must do the same.
  • David Early commented on 6/14/2012
    It is not complicated.......Cut government one half; nothing more and NOTHING LESS.
  • Jerry Boling commented on 6/14/2012
    Stop trying to help other countries, help our own. Illegals should not be tolerated if all they want is a handout (welfare). Eliminate the duplication in government agencies, up to and including getting rid of entire departments or agencies.
  • jean arthur commented on 6/14/2012
    You can't call medicare and social security give away programs, we paid and are payin for them. If greedy Congress hadn't gotten into them they would be self supporting. Just get all the dead beats off the welfare rolls,m quit paying women to have illegitimate children, and even legitimate ones they don't support. Do away with all the little programs that mean nothing, just to please Congressmen's cronies from home. Do away with lots of government regulations so that small business can grow. Abolish all Ocama's executive orders, to include Obamacare.
  • Mark Tyson commented on 6/14/2012
    I'm just overjoyed to know that our elected officials don't have to worry about Medicare or Social Security. They have their own plan that is solvent. They should vote themselves another raise..... I sure wish we could wipe the slate clean and let the people decide what their taxes are spent on not to mention how much they are willing to give to the government.
  • Carl Louk commented on 6/14/2012
    No tax hikes, period…. for anyone, period Cut all spending, Social Security, Medicare ,Medicaid, etc Raise retirement age for those 10 years or more away from retirement, then start means testing Allow younger workers to put a portion of their retirement money in the markets Slash 10% from all government programs and agencies Scrutinize every military expense Ban earmarks, ALL earmarks, period
  • William Bunting commented on 6/14/2012
    Significantly reduce or eliminate several unnecessary agencies such as energy and education. Give more authority back to the states as intended in the Constitution.
  • Gregg J commented on 6/14/2012
    Here's an idea go after the big banks that crashed the economy. The executives of the big banks need to be prosecuted and tax payer money returned to federal coffers. Watching members of congress kiss Jamie Dimon's a** yesterday was disgusting. If we had regulations, JPM would not have lost billions of dollars. Also leave social security alone. Taking from the elderly and disabled to balance the budget is despicable.
  • Bill Sammler commented on 6/14/2012
    Reforming Medicare and Social Security should be top priority, as well as deep spending cuts. These should include elimination of the Departments of Energy, Education, HHS, and, perhaps, Interior. I think the federal government should sell off significant amounts of its land holdings, and put all proceeds toward reducing the long-term debt.
  • Al Spiniello commented on 6/14/2012
    Congressman Forbes, I encourage government spending cuts, but as with any broad statement it would be irresponsible to not be specific, so here are some thoughts. Dismantle the TSA, Homeland Security, and the Dept of Education. Stop all foreign aide, were not in the business of propping up dictators or toppling governments. Revise and consolidate the Intelligence Community and make their budgets public Cut all depts by 10% through attrition- budget and power creep must stop! Keynsian economics must stop Remove regulations that prevent economic development enterpreneurship. Take it with grain of salt sir, if I was smart I would be rich. :)
  • Pettitt Neil commented on 6/14/2012
    - Stop payments to other countries for friendship. They are laughing at the USA and enjoying the money you give them. - Stop paying entitlelments to non-contributers ( Illeagles ). - Reduce entitlements to the 51% that don't pay taxes. - Stop issueing SS checks at embassy's around the world, if they made the money they should recieve the check here in the USA, not at an embassy elseware.
  • David Ellis commented on 6/14/2012
    Use the Constitution to determine what spending bills can pass. It it is going to take tax dollars, then it should meet the requirements outlined in the Constitution about what money can be spent on. It is pretty clear that our taxes should be spent to support the 3 branches of government and little else.
  • Kim Mitchell commented on 6/14/2012
    The pay of all elected officials should be reduced to that which was legislated as minimum pay. Their government provided retirement should be limited to social security. They should provide for their own health care. And, they should stay away from lobbyists. All laws should be reviewed and most should be dumped, especially if they create an expense for the taxpayer. This should lead to a reduction in departments, such as the FAA, FCC and Homeland Security. "A penny saved is a penny earned," but a penny going to the government is robbery.
  • Thomas G commented on 6/14/2012
    I agree with numerous other people who take exception to the term 'entitlement' with respect to social security. That is not only a misuse of the word in this context, it is clearly offensive to many people who have worked and contributed all their lives in the collective commitment. I too am disgusted with such a reference and will aggressively oppose any legislator who advances such an insulting inference. One thing is clear here...people demand action and that is not happening from this congress and the people want accountability. The speaker couldn't have put it better when describing his caucus as difficult to keep all the frogs in the wheelbarrow. This congress has utterly failed the people and does not have the will to act responsibly. The obstruction coming from the republican party has severely harmed our country. Since Mr. Forbes arrived in congress along with president Bush the damage to this nation has been historic. I have no intention of buying into any more GOP snake oil that has been utterly discredited in all areas of goverance.
  • emmett Leithie commented on 6/14/2012
    1. Fund Medicare by taking the funding now used to pay for our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan and transferring them to reform the Medicare SGR. 2. Provide for government incentivized private corporate funded projects to repair infrasture. This should provide new jobs for many of the unemployed. 3. Remove the Social Security Tax cap for those making more than $110,100. 4. Tell Mr. Boehner and his colleagues to rescind the $1.23 billion dollars they recently approved for administrative expenses.
  • Gary Thompson commented on 6/14/2012
    The first thing that needs to be done is to shrink the size of government, other than the DoD to the size it was in 2006. This proposal would eliminate the 26% growth that transpired in the Executive Departments. The next step is to eliminate the Departments of Education, Commerce, Health and Human Services, Transportation, and all the Czars. Veteran Affairs should be under DoD along with the Coast Guard and the Maritime Administration. The third item is for all retirement benefits for elected officials be phased out; serving in Congress is a civic duty not a career. And the last step is to drastically reform the tax code by making it a flat tax on individuals at 12% of all income, which includes capital gains, dividends and interest. Change the corporate tax rate to 10% on net sales with no deductions for amortization, advertising, and special exemptions. From this we could drastically downsize the IRS and put it under the Treasury Department.
  • Thomas Predmore commented on 6/14/2012
    Rewrite the Federal Tax Code and include all individuals as Tax Payers. If the poverty line is $20,000 then make this the standard deduction regardless of the number of individuals in a household and tax the remainder of the income to the household at the rate assigned to the income bracket. If a flat tax is going to be the new Federal Tax Code then we will all learn to live with the solution as opposed to the current chaos we are now living with. Reform Social Security and Medicare based on the current actuary tables. If men are now living to the age of 78 years on average then what in the world are we paying them to retire at 62? Advance the basic retirement age to 72, full retirement age at 76, and mandatory Social Security Benefits have to be taken at age 81. Anyone not needing or wanting to take their Social Security Benefits can turn the funds back each month to the government at their will. Cut Government Spending now and start living within the income of the tax system. If the money isn't coming into the bank then a check can't be authorized. If the individual tax payer is expected to pay his "Tax Bill" on time and without forgiveness if they fail to pay, then why should the Federal Government be held to any less of a standard.
  • Elizabeth Mank commented on 6/14/2012
    1. Cut foreign aid to countries that do not like our country. 2. The President, Vice President, Sentators, and Congressmen should have the same health care, SSN, and retirement plans as most Americans have. Possibly then all of these plans would be lucrative. 3. Every cent that has been given in a bailout should have an accountabilty. Those that have been given should have to pay back every cent with interest!!!
  • James Hopkins commented on 6/14/2012
    Not one more penny to the most corrupt entity on the planet. The fraud waste and abuse is disgusting in Washington. The regulatory agencies of the executive branch are killing the American spirit. The departments of No-energy, No-education, No-commerce and the anti-capitalism EPA need to go away. The states should have 100% of these responsibilities. Where does all this gigantic unconstitutional government end? Do all of the gigantic nanny state proponents know where we are going as a society. Do they have a plan? Exactly how much of our property and freedoms do we have to give up to reach the promised land of government perfection. I want to see the outline and the plan for fundamental transformation of our society. There is no plan it is just bull crap on top of bull crap.
  • JAMES CANNON commented on 6/14/2012
    1. Stop giving US funds and benefits to all who are not U.S. citizens, most especially those illegally in this country. 2. Require employers to verify all its employees are legally in this country. 3. Support the Fair Tax.
  • JAMES CANNON commented on 6/14/2012
    Support Fair Tax Stop providing funds and services to everyone in this country illeagally
  • Tom SCOTT commented on 6/14/2012
    A 5% cut across the board. Including Congressional pay (how did that one feel Randy?) That would also include all military spending, all foreign aid, all grants & subsidies. 5% on everything. All of Congressmen should have to be on the same type of health care the rest of the country is on and only for the time they are serving. After the bums are voted out, they get nothing & have to fend for themselves just like the rest of the American people. You could make further cuts by reducing Congressional staff by 25%--been there, they won't be missed. 20% do 80% of the work. This will force representatives & senators to actually read the bills they are voting on instead of underlings relaying what they think they read in the be to their boss. If Congress was to do just a little work instead of campaigning & having lunch with lobbyist this country could really recover. THROW OUT THE CROOKS, BUMS, & PREVERTS. If you are in office on election day I am definitely voting against you. I only wish I could vote in every state. I do not care about the party line..I am voting for America & Randy--YOU AIN'T IT.
  • Holt Livesay commented on 6/14/2012
    All of the above, with new taxes being the LAST option.
  • Pat Talbot commented on 6/15/2012
    I agree with most of the comments, many of which are repeated and I will repeat some of them. Most importantly, I believe we need to stop increasing the cap on spending, freeze it and chip away at it so it can begin to go down. We really need to decrease spending in order to even begin to get our house in order. Foreign aid has absolutely gone wild. We borrow money and give away money that we do not have. We cannot continue to try to be the savior or the cop for the world. I believe in a STRONG DEFENSE but not an aggressive behavior. We do not have any business sending our troops into other countries because "we know what is best for them." We are not going to change their minds on what is the best way to live and govern. Just look at the wonderful job we did in Vietnam. At least one change in Medicare could be made so that they are not the first payee while the second payee, insurance companies, pay pennies on the dollar while getting the same premium or increased premiums they received before their clients' retirement. Congress needs to stay in DC and do their jobs. Do not keep flying into a "war zone" for feel good visits, you are wasting a lot of money for nothing, you're not the USO. If you want to go home to someplace like CA, buy your own ticket, don't expect the government to provide you with a plane or purchase a ticket for you! Lastly, on a personal note, for all of you that believe federal employees make an average of roughly $122,000 a year, guess again, that figure is sorely inflated by all of the political appointees (SESers). Look on line at the Office of Personnel and Management and check out the wages for General Service and Wage Grade employees. These folks are the backbone of government service and the pay is far from the reported median wage. These employees do not include career fields such a Attorneys, Judges, Secret Service, etc., they have their own pay scales.
  • Joshua Miller commented on 6/15/2012
    I'd post a link to Ron Paul's plan to balance the budget in 3 years. It's really just a matter of math & the political will to make tough, unpopular choices. But in the spirit of pragmatism I give you Rand Paul's plan to balance the budget in five years. ***Please EVERYBODY give this a serious look*** http://www.freedomworks.org/blog/jborowski/senator-rand-paul’s-budget-plan-is-still-the-best (article includes links to more information)
  • RICHARD SALO commented on 6/15/2012
    - Start by passing a constitutional amendment requiring a balanced federal budget. - Prohibit Federal Assistance to any foreign country or any state unless there is monies in excess of what is required for the annual budget. ANY and ALL earmarks to bills are prohibited UNLESS the budget remains in the black. - Remove all authority from Dept of Energy, EPA, and Dept of Agriculture to impose penalties on private industry and individuals. - Eliminate the "lowest bid get the contract"programs and start getting Quality Contracts/Products (MADE IN AMERICA) - Dissolve the Dept of Education. - Eliminate all CZAR Positions. - Dissolve the EPA if removing all authority isn't viable. - Any and all benefits received from welfare type programs must be LESS THAN what an individual would receive if they were working and making MINIMUM WAGE. These benefits must only be authorized to personnel PASSING DRUG/ALCOHOL TESTING and for a very specific time frame (6 months - 1 year) and NOT extendible. - ESTABLISH A FLAT TAX for ALL WORKERS and dissolve the IRS. - US. Senators and Congressman may only receive the same just as the working middle class. They also must pay into Social Security and no more entitlements for life. Once you leave the Senate or Congress, that is it, you are on your own! - Dissolve TSA! Establish an Israeli model program for airport and airline security. - THIS IS NOT ALL INCLUSIVE
  • Mike Schnekser commented on 6/15/2012
    Pay off the debt. Talk about decreasing the deficit, unless that includes ELIMINATING the deficit, still winds up adding to our national debt. You pay off the debt by looking hard at all departments' programs - Defense, State, Health and Human Services, Agriculture, Energy, Homeland Defense, etc. There is much fat in defense, mostly procurement. Do not cut operational funding unless it doesn't make sense. Some have called to kill Dept. of Education. Maybe. Entitlements? Perhaps some. Folks that believe entitlements are just for the "lazy" need to think again. Lots more to offer, but ultimately... if we could get back to our founding principles instead of projecting our almighty dollar diplomacy around the world, we might not have the need for some of the biggest drains on our revenue resources. One more word on the debt - $15+ TRILLION dollars and counting. There is no way we are going to "grow" that debt down in anyone's lifetime. We need to figure out a way to pay it off over the next 10-15 years. As much as I dislike taxes, I'm willing to see a significant increase in order to pay this mess off. The debt is the boomer generations problem. We allowed it to happen by not getting involved in fiscal discipline through our elected officials. Get rid of ALL incumbents and start over. They are all part of the problem and will not realistically address the debt.
  • Jim Babb commented on 6/15/2012
    Overhaul the IRS - simplify the tax code, reduce or eliminate entirely deductions, institute clear and set tax rates based on grioss income for both businesses and individuals, and enforce the law equally for all taxpayers. Subject all members of Congress to any and all laws or acts of Congress. Enact term limits for all federal government positions. All bills passed by Congress must have "sunset" or "results testing" provisions included in the act. If its not working, get rid of it.
  • Emmett L commented on 6/15/2012
    1. As our troops are returning from Iraq and Afghanistan, the funds used to support them should be transferred to remedy the Medicare SGR. 2. Re-instate Glass-Steagal and make the banks that triggered this recession pay back to the people the monies they owe us. 3. Institute government incentives to get private enterprise to begin the necessary projects to repair our deteriorating infrastructure and thereby providing jobs to many of the unemployed. 4. Plan to remove the cap for the Social Security Tax rate beyond the present $110,100 threshold.
  • Steve Plude commented on 6/15/2012
    It needs to be a combination of tax increase/restructure and budget cuts. But I truly do not think this will happen until special interest lobbies are removed from the legislative process which is against the interest of careeer politicians. Don't have much hope.
  • James Atkinson commented on 6/15/2012
    The Federal Government needs to get back to the federal 10,000 foot elevation and let the states decide what needs to be done. We need to cut out ALL of the entitlements to illegal aliens. The entitlement programs need to need to include drug testing just like is done for most Americans to hold a job. We need to cut funds given to other countries and get our own house in order first. The federal government needs to enact trade limitations and taxes on imported goods and get manufacturing back into our own country.
  • Michael Quigley commented on 6/15/2012
    Simply have the big industries ( General Motors, most pharmacutical companies, oil companies...our largest export) which are currently protected by congressmen like you pay there fair share of taxes. They routinely outsource (which you support - see your votes as reported in last weeks Richmond Dispatch) and this needs to be curtailed. Business pockets any breaks which you and your ilk give them. It's time to have them step up.
  • Jane trogyth respecta commented on 6/15/2012
    I believe waste in all areas and needs to be stopped by everyone. It isn't just the government, or unfair taxation or Medicare, etc. It is every government office, every business, and every household in America that needs to make changes in how money is spent. Change laws to allow businesses to purchase most economically, such as furniture, rather only spend at certain places. Open the market and allow free enterprise and competition to work for the benefit of all. Why do we have to use companies that charge outrageous prices for merchandise? Allow us to purchase quality merchandise at reasonable prices. And this is only one example. Look at the companies that are successful; what makes them successful? Why aren’t we adopting the best methods and principles of running a business (and the government is a business). Retire tired, old and outdated laws and regulations and adopt ones that will benefit our society today. We have gotten ourselves in such a mess that it will take time and excellent leadership to get us headed in the right direction. When people stop being greedy and self-serving, perhaps we can begin to move forward in a positive and constructive manner.
  • Anne Arnold commented on 6/15/2012
    The tax system needs to be revised so that loop holes can be eliminatedsuch that large corporations pay their share on all money generated. This will give them a little more incentive to do actually conduct manufacturing in the US. Corporate tax rates could then be reduced to a more reasonable level. Personal income tax system also needs to be simpliofied with fewer deductions. Medicare and Social Security must be reformed. When I started receiving Social Security Disability, I automaticallly became eligible for Medicare, even though I was already covered by my husband's insurance. We pay for full coverage, but I am covered at a supplemental rate.
  • todd kennedy commented on 6/15/2012
    We should eliminate wasteful spending such as unjust and illegal wars, domestic spying on American citizens and bills such as the NDAA, and keep the Internet free from bills like SOPA and CISPA. We should maintain a separation of church and state in order to save time, and money, in our government. We need to improve the quality of education in our schools, especially Math and Science programs by eliminating No Child Left Behind and allowing schools to teach to today's needs and requirements of our economy and society. Eliminate any foolish creationism topics and teach real, actual, proven science.
  • Duane Wittman commented on 6/15/2012
    Time to downsize to about 10% of current size: EPA, Energy, Education, Commerce Departments. Time to clean up agricultural supplements and remove tax breaks / deductions. Time for a flat tax to reduce the size of the IRS. Time to get the EPA under control and freeze federal government workers pay raises for next 2-4 years.
  • Sharon Kye commented on 6/15/2012
    Start reform with the ones who received the largest "bailout". I am not seeing any changes or payback with jobs, services or loan rate reduction with the any financial institutions . With the "deficit" I am looking at "who" had the controlling interest?..Again, this "situation" is an inherited one from 8 yrs of previous fisca lmis management. To reduce the deficit on the backs of those who are already adversely affected is unresponsible and inhumane.There are "porkbelly" programs that can do with cutting for a start; contractors overcharging the goverrnment. I would have a lot more faith in the sincerity of bipartisan decisions, if the examples set also applied to salaries and benefits from the White House down.
  • mark bowles commented on 6/15/2012
    congress and house should not force or write any laws that do not include every citizen and that includes the ones writing them.the healthcare law would never have passed if they had to abide by it.big business in healthcare im sure all the insurance companys paid very dearly to get this passed.also there are businesses taking health care away from employees since the passing of healthcare reform.so i say to all of congress and the house or who ever works for the goverment you are paid with tax money that the citizens of the united states pay so you are our employees so we need to start a petetion to take your benefits away, no retirement no health care,and whatever else you voted to give yourself
  • Richard Diver commented on 6/16/2012
    Conduct a through manpower review of all government agencies. Eliminate the top heavy bureaucracy and eliminate the many unproductive and unqualified people currently in government service.
  • Walt Manz commented on 6/16/2012
    1.)Immediately stop increases in every department's budget. We have to go without pay increases - the Fed's Gove should do the same. 2.) Give a directive to every department head and people who have authority over spending to reduce their expenditures by a given percentage, such as 3% or 5%. Next year, they cut another percentage. Everyone knows there is fat and waste in the expenditures we make. By requiring them to reduce expenses, they will be forced to cut out the frills and corruption and waste. Any Bureaucrat who can't or won't do that goes on the Obama Early Retirement Plan - kicked out of office.
  • Steven Jordan commented on 6/16/2012
    All things need to be looked at including military. In particular buying new military equipment, which in many cases is more social spending that military commander requirement. Government agencies should be rewarded for proper spending decisions vicing being punished when they have left over funding. Too many dollars are wasted at the end of FY by agencies spending money only for sake of spending money to preclude future budget cuts. Concur w/ comments about closing the Dep'ts of Energy, & Education. Suspect most of the monies being spent for these departments are for civil service salaries vice true assist to the American people.
  • pottayil thomas commented on 6/16/2012
    Stop ss disability program starting 10 years from now, so that no one can say they have't been warned. People should buy their own disability insurance. A lot of abuse is going on in ss disability program. Congressional term needs to be limited so that congressmen donot have the need to dole out money to get reelected.
  • Jay Luster commented on 6/17/2012
    We need to trim the military budget. We have no need to be developing nuclear weapons (bunker busters or any others), we don't need a dozen copies of a 3 billion dollar stealth destroyer, we need to bring the National Guard Units home and get the heck out of Afghanistan. I'm not anti-war, I proudly served in the USN but 10 years of useless war to hunt down 1 man is enough!!!
  • Jay Luster commented on 6/17/2012
    We should pin the cost of Government to GDP. Pick a number around 15-18% and then do not deviate. Spread taxation around fairly to cover the price. Then, once EVERYONE in the country knows how much we have we can then have an intelligent discussion about how to divvy up the money. If GDP goes up then the Government gets more money, if the GDP goes down then everybody shares the cut equally. This will lead to a fairer tax system, a natural control on the size of Government, and, most importantly, force the Government to be pro-economic growth. Hey Randy, it doesn't get any more Conservative than that...
  • Kimberly Stone commented on 6/18/2012
    Capital gains income should be taxed at the same rate as ordinary income.
  • David W commented on 6/22/2012
    Mainly, tax cuts to the rich got us in the $15+ trillion national debt crisis that we are in now. Income taxes for the rich should go back to 50% or more (where it was before Reagan's 2nd term of presidency), especially until the national debt is paid off. Dividends and capital gains should be taxed as ordinary income. As a substitute, to say 70% in the top income tax rate (where it was when Reagan became president), I would propose that, for every $200,000 that you make, if you employ at least 3 Americans each making at least $40,000 per year, then you don't have to pay the federal income tax. For example, if I make $1 million in a year and I have 15 American employees that each make at least $40,000 per year, then I don't have to pay a federal income tax. But, if I make $1 million in a year and only have 10 American employees each making at least $40,000 per year, then I have to pay 30% in a federal income tax ($700K (70%) - $400K ($40K x 10). We need to put emphasis on the wealthy to employ fellow Americans, instead of hoarding their wealth! If you want less crime, then employ Americans with an honest day's pay for an honest day's work. Another big problem is military expenditure. It's ridiculous that we spend over $700 billion on the military every year! Last year, on military spending, #2 China spent $143 billion, #3 Russia spent $72 billion, #4 UK spent $62.7 billion, and #5 France spent $62.5 billion. We need to cut the DoD budget by at least 70%! And stop calling Medicare and Social Security "entitlement programs". As Americans, the government SHOULD provide healthcare and social security to it's citizens! As a Christian, you SHOULD be wanting to make sure the "least of these" are provided for!
  • Michael S commented on 6/22/2012
    End the private Federal Reserve Bank and have the government again print our money. The Federal Government won't have to pay interest to the Federal Reserve Bank and the people won't have to pay taxes toward that interest thus ending the need for the IRS.
  • orson strickland commented on 6/22/2012
    stop spending accross the board . why is it when you go to the store most of the people using food stamps are over weight? Maybe the deeper cuts should be to the people with no track record of ever being a productive member of society. You look better on fox than on your email header . I voted for you again keep up the good work.
  • Helen Farrell commented on 6/23/2012
    It seems we can blame our government and representatives for everything but we are missing an important event that appears to be an important factor in our spiraling economy - deregulating the banking industry. This industry has not only been allowed to run unchecked - but was even bailed out on our tax dollars. Their gratitude for the monies they received is evident in their current practices - interest rates 29.99% - outsourced jobs to foreign countries, etc. As many of us who have worked our entire lives and paid, and fought for, the American Dream now face unemployment, foreclosures, poverty, trying to help parents and children and grandchildren with basic needs, we are forced to respond to phone calls from foreigners harassing us to tell us our payment is five days behind. It is well past time to force this Industry back into line - it is the only way we can move forward. It won't matter a whit if taxes are cut or entitlements slashed - if we continue to be forced to fork over billions of dollars to banks who send a portion of our money overseas!
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