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Death is Not a Taxable Event
Posted by Randy | December 03, 2009

As it stands, Americans across the country are forced when a family member dies to give a chunk of the family business or farm to the IRS – it’s called the death tax. The death tax is scheduled to be repealed at the end of this year. However, today House Democrat leaders voted, without my support, to keep the death tax and make it permanent. The bill will give the federal government permanent authority to take 45% of everything a person leaves for his or her children.


The death tax is damaging and unfair. Here’s why:


It’s bad economics. The death tax discourages business growth and prevents our economy from achieving investment potential. A study by the former non-partisan Congressional Budget Office Director Douglas Holtz-Eakin shows that eliminating the death tax would allow small business investment to rise 3% annually and add 1.5 million jobs to our economy.


It discourages American principles of hard work and long-term investment. The core of the American Dream says that every citizen has a right to work hard to provide for their family and to pass on that foundation to future generations. The death tax flies in the face of the American Dream and says that it is appropriate for the federal government to take half of everything a person owns as a punishment for success. Instead, it encourages meaningless consumption. 

Hardworking families already pay a disproportionate amount of taxes to the federal government during their living years; it is simply wrong to tax them again when they die. In such difficult times, families not only cope with the loss of a loved one, but many are forced to sell their businesses or farms to pay the death tax. 

Death is not a taxable event. Instead of making the death tax permanent, we need to put it to rest for good. I’ve cosponsored H.R. 1960, which would permanently repeal the death tax.  

You can read more about my work on tax issues here.

Users are solely responsible for the opinions they post here and their comments do not necessarily reflect the views of Congressman Forbes.
  • Kerry Goldmeyer commented on 12/4/2009
    Please continue work on HR 1960 The death tax should be permanently repealed. Like the AMT it affects many many lower income people than apparently congress realizes and is wrong.
  • Gary Hudgins commented on 12/5/2009
    Con. Forbes, I applaud your comments and stance on this issue. And I stand behind you 100%. But, there is one major flaw in your thinking. You see Sir, you're using common sense. The liberal democrats, and yes, liberal republicans need mindless taxes such as these to keep their social issues in the black. Without taxes like these, they (liberals) would be forced to take a long, hard look at their programs, and be forced to cut a lot of them back, if not completely out. Please bring common sense back to our country before it's too late. My prayers are continualy with you. Semper Fi, Gary Hudgins
  • Philip B commented on 12/5/2009
    Good Morning Randy, Although I do not reside in your district, I am a strong supporter of conservative causes, and I do have a daughter and granddaughter who live in your district, both of whom support the work that you do. I may have my wires crossed, but I am under the impression that the death tax of 45% applies to estates over $1.5 million. Can you correct me or affirm my understanding please? Thank you again, Randy, for all that you do to promote strong American ideals. Philip B
  • Joyce Jones commented on 12/10/2009
    The death tax should be permanently repealed. My prayers are with you and please kept fighting for us. I am a strong supporter of conservative causes.
  • Richard Roth commented on 12/10/2009
    100% Agreement. At one of the worst times, our families shouldn't have this added burden of the IRS following you to the grave. We're all taxed from our first paycheck to our last, please let us at least DIE in peace. NO!!!! ON DEATH TAX.
  • Howard Cannon commented on 12/10/2009
    I'm happy to hear that my Congressman cosponsored HR1960. The Death Tax just goes against everything our country stands for. Please continue your support on it and know that the silent majority are supporting you on this.
  • Charles Garrett commented on 12/11/2009
    It is time to put a bullet in the heads of all presidents and congressmen who propose the theft of our hard worked for estates through their death tax and all other taxes they use to steal from American citizens in order to fulfill their greedy NWO government treason against America. It has gotten to the point that it is impossible for them to do anything but lie and steal. Their NWO orchestrated recession is at or over 17.5% unemployment and they lie about that saying it is 10%. They say they are creating jobs when they are destroying jobs by the millions. Their promise to help education of America's children is a lie. All they want to do is destroy the minds of children through their perverted Fistgate. Their Health Crae lie is just a plot to advance population control through their Abortion planned Parenthood scam and gatekeeper system of denying health care to citizens who do not fit their communist profile.
  • Irene Fisher commented on 12/11/2009
    To tax the families who have lost a loved one is to rob the widows and orphans. To settle estates and final expenses is a hardship on many families.and, it goes against all ethics to rob families of the inheritance that is left to support the family. As I see it, the government is like a thief to tax on death, and thieves should be punished-- not the families who are grieving!
  • John Maupin commented on 12/11/2009
    It has been brought to my attention that your name does not show up as a cosponsor of HR 1960 in Thomas LOC. Please help me explain this to my neighbor.
  • Patrick Neece commented on 12/11/2009
    Congressman Forbes, I applaud your efforts on standing up for the people of this great country. The death tax is, as you say, is counterproductive to the American dream. We as citizens of this country are tired of supporting the unachievers through liberal social programs. I and many other Americans like myself don't mind lending a helping hand to those in need, but when the majority of those with their hands out are not willing to work to feed, house, or clothe themselves, why should I or any other hardworking American give up their income or lifelong savings to do so. Respectfully, Patrick Neece CPO, USN, Ret.
  • Willioam Wells commented on 12/11/2009
    William Wells wellsdwaine@gmail.com Congressman Forbes I both applaud you and thank you for your stand on repealing the DEATH TAX. Should have never been passed in the first place. I am really hoping that the mid-term elections will reflect the ( across the board) dissatisifaction with present policies and resistance to common sense changes which are way overdue. Respectfully, William D. Wells
  • Charles Hill commented on 12/11/2009
    I am no longer living in your district, but I enjoy your E mails. You certainly had my support before I moved. Keep up your good works. God, we need it.
  • Jorge Sierra commented on 12/11/2009
    Friends - This page is an excellent place to voice our opinions, give our congressman support and let him know what his constituents are thinking. BUT threatening our President and Congressmen - as in "It is time to put a bullet in the heads of all presidents and congressmen" - is completely reprehensible and reckless Please, lets temper our commentary and give our Congressman info he can use. Sedicious comments such as these do not belong and should not be accepted on any medium... Jorge Sierra, Captain, (USN, RET)
  • James Morgan commented on 12/11/2009
    We are taxed when we come into this world,then for the rest of our living living life we are forced to pay a countless number of taxes. Someway,somehow the thieves in gov. need to get their hands out of the american peoples pockets. I stand totally with you and support you. Please do what you can, and how can I help?
  • Jean O'Sullivan commented on 12/12/2009
    It is sinful to rob a blind man, but an even greater sin to rob the deceased and their loved ones.
  • Mildred Eastman commented on 12/12/2009
  • William Bartley commented on 12/13/2009
    this death tax is ludicris and criminal. Wealth redistribution at its best. I want the government out of our lives as much as possible. The more money we take from those who have is less money to start business's and employ people who need a jobs. It is also putting a huge damper on charitable organizations who know much better than the government in how to reach out and help those in need.
  • J Hamilton commented on 12/14/2009
    I sugguest that death tax only applies to estates over 3 millions. Thanks.
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