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Question of the Week: What policy changes would make you more optimistic about our country’s future?
Posted by Randy | December 28, 2011
“America’s best days are yet to come,’’ Ronald Reagan often declared.  But in a recent Rasmussen survey just 32 percent of those surveyed shared that sentiment, while 52 percent thought America’s best days were past.  I believe America’s greatest days are ahead of us, but we must realize that the direction of our nation's future lies within our ability to come together and deal with big issues, like providing more Americans jobs, reducing our debt, and maintaining a strong defense.  As Congress concludes 2011 and looks toward a new year, I'd like to hear your thoughts on what public policy initiatives would make you more optimistic about our country’s future.

Question of the Week:
What policy changes would make you more optimistic about our country’s future?

Learn about my work on these issues by clicking the following hyperlinks: Job creation, Deficit reduction, A simpler, fairer tax code, A strong defense, Improvements to transportation and infrastructure, and Increased energy independence.

(  ) Job creation
(  ) Deficit reduction
(  ) A simpler, fairer tax code
(  ) A strong defense
(  ) Improvements to transportation and infrastructure
(  ) Increased energy independence
(  ) Other (share your thoughts below)

Take the poll here.
Users are solely responsible for the opinions they post here and their comments do not necessarily reflect the views of Congressman Forbes.
  • Barry Steinberg commented on 12/28/2011
    Congressman, While the specific topics that you identify are all important, how they are resolved is not as critical to the nation as a functioning government, including the legislative branch. The low regard with which the Congress is held is richly deserved. The politics, partisanship, pettiness and posturing by the parties and the elected have created an atmosphere that convinces most of us that the system is broken. How can we expect to be successful in exporting democracy around the world when our legislature is dysfunctional. So rather than focus on the substantive issues, I urge you and all of the members of the federal legislature to remember why we sent you there-to solve the nation's problems, to address the future of the Country and to perform your job. Congress' dynamics don't work. While I have a high regard for the individuals who hold high office, such as yourself, the behavior of your organization suggests that a parliamentry system, where dissolution of Congress would encourage a more collaborative atmosphere, wuld be preferable. I do not envy the British system, but we cannot reach our potential when pettiness rules the day.
  • Marty Moseley commented on 12/28/2011
    Other -- TERM LIMITS for the Legislative, and Judicial branches of the government (in addition to the Executive already in law)
  • a b commented on 12/28/2011
    IMPROVE customer service in all businesses by HIRING more people HERE in the US.....that includes everything from the checkout line in the Dollar store to the calls we make to tech support.....put the jobs in the USA !!!! Also, give the teachers a RAISE !!!!! And CREATE JOBS and HOUSING for Veterans, not just job sites they can look on.......real jobs and real housing !!!!
  • James Clary commented on 12/28/2011
    A couple of key changes- -Simplify the tax code, both the corporate and income to remove almost (preferably all tax deductions except the EITC) to encourage more effort increasing wealth and earning and less trying to game the tax system. See the amount GE spends on lobbying around the tax code, for which I do not fault GE since it is a rational response, but I do fault the system for MAKING it the rational response. -Increase highly educated persons level of immigration. In Canada they have a system where immigration is determined by elements like education and work experience, while in the US family reunification drives immigration. While a large swath of people are opposed to increased across the board immigration (wrongly I think depending on the conditions you put on the immigrants), there is no reason not to allow an individual who graduated from college here (especially from a STEM program) to stay here, or to allow highly trained engineers and scientist to come here and spur immigration. All research (including that done by anti-immigration researcher Borgias of Harvard) shows this increases economic activity. -Start imposing low levels of Carbon taxes across all uses of carbon, that will gradually ramp up over a twenty to thirty year time horizon. Use the money generated by this and by removing all grants for clean energy tech to lower the corporate and income tax rate. This will accomplish both energy independence and reduced carbon dependence while moving to a more efficient form of taxation. See former CEA Chair Greg Mankiw's discussion of Pigouvian taxes.
  • Robert Brich commented on 12/28/2011
    Added items would be term limits for Congress, changes to the Federal Employee benefits to match commercial postions, i.e., sick day balances.
  • Stacey Hunter commented on 12/28/2011
    What would make me more optimistic about the future of our nation would be repentance of its leaders and a return to faithful interpretation and application of Biblical standards and the Constitution of the USof A. For far too long, this government has stretched its arm beyond its jurisdiction. It is no longer government for and by the people. We are no longer the land of the free.
  • William Merrell commented on 12/28/2011
    We need to get better members of Congress that can actually protect the Constitution from the likes of o-abysmal and his socialists’ ilk. This congress has failed to stop the DoJ from attacking those that are protecting our borders and cutting off the funds so this first clown family would stop taking vacations that are sinking our budget. I thought the czars were bad enough but you all have failed...PERIOD!
  • John Peebles commented on 12/28/2011
    It is not WHAT we do but HOW we do it. All these items are great ideas but if we pursue them in the same old self-centered, greedy, prideful way we will surely fail. We must genuinely humble our selves to God (no mere lipservice, Mr. Forbs) and do all we do in His name and for His glory. We would do well to take Paul's advice and humble our selves as God did (Philipians 2:3-11).
  • David Herring commented on 12/28/2011
    i would like to see an overhaul of our medical system. i would like to see our representatives use our tax dollars to prepurchase our prescription medications and prepay all our lab and diagnostic imaging charges. this would free the physicians to order what tests they deem necessary and prescribe what medication they feel is best instead of what an insurance company bargained for. it would allow more efficiency in running a physician office when there would no longer be a neccessity to pre authorize tests and thereby lower the cost of running an office. it would allow for insurance companies to lower their premiums to patients since they would no longer need to provide coverage for testing and prescriptions. they would only have to pay us physicians and they negotiated our meager reimbursement a long time ago. as long as i'm on a rant, i'd also like to see an end to compound interest and the practice of structuring the payback of a loan so that the bank gets interest paid long before princiapal. that is simply unfair. it would be much better for our economy in general if a consumer could take a loan for say 20% simple interest, make equal payments with 80% going to principal and 20% to the bank with each payment. then when the market crashes, at least the borrower has made some headway on the pricipal and isn't as much under water trying to sell (or default). then maybe we wouldn't have to bail out banks who are stuck with bad loans they cant handle. (funny, if you ask any 5yr old if he thinks our current system is fair, you would probably hear no.)
  • Peter Loy commented on 12/28/2011
    Fire everyone in Wash. Dc. We are sick and tired of hearing what Ronald Reagan, or Harry Kornsvey said. All we here from you Politicians is Job Creation, fair tax codes,etc. If all employers agreed to hire over night AND YOU WOULD REDUCE THEIR TAX TO ZERO it wouldn't put a dent in the unemployment debacle. There is no MANUFACTURING IN THIS COUNTRY. SO WITHOUT BLAMING THE OTHER SIDE tell the American People where the jobs are. China? Korea etc.. WHY ARE YOU POLITICIANS SCREAMING " JOB CREATION AND ALL THAT OTHER DISTORTED RHETORIC TO MAKE YOURSELF SOUND GOOD WHILE YOU ARE LETTING THIS GREAT NATION GET FURTHER BEHIND THE 8 BALL. You people need to wake up And smell the donuts and get on the track of reality. Stop hiding behind Reagan. You people would accomplish more if you asked Dear ABBY.
  • Trevor Collazo commented on 12/28/2011
    Education reform. To exclude improving the education of our youth from long-term economic growth is not only naive, but foolish. The research is clear, education is predictive of everything from income to incarceration rates. Amazingly, on the right side of this blog when I can search "by issue", "education is not even one of the options. Disappointing.
  • Mary Vandevander commented on 12/28/2011
    The improvement must begin with our elected officials. Remember you are servants of the public and your attitudes must initiate the change by putting others needs before your own. No more raises until others get raises first. Go a step further, accept no raise until unemployment is a thing of the past. Be the voice of the people, not the tool of the corporate dollar.
  • Stephen Peters commented on 12/28/2011
    I believe that job creation will occur when small businesses can be sure that new regulations strangling them will not be around the corner. You cannot plan for hiring when you are not sure you will be able to keep the employees long-term. If you hire than unemployment can become a big problem. Lets get the deficit under control, repeal Obamacare, create a flat tax (thereby reducing the size of the IRS) and let business know the rules they will have to abide by for the long term.
  • Bill Outlaw commented on 12/28/2011
    By a large margin we spend more on defense that any other nation on earth (some figures I've seen show that we spend more than all other nations combined). So, I think we are spending a sufficient % of GDP on Defense. How about a flat tax or a national sales tax and eliminate the IRS. The Federal Government is involved in areas never intended or permitted in the Constitution. Unfortunately the 50 States nave sold their collective souls for Federal dollars, we need a return to States Rights. Let's get back to the Constitution, get the Federal Government out of every nook and cranny of our lives and let good ole American Ingenuity provide the things that made this Great Country GREAT.
  • Shelby Stevens commented on 12/28/2011
    I agree with Betsy Leahy, there are not enough jobs as number 1 problem. Also, government is way too involved in almost everything we do now and who were are being presented with to vote for during the coming elections is a joke! When you include the in-fighting of congressional members (not leaders by any sense of the word). I wonder where the many, many servicemembers will be able to find jobs because with all the downsizing - not many will be able to even stay their 20 years for retirment. What a "Thank you for your Service" to these brave young people! There is so much greed and problems in our government system, that we now have starving, homelessness to an extreme degree and our education system is extremely poor as well as most infrastructures in our cities/counties but we continue to pour money overseas.
  • Phyllis Wells commented on 12/28/2011
    Because the Republican party as a whole (or at least in part!) has not galvanized themselves in support for one candidate, people are having a very hard time making a decision on who they will support in 2012 - the basis for this indecision is FEAR. It is SO important that Obama be put out of office that people are fearful of making a mistake in their choice and the party is greatly to blame for this indecision. Therefore, a Republican party that shows some leadership and strength in numbers would restore confidence to a degree. Tax reform is critical - people are tired of the inequities in the tax system. Energy independence is critical - I am tired of paying upwards of $3.20 a gallon. No one is talking about tort reform, a huge issue that would lower insurance costs and break the trend of litigiousness in this country. Of course with all the lawyers in Washington that will never happen, but it should.
  • Beth Smith commented on 12/28/2011
    Term limits for Congress and Senate. Who said those positions should be careers? Shameful!
  • Steven Robinson commented on 12/28/2011
    Please repeal the legislation that was passed in 2000 that paved the way for the Credit Default Swap industry. Please repeal Obama Care. As for the Bush tax cuts, we would be much better off with a streamlined tax code, however I don't think that will happen in my lifetime.
  • Johnny Hiott commented on 12/28/2011
    All of the above need to take place but none of the above are going to fix America as long as congress and presidents continue to ignore our Constitution. 95% of federal government is un-constitutional. Eliminate all of the depts. IE "education,EPA,HHS,IRS,Homeland Security , etc. Congress must rein in presidents like bush and obama that are not presidents but dictators. Congress must repeal obamacare, this last defence appropriations act that gives the federal govt. the authority to arrest anyone for no reason and hold them indefinatly. Nothing will save America until the federal government abides by our Constitution.
  • Cheryl Lindsey commented on 12/28/2011
    There was no mention of tighter security in our communication system. Our healthcare, banking, utilities, defense systems and more are controlled by computers and those that control them. The internet has been a blessing but it also has been a curse and so open to abuses to those who wish to harm this country.
  • James Estes commented on 12/28/2011
    Illega Immigration and associated high tax payer cost for medical, no paying of taxes and no social security contributions
  • Larry Neal commented on 12/28/2011
    We need to impliment term limits on the senate and the house of representatives. I think one of the biggest problems with our government today is career polititians. If we could limit the time anyone can spend in our government, I believe it would be a fresher and more vibrant institution. Our founding fathers never intended someone to be in government all their lives. If it's good enough for the highest position in the land it should be good enough for the senators and representitives.
  • Catherine Vines commented on 12/28/2011
    I think we should limit all Senate and House terms the same way we limit the Presidency...TWO terms max and that's it...put and end the "career politician" now. Then maybe we can get some things done. If you want life time benifits, then serve 20+ years serving your country in the military like the rest of us!!!
  • James Delp commented on 12/28/2011
    I would like to see once and for all money paid into Social Security fund ony be used for that purpose.A flat and fair tax for everyone.Put a stop to the use of Air Force One for pleasure trips for the President and his family at the taxpayers expense and wasting millions of tax dollars to fly around the country and world to pitch programs that the President wants passed.This can be done at the white house and a press conferance this is for all Presidents not just Obama.Stop giving other countries billions of dollars and start useing that money to replace roads and bridges in our country.We don't owe the world anything if anything these countries owe us and will never pay us back.You people in Washing just don't get it we the people are sick and tired of supporting other countries with our tax dollars while our country falls apart and goes so deep in debt that it will take 50 years to get us back on track.And for Gods sake secure the boarders and get the illegals out of our country.What part of legal and illegal don't you people get??????????
  • Pat Locke commented on 12/28/2011
    I have worked in Health Care as a Registered Nurse for 43 years, in hospitals and in home care. I am very concerned about the Medicare cuts which are forcing agencies to close. Home Care has been proven to be the most cost-effective method of care delivery and soon our most vulnerable, aged and disabled citizens will not have access because agencies will no longer be able to deliver the care. Also hospitals who currently provide a substantial amount of indigent care will be no longer receiving assistance from the federal government under ObamaCare because it will be assumed that all will have access to insurance, yet many people will not make the effort to sign up for this and still go to the nearest hospital ER when ill. There are too many variables the government cannot control. Many times when we go into the homes of the uninsured, we find new furniture, large screen TV's and fancy cars. There are people with access to insurance who do not sign up because they don't want to pay the premiums, not because they can't. Private insurance companies show huge profits due to their propensity for denials of payment. Providers still provide the care but do not get reimbursed. Insurance reform is needed, not Medicare reform. The OIG is doing an excellent job of identifying and prosecuting Medicare fraud, no other reform of Medicare is needed. We're all operating on a shoe string as is.
  • Richard Fraley commented on 12/28/2011
    With our country headed to a financial disaster, it's time we revamp the pay and benefits of the Congress and Senate. Why should they become millionares, when the very people they serve are about to become destitute because of their careless actions, over the years. The Congress has spent the people's money in a haphazard way to the point where now, the government has to borrow, to cover the bills and also pay the benefits that our veterans, our seniors have paid into, and earned over the years. You hear daily where cuts are coming in Medicare, Social Security and Veterans Benefits, but none to the Congress and Senate. They are even giving themselves pay raises for their misdeeds, this is wrong. When the people are asked to sacrifice, it should start with the Congress and Senate, roll back their pay, put them on Social Security and Medicare as the people are subject to. Strip the lush retirement and other perks. Term limits should be considered also. Aren't the Congress and Senate citizens of this country also ? Then why should they be exempt of the suffering caused by their inapt leadership?
  • Clifton N. Byrd commented on 12/28/2011
    I am appalled at the fact that our Congress has millioniares or billioniares taking salaries while the country falls further in debt. If they truly cared, they would not accept salaries until the deficit gets under control. I fave 1 6 year term in office. Provide for your own retirement via any investment method one choses. Do away with the rediculous retirements. Small business is the "Back Bone" of America, yet we can't obtain loans or credit lines as all banks are not interested. We owners take salary reductions, benefit reductions and whatever else we have to do to keep our businesses in operation. This is no easy task. Why is it the USA can get into 15 trillion dollars in debt and no one is accountable? Why is there no mention of Congress not taking salaries until the budget is brought under control? The Mid-East wars will never end. Why do we allow the president of Yemen enter this country for medical treatment? How will that look to our friendly Mid-East Leaders? Wasn't the COLE blown up in Yemen? How about terrorists groomed in Yemen. This country I fear has seen its last days as a great nation and moving to socialism so fast, and yet no one sees what's happening.
  • ALEX RYNKIEWICZ commented on 12/28/2011
  • Richard Reviello commented on 12/28/2011
    What policy changes, is not the question, how about attitude changes. This idea of Congress not working together, or working against the other party is what needs to be changed. A president elected by the people, was attacked from the very start by members of the other party. An example of this is right in full view, todays GOP candadates are not running for office of President because they think they can do a better job. They are running a campaign on defeating the President not on ideas. That is how Congress is currently running, Deficit reduction is a joke, policy changes is a joke it is about getting into office at all cost. Policy changes, Mr. Congressman it is not about policy changes, if you were really interested in that, lobbyest would not be walking the halls of Congress as they currently do. If you were really interested in policy changes that would help the average American, the middle class would not be shrinking and the numbers of those in poverty would not be growing. Lawmakers wealth is growing steadly, while the Average American pay is shrinking, and you ask about policy changes.
  • Pete Birch commented on 12/28/2011
    Time Congress grew up and stopped acting like spoiled brats.
  • Edward Bartruff commented on 12/28/2011
    I would like to see the reduction in health care costs. First we need to make the Medical Health Insurance programs responsible for errors in judgement and allow them to be sued by patients for those mistakes. They should NOT have a say in what proceedurs can and cannot be paid or used. That is between the doctor and patient ONLY, no one else. Increase taxs on the big corporations. It has been proven that lover taxes or tax breaks have done nothing to create jobs. Lower the pay and benefits of congress and repeal the Gran-Rudman act that allowed the the salaries of congress to automatically be raise unless they voted to change it. Since it was enacted they have not blocked on raise they have received while the American tax payer's salary in either stagnated or lowered over the same period of time. We need to make corrupt corporations, politicians and Professional Lobbists accountable to the tax payer and the law.
  • Frances Griffin commented on 12/28/2011
    I know Social Security needs help for the future. But for those that are on Social Security now, they should get a cost of Living raise every year, to off set the cost of groceries and ulitities going up all the time. Thanks
  • andrew turner commented on 12/28/2011
    this country is way off track!!! My thoughts are that we should bring it back to a more realistic ideal we are too busy throwing money away in foreign aid and our country keeps slipping deeper and deeper into debt. I am 26 years old the company i have worked for for 4 years just closed the doors so i am another jobless statistic... Instead of hoping on the unemployment band wagon im actually going to get another job! Wow initiative! How much of that is left in america today? To get back on the rite road i believe this country should handle our own problems before fixing everyone else in the world. We shoud go back to the way america was ment to be smaller federal governmebt and a stronger local gov. People working hard for their friend and neighbor not some stuffed shirt politicians who dont have a clue about anything other than how to cheat the american people and get re-elected. Its gone to far america and i dont know if it will come back in my lifetime or not but if we stay on this downward spiral but i fear for my future and God help if i have children someday. WAKE UP!
  • ALEX RYNKIEWICZ commented on 12/28/2011
  • Gary Jones commented on 12/28/2011
    Reduce and/or better align government regulations/regulators by ensuring there is a delibrate, coherent focus on what the desired effect of the regulation/gov't oversight is. All too often in the haste to address a perceived problem/challenge, the federal gov't is creating MORE headaches by their "rush" to "fix" a problem....there needs to be due diligence, to include open dialogue with all involved parties/entities to fully understand both the upside and downside, and if there is already a law/regulation on the books that needs better enforcement (or elimination).
  • ALEX RYNKIEWICZ commented on 12/28/2011
  • Joe Joseph commented on 12/28/2011
    A return to the rule of law and an end to the corrupt, unethical practices being employed by our public servants and their special interests. If we reigned in government spending and removed the incentive for our elected officals to spend, that would be a good start. We don't need any new laws. We need to return to the fundamentals that our founding fathers laid out for us in the Constitution and embark on a non-interventionalist foreign policy. Jefferson said it best "Ally with none, trade with all". Let's worry more about our borders and people here and less about waging illegal wars at the cost of the taxpayer. The people are waking up and are sick of soothsaying politicians and broken promises... Time to live within our means, batten down the hatches, and worry more about the well being of the United States and less about what the United Nations thinks we should do or the rest of the world for that matter. All is not lost, but we are running out of time to repair the damage of generations of corruption, runaway spending and the implementation of the police state. Time to go back to principles of personal responsibility, morality, and virtuosity! God save the Republic!
  • Darlene Cowcer commented on 12/28/2011
    I would like to see college tuition reform for regular people. I put myself through college, got a good job, helped my husband finish his degree to get a good job. We don't get a break on tuition because we are married, have decent jobs, and are white. Why shouldn't those of us that do things "the right" way get a break on tuition?
  • Thomas Mathew commented on 12/28/2011
    Wev have so many Gov.. agencies. Why not we find out what kind of jobs are going out (data Sheet with Catogory). Figure out how we can get our unemployed replace the foreign workers in foreign countries. Promot our products by improving quality. Minimum wage is a problem. Free govt money (tax payers money) may be an impediment. People should have access to any job without any restraint even if it is below minimum wage. It is better than sitting home watching TV, getting lazy,losing skills and waiting for the right job which may never come. If one is good he will be in demand and his fee (pay) will go up with or without minimum wage.
  • Bob Birch commented on 12/28/2011
    This nation will continue its downward spiral until we turn back to God and restore the Christian values this nation was built on.
  • Raymond L. Britt commented on 12/28/2011
    America has been in the past where it has been, because of a strong National Defense. For some time now, it seems to me that too many cuts within the National Budget has destroyed some of our abilities to defend this country. Too many military men and women are being lost to the cuts, after the long wars it has fought, too soon, I might add. Another issue that concerns me the most, is special education laws on the books are not being interpreted the way they should be by top administrators within the education field, especially special education. Many times it is by design by those top administrators, on purpose. This hurts those many, many, many disabled children within special education. Parents are being intimidated by these same superintendents and principals for taking the right course to challenge these egotistic superintendents and principals. They're red listed within the education communities. Parents are being played against each other for the favors they lend to top administrators. Special education teachers are leaving their jobs of teaching, rather to go along with the illegal activities of top administrators. I've been around special education since 1975 and have seen it get worse and worse each and every year, even though there are laws on the books to curve such activities. At times when parents take the corrective and necessary action for their disabled children, Administrative and Judicial Judges favor the school districts, not taking the whole merits of individual cases, to decide such cases. This has to change, but the social injustices these parents and disabled children face are so intolerable and frustrating. America is not not just coming to be a laughing stock of the world, but has become that stock already. We have "negotiated" till there are no "negotiating" from a power position, because we have lost that power of position for the way we have allowed other countries to win over us, time and time again. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see why America has become this way to the world. Sgt Raymond L. Britt, USMC OAMAAM
  • Tim Thimons commented on 12/28/2011
    There are several issues that need to be addressed: Social Security - this belongs to the people, not the government. Grandfather the old and start a new system based upon a 401k methodology. Individuals will be able to manage their own retirement and roll it over to their families when deceased. National Debt - push for maximum support for small businesses. Increase the mandatory purchase percentage per year to support small businesses, service-disabled small businesses and hub zone small businesses. They are the building blocks of our future and need to be promoted. I've seen too many agencies putting together/using big business contract vehicles in place to say that they buy from small businesses, while losing all the profit to big business. Do your job! Get the best for less, go direct to small businesses - while supporting the growth of small businesses you will creating jobs, which increases spending and promotes a prosperous economy. Gov't Term Limitations - limit the maximum terms for Senate and House of Representative terms commensurate to the presidency limitations. If they represent the people, they will be re-elected! Balanced Budget Ammendment - this is a no-brainer! Every household in America has to maintain a budget, why exempt the government. Make it mandatory! Spending Controls - I've been afiliated with the government for three decads now and the policies for spending are appauling. Spend it all, or you will not see it next year. Where is the savings recognition here? Get the best equipment/services for the dollar and promote those who go above and beyond to pinch pennys. You will see the savings and get the right people employed to endorse it!
  • Ellen Reynolds commented on 12/28/2011
    Repealing of Obama care is right up there however it is one of several items which I feel need attention. This administration needs to start listening to the people- they have conveniently forgotten they work for us . Stop spending if we can not pay for it, stop wasting money on pork and stop propping up entities which are not self sustaining.
  • Irv Wiesner commented on 12/28/2011
    The instapoll question, what policy changes would make me feel more optimistic about the future. All of the above. An effective government should be able to do all the above, or go home.
  • Cleve Wright commented on 12/28/2011
    Term limits for Congress would solve a wealth of our problems - 6 terms for the House and 2 terms for the Senate
  • Clayton Broyles commented on 12/28/2011
    For one, the campaign to force Christianity upon the public must end immediately. Regardless of how many want to believe otherwise, this nation was in fact founded as a secular nation. Just because the founders believed in a creator doesn't mean they were foolish enough to make this a "Christian" nation. In fact the Treaty of Tripoli explicitly states this is not the case. "In God We Trust" is unconstitutional and should be stricken down as the national motto. "E Pluribus Unum" fits the ideals of our founders much better and encourages unity regardless of faith.
  • Becky Brown commented on 12/28/2011
    I am extremely concerned that This Congress REFUSES it duties, responsibilities, Oaths of Office, and Constitutional Authority in allowing Obama's and His Administration's Lawlessness, without holding him responsible, accountable, answerable, or without any impunity at all. Citing: Illegal Immigration, Illegal Employment, Border Protection, Lybia War, Fast & Furious, Solyndra along with so many other of his Cohor'ts government guaranteed loans for bankrupt Corporations, Kill Notices, Drone Buildup and Use.. Not one Government Representative will answer as to WHY.
  • Beverly Ray commented on 12/28/2011
    I feel that our borders need to be made to really keep out . Between the drugs, guns, unsavory people, people who just want to be here, etc. there will be no jobs left for our own people who so desperately need them! We are letting in people who are out to destroy our country and some of us no longer feel safe. It is not the country that our forefathers envisioned! The word illegal should mean what it says!
  • Sharyn Crosby commented on 12/28/2011
    I believe that job creation would take care of itself if the federal goverment would stay out of regulating everything and deciding which business should receive bail outs and which should fail. As proven by Fannie May and other,s the government isn"t capable of running anything. Most career politicians know nothing about running a business that must succeed or fail on its own abilities. As long as corruption and lobyists and secrecy are a part of government there is little hope for improvement. Term limits might help. How can our president take a 4 million dolar vacation and Nancy Pelosi stay in a $10,000 a night when so many people are unemployed and loosing their homes? How can people trust the government when they tell us unemployment is down when the reason it's down is that so many people have used all of their unemploynent befits they're no longer counted. What thought has been given to all the military that will soon be unemployed due to downsizing and the end of the war. Why was their no celebration for our troops when they came home? This government is so out of touch with reality and the wishes of the people that all who have been there for more than 2 terms should resign in shame for what they have let happen to this once great nation.
  • Stephen Dexter commented on 12/28/2011
    Mr. Forbes, you and much of Congress are missing the point. All of your choices are moot, yes, even deficit reduction, unless you take honest and sustained steps to reduce the National Debt. While we are at it: Job creation is a matter of stimulus - private or gov't - that will help create demand for goods and services. Putting money in the hands of people, most of them in the lower middle and lower classes, will help generate much of that demand. Deregulation is s shill; it does nothing to stimulate job creation and very little to economic growth. Tax code - It definitely is not fair. It provides far more preferences to the wealthy and to corporations than it does to the poor. Changes are needed - but cutting taxes on corporations and the wealthy should not be part of it. Defense - First we have to figure out if we really need to be the world's prime interference instrument. Once we have decided that we likely can reduce our Defense costs. We do need to be strong but we certainly do not need to be outspending the rest of the world. Transportation and Infrastructure - We definitely need to improve here. Energy independence - But by this I do not mean greater oil exploration and developoment in the United States. That effort is simply putting off the inevitable and the dangerous (we ARE polluting our air and creating medical costs of our population). I mean green energy development. Thanks for reading.
  • John Long commented on 12/28/2011
    All of the choices in this week's poll are necessary for our countries survival and prosperity. The Congress has consistently kicked the can down the road and refuses to come to grips with all of these issues. This is nothing new, but has been consistently getting worse to the point of gridlock. I have lived and voted in at least 5 states and you are the best Congressional Representative I have ever had. Having said that, the entire Congress should resign because of the consistent inability to get the job done. The far left in particular and to a lesser extent the far right have become obstructionist to the detriment of the country. It is no wonder that the citizens hold the institution in such low regard. I have no doubt that you would easily win re-election, but a complete makeover will remove at many of those with blinders on. Too much Government control and interference in the personal and business lives of citizens needs to be reversed. Environmental management is to be lauded, but the over extension and intrusion currently being exercised by bureaucrats and politicians and is ridiculous in the extreme. The tax code is so corrupted that the ones that benefit are the lawyers and those who can afford them. Spending is beyond being out of control--entitlements are the route driver and need to be reigned in. We are now in, I believe, the fourth generation of welfare families...and the majority of them are in 'blue states'. Getting people off the Government 'tit' and out into the real world, reduction in personal and business taxes, common sense applications in the environment, again common sense in developing our own energy resources will all create jobs and jobs at the moment are literally the bottom line! Keep up the fight!
  • James Ruether commented on 12/28/2011
    I think we desparately need a balanced budget amendment to stop this out of control spending. I also think the root problem is the current sitting congress. We need fresh ideas and not the current power grabbing and jockeying for position in the house and senate. We need term limits on our legislators, we need to stop the current retirement program for our legislators that provides their paycheck for life after retirement. They can live off of their social security and investments just like we have to. No more insider trading priviledges for our elected officials, they put the rest of us in jail for the same thing and no one should have this inside information and be able to legally use it for their own gain. No special health care for our elected officials, they can use the same medicare and medicaid that our seniors have to use. We need to get rid of the electoral college and go back to the popular vote. To much meddling in the political system have led us to the precipice and we are in danger of losing everything our fathers and forefathers have fought and died for to give us. We are an entitlement society and we need to get back to the way we were when you didn't accept help because it was charity. You stood on your own two feet.
  • Albert Heinrich commented on 12/28/2011
    Renounce the tactics of rendition, black prisons and torture. Renounce the policy of pre-emptive strikes and the use of drones to attack soveriegn nations. Close the School of the Americas and end our influence on other nations and their political evolutions by the CIA and our military. Close our military bases on foreign shores and bring ALL our troops home! Use the embassies and negotiate treaties via diplomacy and peaceful means.
  • Virginia Peterson commented on 12/28/2011
    I agree with many of the posts of others, but I believe before any of these things come about something else must happen! America must Repent and Return to the one Holy God that made us the greatest Nation in the World, He blessed America more than any other Nation. We have turned our face away from Him, and followed false gods and boast of our own power and strength, without God by our side "we are nothing".Immorality and murder everywhere! America has become a Sodom and Gomorrah, even in many church's the Word of God is not preached, not wanting to OFFEND enyone. God said; if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, THEN I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14 Then all these other things will be restored in America.
  • David Timm commented on 12/28/2011
    First and foremost, the GOP has to get off of this filibuster-everything kick! We know that YOU want to elect a Republican President, but YOU represent American People who want & need decent jobs. Killing job-promoting legislation and refusing to increase taxes on those who can afford it - AND have had a free ride for to long are two items that we will remember at election-time and we'll use them to bury the GOP. (And I am a liberal Republican). This continual fight over GOP right-wing religio-political orthodoxy is not why you & your colleagues are in Washington, You are there to promote OUR best interests. That's the best interests of WE THE PEOPLE whose wages have been essentially stagnant since 1970 and whose standards of living are steadily declining as inflation (food & gasoline) escalates.
  • Gary Metzinger commented on 12/28/2011
    "In God We Trust" ---- Reduce the size and scope of the Federal Government and get them out of the business of trying to dictate how we can live our lives. Main mission should be an efficient, state of the art National Defense second to none. Cut federal pay below private sector average. The incentive should be to privatize, invent, build, create in the private sector where real value is created based on customer demand rather than Government dictates. History has never shown central government working in the best interests of the individual and rarely at the lowest possible cost. Remember the important building blocks for a great society: Responsible, morale individuals looking after their own best interest and those of their family, relatives, neighbors, community. These are the basic building blocks in my opinion. Our Constitution spells it out. Our Federal Government was established to enable the citizens of this great country, not be a millstone around their neck. We need someone with the COURAGE to get the ball rolling. PS. No free lunch government disability, except for handicap from birth, or military disability. All others determined in a court of law between the parties to the damage. Put reasonable limits on damages. Loss of life has an infinite cost to the individual and all other damages pale in comparison. Everyone must take whatever job they can find or create that is available. Unemployment compensation does not encourage job seeking. Basic home economics and personal finance should be mandatory survival core courses in High School. The Ten Commandments (enshrined on many of our national monuments) should continue to be used as a solid moral standard that does not have to be expanded, expounded, supplemented. If we all could follow most of it most of the time, things would be markedly better.
  • Richard Fraley commented on 12/28/2011
    CPO USN (Retired) National Debt is in figures, that boggle the mind. Now the Congress and Senate, the ones, that spent the peoples money, in a haphazard way, over the years, are hell bent in cutting the benefits of our seniors, our veterans, while themselves continue to enhance their wealth. They even exempt themselves from laws that they impose upon ordinary citizens. Term limits may or not be the answer, I'm not sure, but I do think the pay, the benefits of the Congress and Senate needs to be revamped. Put them on Social Security, Medicare. Why as citizens of our country should they be any different? As so called Public Servants, are they due more then the rest of us that reside in this country? They even vote themselves pay raises, for failure. Their pay raises should be tied to the cost of living. Public Service should not be used to enhance ones wealth as it seems to be now. When our citizen's are asked to sacrifice, then they too, should feel the hammer fall. Also, it's time to eliminate all special intrest lobbies, we are a country where majority rules, not a minority with money. Election funds should have limits imposed also, for first time running, for an office. Once elected to a term, then term record should be considered for re-election, with no funds tendered.
  • Bruce Holtermann commented on 12/28/2011
    In early US history the votes for President determined who was to be President and the second in the race with votes became Vice President. There was much emphasis on a united Single party; not 2 parties at war and in grid lock. The leaders were concerned for the Country first, and it's future. We have almost completely lost that focus. People in the US are not aware that what makes this country great and different from any other country is that it is not based on a select group of people who simply have always been in a certain location. Out country is made up of people from so many different countries and backgrounds who came here. The common thread is the individual liberty, freedom and equality we share here and enjoy.
  • Becky Brown commented on 12/28/2011
    I am extremely concerned that this Congress REFUSES it's Oath of Office, current and applicable US Laws, War Resolution, Our Constitution, and their Authority under the Constitution and REFUSES to hold this President and His Administration accountable under these same laws and statues. Citing: Current and Applicable US Laws on Illegal Immigration, Illegal Employment, Border Protection, Lybia War, Fast & Furious, Operations Castaway, Solyndra and all the other bankrupt companies with government guaranteed loans who just happen to be Cohorts of the current Administration. Not one Incumbent will answer as to WHY.
  • Gragg Harkins commented on 12/28/2011
    Get rid of the measurable politicians we have now. If you don't know what's wrong with this country by now God help us. Look at the choice you gave us to pick from. Get real, get your head out of big business rear-end, then you well see what's going on with this country. Pull your head, wipe your face off, take a big deep breath, bingo now you can see without us telling you. Case Closed
  • Name Withheld commented on 12/28/2011
    What policy changes would make you more optimistic about our country’s future? Answer: Other Stricter controls on Wall Street, less tax breaks for "Big Oil", strict enforcement of the current immigration laws
  • David Stevens commented on 12/28/2011
    Mr. Forbes, WHAT DO YOU THINK THIS COUNTRY NEEDS? Please put yourself in my shoes and give me an answer to each of the topics below. Straight, SIMPLE, answer as to what you would do. Are your thoughts to these issue different than mine? Should they be or are we of like mind? Job creation? Deficit reduction? A simpler, fairer tax code? A strong defense? Improvements to transportation and infrastructure? Increased energy independence? Immigration-Citizenship, the right to vote as a Legal Citizen only? Welfare-Who should be eligible? Make it a positive action that will teach strenght, and independence not dependence! Education? Each of you Gentlemen in Washington should be smarter than myself and the actions that are shown everyday in our capital should reflect a higher education, greater morals and higher ethics for the positions that each you elected officials continuous provide as examples. I am not necessarily aiming my comments directly at you Congressman, but I believe you to be an Honorable man who knows in his heart exactly what I mean and what I am trying to say. WHO DO YOU'll REPRESENT?.... Your (all government officials, elected or otherwise) actions reflect on me and effect me as well as my fellow Legal USA Citizens. Respectfully
  • Gregory Schuller, Sr. commented on 12/28/2011
    Reduction of regulatory bodies who impose unfair burdens upon industry, small business, education, energy, interior, EPA, etc. Place these within the States who can handle what they need. In Arizona our dust standard is the same as Oregon, makes no sense. Further any bill sent forward must be stated in the U.S. Constitution or it doesn't pass muster.
  • Ralph Gertz commented on 12/28/2011
    Get money out of politics - public funding of candidates, elimination of lobbying.
  • Jim Brewer commented on 12/28/2011
    Although all the issues listed are important and deserve to be addressed, there is one issue that seems to be at the heart of America's present economy problem. In my opinion, it would be high energy costs. Over the years, it seems to me that every time the cost of energy or fuel has increased dramatically, the US has gone through a recession. For those that can remember when fuel was $0.30 / gallon and then without much warning went to $0.50 / gallon then continued to periodically jump to $1.00, then $1.50 and so on, there has always been a loss of jobs and home building surrounding that fuel cost increase. Trucker's couldn't make a fair living nor could "builders" make a fair living. Businesses laid off their workers because they couldn't sell their products; stores closed because people were afraid to buy America's manufacturing products. There is a lot more to this story, but there is enough here to give you the picture. As for me, I don't believe that the downturn in our economy was just coincidence. I believe high prices for foreign oil imports as well as greedy oil company's are at the root of the problem. American oil companies or any oil company on American soil or in our territorial waters should be made to only sell oil to be used in the US at a substantial discounts for American citizens. Also any US leased oil -energy producing land which has not been developed and producing an expected amount of energy should be redeployed to a US company ready willing and able to immediately develop the property to produce energy products. I would also recommend that fuel refineries should be required to operate at 100% vice present levels to help reduce fuel prices at the pump........
  • Glen Lester commented on 12/28/2011
    You have a great list of options to choose from. Under the “Job creation” topic I would like to see a strong initiative to buy American products. I don’t mind paying a little more for American products but it is difficult to find them. Even much of the things I buy from LLBean that used to be made in the USA are now imported. I think that if a strong initiative is publicized, then the law of supply and demand will work in our favor where American companies will grow resulting in increased job production and keeping American dollars in America.
  • Steve Pillow commented on 12/28/2011
    Let the Congress do its business of finishing a budget which has not done for 3 years, build a strong defense, and let us alone. Every thing you touch kills - Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, the Fed, the U.S. Postal service, the war on poverty, the war on drugs, the Department of Energy, Fannie Mae - and it goes on and on. Everything you try to improve makes our lives harder and takes money out of my pocket. Can't you understand at some point that you are out of your depth, and digging lower every day that goes on.
  • E salem commented on 12/28/2011
    Learn from other financial systems like Islamic systems before it is too late to fix the economy. We really need to think outside the box to face such a huge problem. Let us face it, if we do not solve it, no one would. Let us use what other people have even if we do not agree with all of what they stand for
  • Robert Paxson commented on 12/28/2011
    Sir, I agredd with the importance of almost every item on your list for shaping america. There is another item which is missing from your list which I think is important for our future and in the best interests of Americ. For years when the Democrats were in control of the House of Reps I would see people like Barney Frank or Charles Rangel sit in congress for decades and gain a large amount of power. If we had term limits for the House (and Senate) they would have been removed a long, long time ago. I am not naive enough to think that we will control the House for ever...at some point the other party will take control for a period of time. While we have control of the House I think it is crucial that we do something about term limits for congressmen. I know this would also apply to you, but it is in the best intersts of the United States. We wouldn't have the Rangels and Franks (and Pelosis) hanging around for 30-50 years and gaining too much power. In addition to term limits it is important that we reform our campaign financing rules. Thank you for supporting us.
  • gerald weaver commented on 12/28/2011
    I think that the financial health of our country should be our highest priority. While I support a strong military, I believe the new front line is no longer a military scenario. I'm confident that no country would be willing to take our military strait on, but they have found a far more effective strategy. The aggressive trade and financial strategies employed by other countries ( I won't name any names) coupled with our greed and laziness has served to undermine our military and social stability by just plain breaking us financially. Our standing and credibility in world has also suffered greatly. We look like fools allowing such a simple tactic to destroy us. The near future is going to be very tough for us and we will all see a resetting of our standard of living. Our government policies can have the greatest effect in this arena. Not trying to make jobs and bailing out everyone down to the individual level......... wheres the money going to come from ? We as individuals can play the most impotant role, please "Buy American"! Stop financing the people who want to take us down. If our country is healthy financially everything else repair its self with out government intervention or policies.
  • Lorraine Jones commented on 12/28/2011
    Congress must pass a Balanced Budget which should include cuts to Congressional members and their staff' salaries and fringe benefits to include binding them under the same laws as the rest of the American people for which they are suppose to serve. Under a Balanced Budget, Congress won't be spending money we don't have, therefore their terms could be scaled back from full time to part-time and each member should be limited to two elected terms.
  • Robert Trebes commented on 12/28/2011
    The US Congress shall STOP passing un-Constitutional Law, trying to 'Legislate' our Constitutional Right's away: Just like this Federal Judge ruled in Portland, Oregon in 2007: U.S. District Judge Ann Aiken ruled that the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, as amended by the Patriot Act, "now permits the executive branch of government to conduct surveillance and searches of American citizens without satisfying the probable cause requirements of the Fourth Amendment." Portland attorney Brandon Mayfield sought the ruling in a lawsuit against the federal government after he was mistakenly linked by the FBI to the Madrid train bombings that killed 191 people in 2004. The federal government apologized and settled part of the lawsuit for $2 million after admitting a fingerprint was misread. But as part of the settlement, Mayfield retained the right to challenge parts of the Patriot Act, which greatly expanded the authority of law enforcers to investigate suspected acts of terrorism. Mayfield claimed that secret searches of his house and office under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act violated the Fourth Amendment's guarantee against unreasonable search and seizure. Aiken agreed with Mayfield, repeatedly criticizing the government. "For over 200 years, this Nation has adhered to the rule of law — with unparalleled success. A shift to a Nation based on extra-constitutional authority is prohibited, as well as ill-advised," she wrote.
  • Becky Brown commented on 12/28/2011
    Why will this Congress not abide, uphold, defend, and enforce our current and applicable Constitution, our US Laws, War Resolution and hold this President responsible for his actions?
  • M V commented on 12/28/2011
    Here's an idea, how about passing a law that makes all legislators report their planned Wall Street trading activity (on-line with clear public access) 3 days before they make a trade? Now that would even the playing field a bit. I'd get rich simply by following the money, just like the politicians do. . . . The saddest thing is, no matter what any of us say, the politicians mind goes right to "now, how can I get around that?" We are no longer living in a representative based republic. We're living in a country controlled and governed, for the most part, by self serving, unethical, crooks who have no social concience.
  • Terrence Mosher commented on 12/28/2011
    I second that Mr Moody, Government is the worst manager of resources when it gets too big. Lets decrease governmental employees who have the tenure job security as they do not freaking work because they can't be fired. These job positions should be competitive to put the best people in place. Look at how big a failure Soviet Russia was. Lets not wind up like them making a big government with complacent job security. What a terrible idea to secure jobs like that. If we can get rid of complacent governmental workers who can not be fired we will see alot of the corruption in government go away and this will make us so much more efficient in many number of ways.
  • Randy Taylor commented on 12/28/2011
    Vote for Ron Paul. I agree with the way he will be addressing every issue.
  • Ron Low commented on 12/28/2011
    The single biggest reason to NOT be optimistic is our ineffective legislature. They can't solve our problems with the partisanship and special-interest pandering they MUST engage in to get elected/re-elected. And ETHICS of legislators is a critical part. They must NEVER be allowed to enact a law that does not apply to them unless it takes effect 1 year after every person in that session has stood for re-election. The chief law that they are exempt from that POISONS all politics is the ability to buy and sell equities on inside information. All legislators must simply OPT OUT of the stock market upon announcing their candidacy until 2 years after they leave office.
  • Jerri Ward commented on 12/28/2011
    I believe the Congress and Senate should try to work together to solve problems for the good of the country. I believe that people that have not contributed to Social Security should not be getting benefits from it.
  • Lee Morris commented on 12/28/2011
    I would like to see the Fair Tax enacted. It is the most fair tax vehicle ever. No more congressional hanky panky punitive taxes aimed at industries. We need to reduce the debt, create jobs, fix the infrastructure and maintain a strong defense. The Fair Tax would allow all of this to happen as a comprehensive program.
  • Alan Hoover commented on 12/28/2011
    All of the issues named have real validity, however, of utmost concern to me is the growth of the national government's power. It has entwined itself into the very fabric of our lives. I would that it would return to ONLY what our Constitution says it is. So much that is now being done by that government should/could be done by the locales or the states. Barriers to the return of government to Constitutional limits should be removed. Common sense and decency as well as honesty should be at the overarching rule on government.
  • Roger Wilson commented on 12/28/2011
    I think the size of government needs to be drastically reduced. I don't know how much of the federal budget goes to paying our bloated bureaucracy, but I have an idea that it is a significant figure. I have an idea that many of our nation's problems are the result of regulations written by these unelected employees which are forced down the collective throats of the public. By reducing the size of government and its strangling regulations, perhaps the government could then get out of the way of Americans trying to attain the American dream and unloose the creativity of the American public in every sector of our lives. I also think that our elected officials should take it upon themselves to publically remind Americans that the "pursuit of happiness" is ours by right; happiness is not.
  • Sharon Bohigian commented on 12/28/2011
    I checked all the boxes. But believe nothing will happen without some changes first. I would like to see our country run like it was set up to be run. Less government and more of what the people want. We need guidance not rulership. It makes me cry when I see what has happened to the America grew up with and love. The politicians need to take there eyes off their own agenda and back on the agenda of the American people. And put God back where He belongs. And than maybe God will bless America again. When we get the leadership back in line the country will come together. It seems to simple, but simple is sometimes hard to see. And last but not least we need to play nice together, I don't have to agree with you and you don't have to agree with me. We just need to allow freedom to work.
  • David Early commented on 12/28/2011
    Less government intrusion involving personal choices. TERM LIMITS. Enforced immigration laws.
  • Ken Oristaglio commented on 12/28/2011
    The answer to all of the above with the exception of government forced universal health care of which I am against is to return the true liberty andd freedom tot eh people. Congress should be limited to part time and the first thing they need to work on is how they are going to return the billions of dollars of social security fudning that has been stolen from Americans like me over the past 50+ years. After that, this country n eeds to return to the Constitution of the United States of America that allows everyone to make their own decisions about how we will ive. Period. The federal government has zero authority under the true constitution to tell any American what we can eat, drink, smoke, drop, shoot, etc... and needs to focus on balancing our nations budget, opening the doors for energy exploration, development, and use, and pretty much get the helol out of the way by repealing about 90% of the crap legislation that has been perpetrated on all Americans by an ever tyrnaical federal government so that liberty and freedom for all can once again be lived. But I know doing soemthing that American, that honest, that respectful and that responsible is beyond you and most of your collegues in the legislative branch and judicial brnaches of our government. The federal government has succeeded in making most Americans afraid to take care of themselves in everything from using medicine to how we invest our money and most people cannot fathom an America where "We The People" dictate what we will do and how we will live and subjugate the federal government to taking care of those few things it was established for like national defense and protecting all of the freedoms I just mentioned from being taken for the American people. That's the kind of polititicans I am looking for, ones that I don't need much from and that leave me alone. Best regards,
  • John Parker commented on 12/28/2011
    It's convenient to attempt to frame a national problem in six little categories that serve one's party's talking points. To me there are other more pressing issues that need to be addressed to improve this country's future. Such as, term limits for Congress, public only financing of campaigns, limited lobbying and corporate influence in policy making, a constitutional amendment outlawing corporate "personhood," and independent congressional redistricting to eliminate gerry-rigged districts. So, as one can see, it's not necessarily the six choices Congressman Forbes has so conveniently listed. The optimism of this country's future is predicated on how WE change the behavior and structure of this self-serving congressional body that does not hesitate to prostitute the body politic, which Mr. Forbes is a complicit accomplice. Want to change America? Change Congress first..........
  • Peter Loy commented on 12/28/2011
    2nd attempt. First your CAPTCHA is a dog+ pony show like Congress+ The Senate. For this great nation to get on the right track we need to fire ALL of Congress and The Senate. The American People are tired of you Politicians telling us what R. Reagan or Harry Kornsvey said. All the American people hear is distorted rhetoric out of Wash D.C. . You People scream Job creation, Tax reform, Less Government, on and on and on . You all are the ones that put this Great Country behind the 8 Ball. If employers were given tax exemption and no Gov. regulations it wouldn't make a dent in the unemployment disaster you politicians have created over the last few years. There is zero manufacturing in America. Mr. Forbes, without blaming the other side, tell the Nation where the jobs are because it is in China, Korea, etc. Be specific because you Politicians are keeping it a secret. It's great to scream all these Economic cures just to look good for your voters, but you and the rest offer no solutions other than The Blame Game. You people need to wake up and put this Great Nation on the right track. Time IS of the Essence !!!!
  • Ida Thompson commented on 12/28/2011
    I strongly believe in term limits as many American's on this blog support. I believe all Government employees should be subject to the same pay and benefits that the middle class American is subjected to having. I believe the useless welfare system should be over hauled. I know to many drug addicts and losers not wanting to work that have completely qualified for government assistance when my family can't. I am most often ashamed to be called an American right now when our own government refuses to raise taxes equally to all American's, even if it is to reduce our own government deficit, and yes even if it means raising my own taxes so that my children have a promising future in this country. This country should promote grants and scholarships to reward those seeking a higher education that are obtaining at least a 3.0 GPA and reward those building their own retirement by hard work and thrifty financial planning not promoting dependency on social security and welfare. These are just a few of my suggestions.
  • Cynthia Ewing commented on 12/28/2011
    I think most Americans would agree that Congress has been irresponsible in continuing to provide foreign aid to dozens of countries around the world that openly despise the U.S. Asking hard working Americans to 'tighten their belts' while sending billions of $$ to murderous dictators or countries that support or facilitate terrrorism is wrong in so many ways.
  • Doug Ray commented on 12/28/2011
    Fundamentally, we need to eliminate the National Debt. Coupled with that we must have a robust economy and unmatched national defense to protect our freedoms. In order to have a robust economy we must have a business environment that is not strangled with regulations the only inhibt businesses and do not promote innovation and growth. Certainly there are a few regulations that must be maintained but by in large, the bulk of our regulations inhibit innovation and growth. We must eliminate Federal Government trying to run Health Care, Automotive Industry, Banking Industry, Mortgage Industry, etc. This has to be done by the private sector. So first reduce spending to eliminate the debt within ten years. Free the privagte sectore to innnovate and grow. Have the Federal Governement get out of Health Care and other private sector areas. Finally, eliminate the whole concept of Professional Politicians. Our Government has become corrupt to a large extent due to unlimited terms on Congress. It has become apparent that many (not all) in Congress are only interested in being in Congress to spend and become rich themselves. This must be eliminated. Thanks,
  • Bruce McGregor commented on 12/28/2011
    The easiest way to make me more optimistic would be to actually get the government out of my life. I would propose a simple one-step method to make that happen. Radical personal and corporate tax simplification. While I love the fair tax, I don't believe our legislators can implement it. Replace our entire bloated tax code with a simple flat tax. No deductions (no option for the politicians to favor one group over another + take tons of money to influence what loopholes are created for which special interest). Make a super-majority required to modify any provisions of the new tax rules. Set the rate at 25%. Exempt the first $50K (or whatever the experts agree is the floor of middle class). Watch the economy soar with a new found wings.
  • Ida Thompson commented on 12/28/2011
    I strongly believe in term limits as many American's on this blog support. I believe all Government employees should be subject to the same pay and benefits that the middle class American is subjected to having. I believe the useless welfare system should be over hauled. I know to many drug addicts and losers not wanting to work that have completely qualified for government assistance when my family can't. I am most often ashamed to be called an American right now when our own government refuses to raise taxes equally to all American's, even if it is to reduce our own government deficit, and yes even if it means raising my own taxes so that my children have a promising future in this country. This country should promote grants and scholarships to reward those seeking a higher education that are obtaining at least a 3.0 GPA and reward those building their own retirement by hard work and thrifty financial planning not promoting dependency on social security, disability and welfare. These are just a few of my suggestions. Thank you for asking me and allowing me to voice my opinion.
  • Bill Thompson commented on 12/28/2011
    All of the items you listed are great, yet unless we select a presidential canidiate that supscribes to the conservative agenda we will not accomplish much. Our selection in 2008 was a hands across the isle rhino Republicial and if we do the same this time we will see a repeat of 2008. When are the current Republicans going to understand that if we present a watered down conservative approach we will NOT win. I am so tired of Republicans who don't have the guts to take a firm stand against the Democrates. President Washington wasn't liked by many yet it was his strength that convinced those of his day that there was only truth, honesty and intestinal fortitude to stand tall would we win. Because of men like him and others that believe in what America stands for were we able to become The United States of America. It is time to take a stand for liberty,honesty and integrty will we win in 2012. GOD BLESS AMERICA.
  • David Sala commented on 12/28/2011
    Listen to Dylan Ratigan and Bill Black, among many others. Prosecute the criminal bankers that did this to all of us.
  • Bill Thompson commented on 12/28/2011
    Unless we select a conservative Rebuplican to be the nominee for president we a re spinning our wheels. In 2008 we selected a weak canidiate and we lost. We will do the same thing this time if we select the wrong one. The Republicans at he present time are going after each other instead od going after President Obama. All we ar doing is giving the Democrates all the amonition to use against us. Wake up leadership don't you understand by dividing ourselves and not presenting all the wrong things the President has done we are defeating ourselves. If we are conservative then speak it, act it and promote it. Stop the internal fighting.
  • William Allen commented on 12/28/2011
    First, break up the media monopoly newspapers, radio, TV, magazines and the rest. Today they are all owned and controlled by a half dozen individuals that work in concert to feed the American public a constant stream if miss information. Second, follow the rules set down by the Constitution. In addition, those individuals who are unwilling to honor their oath of office should be formally reprimanded and at the same time commence their impeachment process. Third, eliminate the Federal income tax, Federal Reserve and all non-Constitutional agencies of the Federal government.
  • Brian Kopper commented on 12/28/2011
    The answer to your question can not be pick one, and, forget about other issues needing attention. All of the listed suggestions are, however very important. So I would address your poll in a priority manner; 1. Job Creation: discard all bureaucratic red-tape which makes it difficult for a small business's to develop in the first place. Stop giving Giant Corporation special considerations and listen to the people, and, not the lobbyist! 2. Deficit Reduction: by creating more jobs we naturally will increase the tax base. Also, it must be made mandatory as a constitutional amendment that the Federal Government must produce a balanced budget each and every year. Furthermore, The Federal Reserve must be forced to end it's secrecy and be audited each year by a rotating independent panel who publicly answers to the pubic. We would not be in a deficit if the House and Senate ended corruption and wasteful spending within it's rank and file. 3. A Strong Defense! America can not afford to be weaken such as what has been happening. As an example; the Marine Corp needs to stay at 275,000 strong NOT drop it to 175,000 this is a very dangerous move forced upon them by the current DOD cuts. We need to completely maintain a 10 plus division Army. And our Navy needs to build back up...We should maintain at least 15 super carrier battle groups as well as 6 tactical carrier groups. I'm sure the needs of USAF needs to be increased as well. The reason that desert storm went so well was because Pres. Reagan built our military back up to the level it was during that operation. As Pres. Teddy Roosevelt said "speak softly but carry a big stick" 4. Improvements to our transportation infrastructure it is so long over due. Benefits would create jobs; and very possibly low the use of our energy requirements. 5. A simpler fairer tax code. My guess is that at least 75% of the codes could be thrown out. And, write the codes so that the average American citizen can understand same! 6. Increased energy independents, we have the brains and engineers to create sustainable energy for ALL. If only the governmental bureaucracy and corporate lobbyist stand aside. In closing it has been long over due; 1. That our elected officials NEED and MUST listen to the American Citizens NOT the Lobbyist 2. Integrity MUST be the foundation of leadership in America. Stop the Bull Sh#t and keep it real! 3. In the mid 60's we coned a phrase which took root for a long time, Always Question Authority. Well America it is time for the rebirth of that phrase ALWAYS QUESTION AUTHORITY AND GET INVOLVED. With sincerer regards
  • Bill Heipp commented on 12/28/2011
    We need to have a dramatic reduction of federal regulations of all kinds. Call it an impeachment of abundant garnishments of our freedoms. This alone will create the environment for job growth without any other actions.
  • David Arbitelle commented on 12/28/2011
    I think all the items mentioned in the poll are important. We need to stop all the wasteful spending, (who cares how fast ketsup flows out of a bottle or about the sex life of snails). We need our President and elected leaders to uphold the U.S. Consttution like they took an oath to do. We need to stop the insanity of our court in embracing laws of other nations and religions (Islamic Laws). Goverment needs to stay out of mandating Health Care. Stop letting the eviromental wackco hinder drilling offshore and in alaska. I'm sick and tired of these liberal socialist telling us we can't pray in the name of Jesus Christ in public and telling us that christians have no bussiness in politics or have a say in the way goverment does things. We have just as much a right as the liberals, socialist, athiests and everyone else.
  • C. Gibbs commented on 12/28/2011
    I would like to see a policy put into effect that would hold the Congress and Senate accountable to the people they are supposedly representing. If there is a vote on anything I think that there should be full disclosure to the people who voted for the office holders. We have all these representatives in Congress who are working on their own agenda instead of the agenda of the people. If we, the people, know what they are doing it will be very easy to disconnect during vote time. They need to be held accountable for doing their job not the opposite.
  • Jeff H commented on 12/28/2011
    Less govt, balanced budget amendment, flat tax, STOP GIVING BILLIONS AWAY IN AID when we have poor, hungry, sick kids right here at home. Inititiate tarriffs on Chinese imports and all other non democratic countries to jump start American industry again. To some degree, we need to fall back on aspects of both isolationism and protectionism. I can't remember a time when I felt that Washington had America's best interest at heart. Politicians seem to more concerned with how they APPEAR and the USA appears to other countries vs. the reality of how bad things really are.
  • Rich Reviello commented on 12/28/2011
    Like I said, I doubt my posting would make it to this blog, anything that doesn't agree or questions the Congressman never seems to make the blog. I guess Congressman truely doesn't know what real Freedom of Speech means.
  • S. Donahue commented on 12/28/2011
    a functional congress
  • jean arthur commented on 12/28/2011
    The best thing for this country would be getting Obama out of office. But then we would need a smart honest Christian man in as president. And they are hard to find in politics. The best thing to do would be almost to start over with all offices, except a few Congressmen like you.
  • William McGehee commented on 12/28/2011
    There are several things that would make me more optimistic about the future. 1) Campaign finance reform. 2) More cooperation between the parties on Capitol Hill. Recently, Reps Boener and Cantor have made it clear that they are willing to sacrifice the economy just to try to make the other party look bad. That's not national leadership. That's national sabotage. We saw the sad results of that kind of petty leadership when S&P downgraded the U.S. debt. 3) A sharp decrease in defense spending would make me optimistic about our national future. We cannot afford keep spending as much as the next 17 highest defense-spending nations combined. And there is nothing conservative about borrowing money to fight wars in Iraq and Afganistan. 4) Meaningful gun control would also make me more optimistic about the future of our nation. Currently, it is perfectly legal for a madman to go into a gunshop and buy a concealable semi-automatic handgun that will fire 15 rounds in 4 seconds. That's the kind of gun the madman at Va. Tech used to kill 33 people. Even before the Va. Tech shooting, polls showed that the majority of the puble favor meaningful gun control. The problem is that our members of Congress are scared of the NRA. Our gun control policy is not controlled by the public will, but by a small group with a lot of money and political clout.
  • Elizabeth Streza commented on 12/28/2011
    I truely believe that the biggest change that has to happen in our country, before we will ever see a recovery of any real value, is a change of hearts and minds opened up by Biblical values. To do onto others as we would have them do unto us, and to realize that it's all a team effort to make things work. We live in a generation that has been given everything, and little good has been given back. We are finally seeing the fruit of the "me" generation, and it is bankrupting our nation, morally and financially. How can this generation change, repent, and focus on God's guidance when they've alway done things their own way? The hardships that are here to stay will change some hearts and minds, and those of us who look to the Father in heaven for our daily bread, must remember to pray to God for the complete healing of our nation. We desperately need God back in our homes, schools, and everywhere in our country. And if ACLU complains, let them not join in our prayers. No one ever forced them to believe like we do. It's actually the other way around, the ACLU which seems to be a minority, seem to control our schools, and public places. I wonder how did it ever get this bad. I know of a person in our church that works in a public high school, and the children are having sex in the bathrooms, are handed condoms, and so on. This is the effect of ACLU; they have destroyed our public schools by taking away the Christian beliefs that made this country great. And we, as taxpayers, are having to pay for this ridiculous way of "teaching" school? We would be better off to shut those schools down, pay the mothers at home to home school the children, or have a voucher to go to private school. How are today's children going to live in a world with absolutely no moral values? No wonder every other commercial on TV is for an antidepressant! Why deal with our problems, repent, and make positive changes, when the agenda is to just take a pill and supress our problems, let them keep growing and growing until the point of no return? Our grandparents never took all those meds, and were far better contributors to our society than today's generation with all that "help!"
  • V Peacey commented on 12/28/2011
    Amazing to see so many comments reflecting disapproval for the overreaching power grabs of the 'Federal Government' concerning the civil liberties of the citizens of this nation and the usurping of State's jurisdiction. Along with the appalling practices of pay raises, specialized health coverage plan, and ongoing funds received by those elected officials even after leaving office, and not least of all the protected opportunity that 'elected' officials afford themselves in trading the markets with foreknowledge of legislation's influence over stock prices, it is no wonder that we 'regular' folk are so dismayed with the way things are proceeding in this country. It should be law that government workers, including elected officials should be disqualified from working as lobbyists for the corporations who pander to influence laws which profit their business sectors and likewise people deriving income from the management of large special interest groups/corporations should be disqualified from holding office and bureaucratic positions in government organizations. I signed some petitions that were sent to you on particular issues concerning some mega corporation's designs on controlling agricultural resources. It did not escape me that the automatic replies your office sent had as their central body the 'party' line/lie that the mega corporation wanted to see as your position. I would encourage you, your staff, and your 'colleagues' in Washington to research and give heed to the few brave people, many of them qualified experts, who have information that doesn't support the position of these mega corporations whose only intention is to advance their corporate ends, dam the interests, the safety, and the right of the general public to be free of the chicanery of said mega corporations. We voted for the congress and senate officials to represent us and not to force on us the objectives of the special interest groups. Please have the integrity to truly represent the voting public.
  • Yugeen Eanes commented on 12/28/2011
    Pass everything the Dems in the Senate and Obama want to pass and let the chips fall where they may.
  • Frank Sgromolo commented on 12/28/2011
    Smaller Federal government and a return of State's rights. Term limits for all branches of the Federal government.
  • James Davis commented on 12/28/2011
    The most important thing to me personally is to make a law that ALL bills before Congress and the President are single-purpose only. There should be ZERO unrelated amendments and zero possibility of bad legislation getting passed because of an attached rider or amendment. Every bill must stand or fall based SOLELY on the merits of the proposition. If it comes to legislation affecting less than 50% of the states, then it should not be before a Congress, but should stand or fall solely on a state level. The fact that bills continue to have unrelated additions attached only leaves open the door of corruption that ever widens until GOOD leaders work to close it. A leader who supports allowing good bills to pass with abhorrent riders attached only further proves the lack of leadership he/she possesses.
  • Joyce Cook commented on 12/28/2011
    Require Congress to abide by the laws they pass.
  • harry anjoorian commented on 12/28/2011
    term limits!
  • Veda Stone commented on 12/28/2011
    My first question is do you really read what the regular American has to say and how I really feel? Or is this social media only being use to appear there is an interest in what we really think? If so, then I will share how I see the Executive, Senate and Congress House. When politicians of all parties STOP the BLAME GAME, their Self Interest Actions, do their homework so they know what they are talking about and realize all citizens of this great nation are not stupid nor dumb. Both parties Work Together with the Executive Branch as the founding fathers had indented in the constitution; change the tax code to be Simpler & Fair. Set a limit to the maximum term any Senator or Congress person can be in office. When I studied United States History, the understanding was that it was a privelige and honor to SERVE the public by being elected as a Senator or Congressmen, it was not intended to be a life time position to bleed the citizens. Each and every person in office (including staffers) should have to do actual service work in the communittee two to three weeks each year. They should have to live with no benefits of being in office, so they can see how the tax payers have to survive. No, they can't stay or help their millionair or billionair friends; yes accutally be with the poor and middle class communittee. I will feel this nation is headed back in a positive direction is when I see actual actions of the Politicians stop being Politicans; start governering with common sence, compromises and working together & with the Executive Branch for the people, not their party or special interest group which finances them. Then and only then will I believe what is coming out of the Politicans mouth; that they understand, know and actually hear the average Americans which is the real back bone of this great nation.
  • Carolyn Harrup commented on 12/28/2011
    When we put God back as the head of our country all else will fall into place.
  • Thomas Gordon commented on 12/28/2011
    Bring our manufacturing back to the USA. It is a shame when you go shopping and cannot find clothing or tools that are American made. Most all clothing is made in China, India or in Asia. Another point is they do not fit properly either. All sizes vary, example, LEVI Jeans are made in Vietman, Turkey, India and many other countries. They all are too short waisted or sizes are all different. A 38 X 32 should be the same regardless of manufacturer location. They always fit correctly when made in the USA. Even Craftsman tools are now made in China and most tools from Home Depot and Lowes come from China. I do not like supporting any country that is a potential enemy.
  • PEGGY MOORE commented on 12/28/2011
    I certainly agree with everything in each post here. The one thing that would give the country a more optimistic view... would be to impeach Obama and get rid of the DOJ Attorney General. Dispose completely of ACORN never to return to receive government funds. . or any other funds. Prosecute voter fraud.. repeal Obama care... Dodd Frank ... Up hold the immigration laws and give our agents the support they need to protect our boarders... As well as energy independence. Washington is out of control ... Completely out of control.
  • Brenda Woodard commented on 12/28/2011
    The dependent society that has been created in this country is going to bring it down. If people do not begin to take responsibility for themselves what good are we as a nation anyway? What good will we be to the world? We cannot legislate morality but we need to. I just cannot see us getting out of this vicious cycle we have gotten ourselves into by trying to emulate the very civilized europeans (that is a joke). If our government leaders cannot see what an absolute train wreck is in our future then all of them are idiots - politics need to STOP. Governing needs to begin. While I am on my soapbox I will add that my husband and I are receiving Social Security and we need it to survive and WE resent being grouped into the welfare/handouts, etc. We paid a great deal of money into this fund that our illustrious leaders have used indiscrimately and WASTED. People go to jail for doing what has been done to our retirement funds. I love this nation - my heart swells when I see the flag, say the pledge of allegiance or hear the national anthem. However my heart is breaking watching this great nation just blithely running over the cliff and falling, falling, falling. It is a very sad thing to observe.
  • Kathy Evans commented on 12/29/2011
    Help keep jobs here in Hampton Roads. Not only do we need to create new jobs but we need to keep the jobs we have in the Hampton Roads area. One example of this is the 600 jobs held by the USPS Distribution Center at Church Street in downtown Norfolk. This distribution center supports the entire Hampton Roads area with jobs and mail distribution. The big monster facility built in Richmond a couple of years ago has never become efficient; Mail is continually sent from there to Norfolk to be broke down that the new facility cannot manage. Unfortunately this seems to be the current method of corporate management that it does not reward employees and plants for a job well done. If this facility is not kept here it will be another example of the Ford Plant. Computers are great but yes we still very much need the affordable US mail system.
  • Linda Taylor commented on 12/29/2011
    The main thing that will make me more optimistic about our country’s future is vote Obama OUT of office!!!
  • John Gasser commented on 12/29/2011
    This country desperately needs congressional term limits. My congressman gets richer each year at our expense and accomplishes nothing. Our country needs citizen legislators not career politicians.
  • Andrew Reindollar commented on 12/29/2011
    First of all let me start by thanking you for all your hard work , I believe all that you are working on will be bebeficial for our country to move fordward , I also believe that God is a major factor for us in seeing all that we see that we know could be much better , our belief system must strengthen! , A house divided the bible says will not stand! , unity is a powerful force! 2nd cor 7:14 If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways , I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and heal their land!!! again thank you for all you do may he bless you in all you do , and give you great new ways and Idea's to serve! thanks AndyR$
  • Greg Lute commented on 12/29/2011
    The only way we could have a chance to have better days ahead is a change in politicians. We would have to clean house and get Godly men in to take their place. There is extremely too much corruption for us to have any chance at a better future. I fear that before this current administration is over we will have gone beyond repair, and the bad thing about the bad situation that we are in is the people of this country is setting back and letting the corrupted administration take us lower and lower. I am sorry but the changes that you have listed will do nothing to help this country without a change in politicians.
  • S Raab commented on 12/29/2011
    Though not regarded by some as being a significant issue, the damage to our social structure and stability that will be caused by Obama's refusal to uphold the DoMA (Defense of Marriage Act) will be long term. The President does not have the authority to deem a law as unconstitutional, but that is what he has done. I call upon Congress to do what is necessary to enforce this law.
  • Jim Mihlhauser commented on 12/29/2011
    I agree with Michael above. All of these issues are important and will help our country. But one of the things that will help the attitude of the American people is to hold people in high places responsible for their behavior in office. Beginning with the judicial branch all the way to the top. There is an oppression of the will of a few on the majority of the people or the rest of the country. Many people know that what they are hearing from many of our elected officials are half truths or bold faced lies. There is a growing anger because of this attitude from Washington D.C. I still believe in the goodness of the American people and their desire to live a peaceful committed life to our country but there will come a time when the anger spills over and unreasonableness comes forth to correct the arrogance and pride of a few.
  • Linda Pippin commented on 12/29/2011
    II would like to see the Republican Party change it's main focus from getting rid of Obama to dealing with business at hand. Congress' inability to pass bipartisan legislation keeps Americans in a constant state of stress and often wondering if those who receive Social Security will get paid. What is the advantage of Medicare? I currently pay $142.90 for health insurance (that includes dental) and when I begin receiving Medicare in May I must pay approximately $450 a month for comparable insurance with Medicare and a supplement which does not include dental insurance. Medicare works to great advantage for insurance companies, but does far less for individuals who are covered under it.
  • Milton Parrish commented on 12/29/2011
    I bebieve that the best thing that could happen is term limits for congress. I have no! faith in congress, they are more concerning in keeping their jobs than doing what is right for the American people. I feel they should serve part time and go haome and get a regular job like everyone else. If you can fine one!
  • William Clark commented on 12/29/2011
    I recommend that Congress establish oversight over the Executive Branch to rein in its excessive regulatory adventurism. Too much government destroys incentive and encourages the "hand out" rather than a "hand up" mentality. Regulation from multiple agencies, services and departments requires too much in compliance costs as opposed to compliance in years past. . The problem is not too much "additional" regulation. The problem is too much regulation overall. Reduce the regulation. Make the Executive cognizant of the cost of Federal compliance where it (the Federal executive) makes no assistance available. Since I am a proponent of assistance, not lifetime entitlements, I am also a proponent of far less regulation than we have now under the current administration. In my opinion, they are out of control and leaning "left" to curry favor and support, both monetarily and electorally, labor unions. . LESS REGULATION. LESS! LESS! LESS! . Thank you, Congressman Forbes, for your honest and conservative representation of your constituents. I wish there were 434 more like you!
  • Vernard Robertson commented on 12/29/2011
    Put a limit on the power of emergency financial managers.
  • Fred Hammel commented on 12/29/2011
    The first thing I would do is eliminate 60 percent of all fed. employees,2) base their salaries on the only real tax payers, the private sector. 3) I would eliminate 7 of their holidays, we in the private sector get 6 holidays and that is all they should get. 4) eliminate their early retirements , we in the private sector can not retire till we are 62 years old. 5) No more free health care, which is paid for by the private sector. 6)Get rid of the government unions. 7) put men back to work, in the private sector, right now women out number in the workforce.8) Restore Article One, Two, and Three, especially Article Two, the President is not a King, and also get rid of electing the president by popular vote, go back to the Electoral College, get rid of the 17 amendment
  • Becky Brown commented on 12/29/2011
    I firmly hold that each and every elected official, from the president on down, be held responsible, accountable, and answerable for their actions under the Laws, Constitution, and War Resolution. This authority is provided to the Congress under the Constitution and yet Congress REFUSES this, their duty, obligation, and responsibility and their Oath of Office, and further REFUSES to answer as to Why. A Lawless Government is of no value to me.
  • Andrew Reindollar commented on 12/29/2011
    What ever happened to asking God what he thinks?All through the Bible when people , Kings , Leaders got to big for their pants they had to be humbled down thats one of our hangups we don't know how to humble down and cry out to God Almighty !! If we don't humble , He will humble us !!! , He will answer the cry's of his people.We allowed satan to get us divided and that brings along with it disharmony , we will never move forward ununited , selfcentered , Lovers of money , Loosing the natural affection for human life!!! Their are still hope for America and our Government , God is still on the throne and he is waiting for us to call out to him , he will answer and show us great and mighty things that we know not , better ways , new ideas , more of his great love for his creatation , what a great and mighty God we SERVE !!!!
  • Gary Hardison commented on 12/29/2011
    Smaller, constitutionally responsible government.
  • Becky Brown commented on 12/30/2011
    I am not seeing where Congress is living up to oaths and its constitutional authority to maintain our current and applicable laws.
  • Becky Brown commented on 12/30/2011
    What happened to laws on illegal immigration and employment and border protection?
  • Becky Brown commented on 12/30/2011
    Why are laws on illegal immigration and jobs and our border protection being ignored?
  • Larry Mock commented on 12/30/2011
    Congressional term limits and a balanced budget would be an improvement to our elected government. Fewer perks and more time solving our country's problems would be unique as well. Thank you ~ ldm
  • Charles Gaskill commented on 12/31/2011
    Eliminating the debt should and must be the foremost thing on every politicians and every other Americans mind. Once that is done then a balanced budget will allow this country to do the great things that it used to be able to do without going into debt to do it. I whole heartedly agree that there should be term limits for ALL politicians, no permanent health care, and a minimal retirement. The money all politicians are paid and continue to be paid after office is OUTRAGEOUS. The American worker is being ripped off and dare I say it, raped by politicians without even a thank you. You vote yourself raises, protect yourselves from laws we have to live by and then, AND THEN, refuse to take responsibility of your actions. It sickens me to know that tomorrow will never be better because you (politicians), wont do the right thing. You wont do what the American people want you to do because you know it will be the end of your free ride on our backs. You all should be fired for incompetence! I've seen people fired for WAY less but you just keep doing a crappy job at making laws then hide from them any way you can. Illegal aliens must be stopped, that's all there is to it, just get it done. It's what the American people that pay taxes and your lame asses want, so do it NOW. We also must protect this nation from it's enemies, restructure if need be, cut the waste where it exists, but national defense is a must have. To do otherwise would be a slap in the face to every man and woman that has fought, served and died for this country. If you do these thing and more then maybe, just maybe, I would feel better about this country's future. Right now I feel the outlook is bleak, dark and dank. What you politicians have done to this country is sad and I'm sure our founding father are rolling over in their graves.
  • Roger Phillips commented on 1/2/2012
    Genuine reform of our health care system. One that does not continue to protect the vested interests of the bloated medical insurance industry. It is a world-wide SCANDAL that the United States is the LAST nation in the industrialized "free" world NOT to have confronted this problem. Even Great Britain corrected the deficiencies and abuses in the dreaded (by Americans) National Health Service OVER TEN YEARS AGO. So did all the other European and Pacific Rim nations. Why can we do it? Because the medical insurance industry keeps Congress in its pocket and Congress won't do anything to endanger their lucrative source of campaign contributions. Non-medical costs of health insurance administration continues at 30% of our health care dollar in the US, while the rest of the world has cut that to 10% or less. How can we provide American's with economical cost-effective medical care, pay doctors and nurses and hospitals a living wage when insurance executives continue to reap their multimillion dollar bonuses, second and third vacation houses, yachts and luxury cars, etc. Put the insurance industry on a level playing field with the rest of health care. REPEAL THE ERISSA LAW and see how fast they clean up their act.
  • Nathan Sherwin commented on 1/3/2012
    I believe that all of the listed elements would make this country a better place to live. However, we can help the economy and the jobs situation with a few main revisions to our tax code and spending habits. We need to bring our jobs back to U.S. soil. This can be done by implementing a tax code that has less loop holes, more freedoms within the corporate structure, and taxing those companies that send jobs overseas more than we do those that keep the jobs here. Provide an incentive for those companies that keep the jobs in the United States. For example, if GM wants to buy parts from other countries, and they can't prove that 75% of each vehicle is MADE (not assembled) in the U.S., then they receive a higher tax on those items that they import. If a company can prove that their product is 75% made here in the United States, then they get a hefty tax relief. If the companies that keep jobs in the United States are making their parts and assembling them here, we will have a larger tax base for the entire country; not to mention the boost to the economy it would provide. We also need to push for energy independence. We need to continue looking for alternate fuels and improve on making them more efficient. Start putting our tax dollars to use for those projects instead of grants for studies that determine why men wear jeans more than women, or to see how deep we can submerge a frog in the ocean to see the point at which it will crush under the pressure. We need to drill for ourselves instead of granting money to other countries to develop oil wells where we placed a moratorium. We can't rely on other countries to fairly provide us a resource we so desperately need. We need to cut our spending, pay our debts and run this country as every household and company has to. We as a country are not "Too Big to Fail". If we stopped all foreign aid to countries that don't actually need it, then we would have more to spend on our debts to become a financial independent country. Again, run the country like every household in America tries to do. We also need to keep our defense strong. A weak defense will only cause more attacks on our lifestyle and threaten our lives. That was evident when 9/11 happened. Due to President Clinton's inaction to terrorist attacks, we suffered the worst one of all. However, under President Bush, we showed the world that we won't sit back and let it happen, which turned out to be the safest eight years in the past 20 years. Again, to turn this economy around, we need three major things, jobs back in the United States, energy independence, and a strong and active military.
  • Deborah Yerby commented on 1/3/2012
    Dear Congressman Forbes, I have read all the comments and find all of them reasonable. My biggest concern is taxes and jobs.As taxpayers , it seems we pay more and more but receive less and less for the effort. In the end I do not thinkit matters if the future generations have no idea whatthe American Constitution is about and have no idea about h the history behind it.Education needs to be in the forefront but teachers are treated as second class citizens and not given the respect that they truly deserve.Government has taken over the school system to the point that many teachers simply have left the profession. In the state of Virginia, although I have a master's degree and over 30 yeas experience, I cannot use my expertise in community colleges or universities because I do not have 18 hrs. past my masters. Like many of my colleagues, I have chosen to leave the profession because. it seems nobody truly values waht AI have to offer anymore. It is much cheaper to pay inexperienced fresh out of college "teachers". THe education equity is in the state of Virginia is sad and is costing its citizens dearly.When is the last time a government official asked a TEACHER what is needed in the school systems.The American public is not dumb but apparently the road to knowledge is not paved with fortuitous ideas on how to put education into the 21st century and beyond.
  • Steve Faherty commented on 1/6/2012
    Change the corporate tax structure so that corporation won't have to go off shore and then we would have more Americans with jobs paying more taxes.
  • Lacey Wolf commented on 7/8/2012
    I quite agree about term limits for our elected officials. I also have never understood why they get such great retirement and other benefits while the rest of us are left to survive by our wits. It is completely unbalanced. http://www.streetarticles.com/debt-consolidation/debt-relief-options-the-inside-story
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