Wednesday December 19 2012

Murkowski: Benghazi Investigation “Confirms My Worst Concerns”

“This was not a Grassroots Protest ... This was a Cold, Calculated Terrorist Attack”

WASHINGTON, DC – Senator Lisa Murkowski today responded to an independent review of the September attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, that finds the security there to have been grossly inadequate in addition to systemic failures in communication and leadership – and which has led to the resignation of three State Department officials

“The release of today’s independent investigation into the September 11th attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya unfortunately confirms my worst concerns.  This was not a grassroots protest, as we’d been initially told; this was a cold, calculated terrorist attack.  Worse still, warnings of dangerous conditions went unheeded and requests for additional security operations were not acted upon.  I would have rather seen honest acknowledgements from the administration as they learned their initially broadcast description was incorrect than have the truth come out only from an outside and impartial review board.  This administration is quick to share their successes with Americans – they need to be more transparent and responsive in fixing their mistakes, especially when they cost American lives.

“Moving forward, I appreciate Secretary of State Clinton’s acceptance of all of the review board’s suggestions.  We must do all we can and remain ever vigilant of the threat posed by Radical Islamists worldwide, and be as proactive and flexible in our security efforts as possible.”

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